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Might translate Russian

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"Astro Blaster", "Laser Might"... Todos eles tem o raio do mesmo nome.
Астробластер, Лазерная мощь - все они одинаковые.
Might as well face it You're addicted to love Might as well face it You're addicted to love
Тьi знаешь, тебе все мало, тьi пристрастился к любви.
"Mas, por outro lado, talvez vá."
But, then again, I just might.
But if you try sometimes you might find
But if you try sometimes you might find
Tentem ver-se mais vezes e comunicar um pouco mais. Se não resultar, parte para outra.
It's telling me it might be you...
Estou informado E no nível certo
I'm informed and on the level that I might mention
Posso parecer desprezível Se sentir que a merda é epidêmica
And I might sound spiteful if I feel shit's epidemic
Vou mudar o local para o Joe's. Para ele não pode dizer que o mau cheiro vem de ti.
I think I'm gonna change it to Joe's so he might not be able to tell that stink's coming from you.
* Porque preciso me salvar, então preciso partir * * Se você me telefonar essa noite *
Cause I got myself to save so I might be gone if you call on me tonight
* Então eu talvez tenha ido se você me ligar esta noite *
So I might be gone if you call on me tonight
* Pois posso cair longe como as estrelas no chão esta noite *
So I might fall far like the stars in heaven tonight
- There Might Be Blood -
Сплетница 2 сезон 9 серия
- Deve haver uma casa por aqui.
Down there, that might be a house.
Guardei isto para si, para o caso de um dia vir a precisar.
I kept it for you, just in case you might need it someday.
Acho que é capaz de se ter esquecido de qualquer coisa.
I think you might have forgotten somethin'.
You might well look sheepish, you twat.
Ты, может, и выглядишь робким, мудила.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah - Might as well jump #
Я тоже могу прыгать
# Might as well jump # #
ба, ба, ба тоже можешь прыгать ба, ба, ба-да ба, ба-да-да
- Might as well jump # # Might as well jump #
Ты тоже можешь прыгать
- But if you try sometimes # # Well, you just might find # #
Но если ты однажды попытаешься,
# But if you try sometimes # # Well, you just might find #
Но если ты однажды попытаешься,
* I was worrying about the way that things might have been *
Мысли о делах отгоняя прочь.
* Worried about the way things might have been *
Мысли о делах отгоняя прочь.
You might think that I Won't make it on my own
* Ты, возможно, думаешь, * * что сама я бы никогда не сделала так *
I might as well be the one.
* Я мог бы также быть один *
Oh, but they never told you the price that you'd pay for things that you might have done.
* Да, но они никогда не говорили тебе цену, которую ты готова заплатить * * За вещи, которые ты могла бы сделать *
- Talvez seja uma boa ideia.
That might be a good idea.
Todo lugar onde se forme uma multidão.
going on in the city for the next 48 hours... Все, где люди будут собираться в больших количествах. Anyplace were people might gather in large numbers.
Percebem que um grupo terrorista está ameaçando atacar e milhares podem estar em risco?
We thought the two of them might have got on to something. Вы понимаете, что терорристическая ячейка планирует You two do realize that a terrorist cell is threatening ударить и что на коны жизни тысячи людей?
Ela enviou a Sarah alguma carta de ameaça, qualquer coisa que esteja arquivada?
- Она когда-нибудь посылала Саре письма с угрозами anything that you might have on file?
A Sarah pode ter achado que era minha filha, mas não a matei.
Sarah might have been under the impression that she was my daughter, but I didn't kill her.
Olha, eu... posso ter misturado alguns dos roteiros, mas eu estava na reunião do Clube na noite em que a Sarah morreu.
Look, I'm... I might have mixed up some of the scripts, but I was at The Fellowship mixer The night that Sarah died.
- Pode haver repórteres lá dentro.
There might be reporters on the inside. Хорошо.
O Mannis pode levar-nos ao Ganz, manda a foto para as forças.
Okay, mannis might lead us to Ganz, so let's get his photo to all the troops.
Talvez seja melhor fazê-lo.
Uh, you might want to go up the ladder.
Achas... que isto pode ser outro desses momentos?
You think... this might be another one of those moments?
Evidentemente 90 milhões não são tão irresistíveis como se pode pensar.
Evidently, $ 90 million isn't as compelling as one might think.
Devem ser a família mais confusa que já conheci.
You might be the most fucked-up family I've ever come across.
Estou preocupada que o Silas faça algo estúpido.
Anyway, I'm just... worried Silas might do something stupid.
Talvez, quando saíres, após cumprir 8 a 12 anos por tráfico, os teus pais possam comprar umas da Tiffany.
Hey, maybe when you get out from doing 8 to 12 for distribution, your parents might get you a pair from Tiffany's.
yeah, I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl you never know where a wolf might crouch but his natural habitat's the casting couch so take lots of pictures of the wildlife to tell the wolf you could share with his wife
и никогда не знаешь, где волк начнет лосниться но его природа потянется к дивану так что сохрани несколько кадров "дикой природы" чтобы потом разделить их с женой этого волка охотни будет пойман игрой а лев Лео прорычит твое имя!
Agora vou voar por este corredor e acordar o modelo giro, porque ao contrário do que tu e a tua amiga pobre pensam, faço sempre o trabalho para o qual fui contratada.
And now, I'm going to float down this hall and wake the hot model up'cause, contrary to what you and your poverty gal-pal might think, I always do the job I'm hired for. Oh, no!
Acho que pode estar morto.
I think he might be dead.
Preciso de reconstruir o esqueleto e ver se há alguma lesão que possa ter causado a morte.
I have to reconstruct her skeleton to see if I can any trauma that might've caused her demise.
Podemos ter mais sorte desta vez, já que temos uma área maior para trabalhar.
We might have better luck this time around, given that there's now three times the wound to work with.
Talvez sendo mãe e tudo mais, possa ajudar-me a perceber o ponto de vista dela.
Maybe with you being a mother and all, you might be able to help me see her point of view?
É melhor também levar fraldas.
We might as well pick up some diapers, too.
Sim, já estou a tratar disso, embora esteja a pensar que não queiram admitir isso.
Уже работаю над этим, хотя, думаю, they might not be inclined to admit it.
Não sei V, nalgum ponto vamos ter de aceitar que não era para ser.
I don't know, V, at some point we might have to accept that it's not meant to be.
Eu prefiro comer outra coisa.
I might rather eat a different thing.
- Há quanto tempo dura? - Dez meses. - Vêem-se quando?
Something's telling me it might be you...

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