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Gritando alto como eles
Squawking just as noisily as they can
Virão me pedir conselhos
They will ask me to advise them
Pensam que gente rica sabe de tudo
When you're rich they think you really know
Quando eles cresceram
When did they
Eles não eram tão pequenos
When they were small
Agora eles devem aprender
Now they must learn
Eles parecem tão bem
They look so natural
Quem passa por Anatevka nem mesmo sabe que esteve aqui.
People who pass through Anatevka don't even know they've been here.
Vão ficar embasbacados no bar quando me virem com a minha toga
♪ They'II be ga-ga at the go-go When they see me in my toga
Gente louca batendo à porta Porque querem mais
Crazy people knockin''Cause they want some more
A banda da prisão estava lá e começaram a tocar uma música
Prison band was there and they began to wail
They can't take away Our day of liberty Like we all decided
- Когда они пробурили эту скважину, они наткнулись на подземный источник, о существовании которого не подозревали!
That it was destiny They fight us Unite us
Они дали нам чертову независимость, потому что знают, что у нас все равно ничего ценного нет.
"Quando o fizerem, estarei mesmo atrás de ti."
When they do, I'll be right behind you.
"Tão triste pelos que tiveram que pagar."
So sad they had to fade it.
Acabaram de sair daqui.
They just took off.
Because they are special!
Потому что они особенные!
They'll be bursting soon They're just bound to go pop
# ¬ се проблемы всего лишь мыльный пузырь # # " они все разобьютс € вдрызг #
- É, é claro que são.
- Yeah, of course they are.
With words that were thought they could retort
Ктo-тo мoжeт на этo вoзразить
They took my whole paycheck, and I know why
Они забрали всe мoи дeньги И я знаю, пoчeму
Mas eles não podem ajudar seus vizinhos ;
But they cannot help their neighbors ; Но они не могут помочь близким ;
Oh. They've been to the Tower of London?
Они уже были в Лондонском Тауэре?
Estes são seus amigos Mas são amigos de verdade?
These are your friends but are they real friends?
Eles te amam Tanto quanto eu?
Do they love you as much as me?
É improvável que eles estejam no interior.
It's very unlikely that they've gone inland.
Because they'd get beaten up on the Tube.
Потому что им бы тяжело было бы ездить в метро.
Suponho que nos podemos encontrar depois?
Хорошо, мы можем встретиться после, я так думаю? 119 00 : 06 : 47,433 - - 00 : 06 : 50,315 - I hear they play long sets.
They're very understanding about not going camping this weekend.
Они всё поняли и готовы никуда не ехать в эти выходные.
Well, they're not pressing charges.
Обвинять меня не будут.
mas eles acordaram no inferno que os pagãos sejam avisados é melhor tu ouvires-me ou será o fogo do inferno pela eternidade arrependam-se todos os pecadores porque a vossa vida está em jogo é melhor tu rezares para o Senhor para ele levar a tua alma
But they woke up in hell... Heathens be warned, you better listen to me, or it's fire and brimstone, for eternity. Repent all you sinners,'cause your life is at stake, you better pray the Lord, for your soul to take.
como é que vai ser, quando baterem em mim?
What's it gonna be when they be from me? "Копы"?
E não param de me chamar
- That keep calling me - They keep calling me
Pois vamos despedir-nos de todos Enquanto eles voltam aos quartéis
'Cause we're saying goodbye to them all As back to their billets they crawl
I wanna hear it said they'll never part somehow
I wanna hear it said they'll never part somehow
Um casamento gay não é o sítio ideal para se impedir alguém de ser quem quiser.
A gay wedding is hardly the place to stop someone from being who they want to be.
- Disseram que podia ser.
They said it's fine. Yay!
- Fez um vídeo para a namorada.
They're making a video for his girlfriend.
They think we're in heaven but we're living in hell
Mesmo estando mortos
( AIl ) Even though they're dead...
* Porque elas sempre me disseram que eu iria passar minha vida com você *
Cause they always told me I would spend my life with you
* Porque eles sempre me disseram que eu iria passar minha vida com você *
And they always told me I would spend my life with you
Every Romeo agrees they have never seen such a girl.
Даже Ромео согласился бы, что подобной красоты не видел.
They have never seen such a girl.
Все согласились бы с ним.
Every Romeo agrees that they have never seen such a girl.
Даже Ромео согласился бы, что подобной красоты не видел.
Onde os idiotas vêm Para se divertir E para gastar o dinheiro dos pais Só para levar para casa Mulheres da má vida
Where the douchebags come to party and to spend their fathers cash just to take home slutty women and then wake up with the rash yeah, they wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up with a rash
Esta noite leva-me ao sitio Onde os feridos Nós mantêm acordados E os tipos com as camisolas com capaz
Take me out to pLace tonight where the walnut keeps our tight and the guys in hooded sweatshirts have forgotten that they're white
# all they do is remind me of you... #
#... они постоянно напоминают о тебе. #
Da maioria nem nos apercebemos até nos acertarem na cabeça.
Most you won't even see coming till they've smacked you in the head.
" I don't know where they went.
Их не сыскать теперь.
- Mas gostas dele?
Когда ты их любишь, они сводят тебя с ума...'cause they know they can. - Нет. Хорошо.

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