Еы translate English
62 parallel translation
опнькн бпелъ еы ╗ ндмнцн скэрхлюрслю- - ху псйх ашкх ябъгюмш боепедх, нмх ашкх ябъгюмш якедсчыхл напюгнл.
Another deadline has come and gone... They had their hands tied in front of them, their hands were tied like that.
щрн опхбкейюкн лемъ б м ╗ л еы ╗ х онрнлс, врн ъ ашкю онкмни опнрхбнонкнфмнярэч х я дпсцхлх кчдэлх... х яюлю я янани.
It was very attractive to me because... I was not so at peace with everyone and everybody and certainly not with myself.
мелжш бхдекх б хцпюу бнглнфмнярэ яреперэ... оюлърэ н реу нрпхжюрекэмшу лнлемрюу, йнрнпше лмнцхе онлмхкх еы ╗ я нкхлохюдш 1936 цндю б аепкхме, йнрнпюъ ашкю хяонкэгнбюмю мюжхярюлх б опноюцюмдхяряйху жекъу.
The Germans saw the games as an opportunity to erase the negative memories many still had of the 1936 Berlin Olympics which had been misused by the Nazis for propaganda purposes.
опнгбсвюк тхмюкэмши ябхярнй, х яью... опнднкфючр нярюбюрэяъ меонаедхлшлх, еякх рнкэйн, ясдэъ цнбнпхр, врн нярюкняэ еы ╗ 3 яейсмдш дн йнмжю хцпш.
And that is the whistle anyway, and the United States have kept their unbeaten record unless... The referee says there's three more seconds to play.
ъ ашкю б нрвюъмхх, онрнлс врн дслюкю, врн с мецн асдср меопхърмнярх, йнцдю нм бепм ╗ ряъ мюгюд, б лчмуем, мн нм яйюгюк : "унпньн, еы ╗ ндхм демэ ъ асдс я рнани."
I was desperate because I thought he's going to get in trouble when he gets back to Munich because they're waiting for him there. He said, "Well, another day with you."
х еы ╗ ндхм, нупюмъчыхи дбепэ мю аюкйнме.
And another man guarding the balcony door.
хгпюхкэ нярюкяъ меопейкнмем б рнл, врнаш ме гюйкчвюрэ мхйюйни ядекйх я реппнпхярюлх, мн врнаш онръмсрэ бпелъ, бедсыхе оепецнбнпш янкцюкх хяяе, врн нмх бя ╗ еы ╗ фдср нйнмвюрекэмнцн нрберю хг хепсяюкхлю.
Israel remained adamant that no deal could be struck with the terrorists but to buy time, the negotiators lied to Issa saying they were still awaiting a definitive answer from Jerusalem.
онянк еы ╗ пюг онбрнпхк, врн хгпюхкэ ме онид ╗ р мю сярсойх.
The ambassador repeated again that no deal would be made.
[дФХЛ лЮЙйЩИ] мейнрнпше янпебмнбюмхъ бя ╗ еы ╗ опнднкфюкхяэ.
Some competitions are continuing. They will be allowed to finish.
ашкн рнкэйн 5 ямюиоепнб, онрнлс врн онкхжхъ бя ╗ еы ╗ бепхкю, врн реппнпхярнб бяецн 4-5 векнбей.
There were only five snipers because the police still believed there would be a total of four to five terrorists.
брнпни бепрнк ╗ р якедсер гю мхл х керхр дюкэье, бнйпсц бшянйни цкюбмни нкхлохияйни аюьмх... й йнмевмнлс осмйрс, йнрнпнцн лш еы ╗ ме гмюел.
The second helicopter is now following it and moving out around this tremendously high major Olympic tower as they depart to a destination we, of course, as yet do not know.
[жБХ гЮЛХП] яеивюя йнлюмдхп цпсоош, еы ╗ я ндмхл реппнпхярнл нропюбхкхяэ опнбепхрэ яюлнк ╗ р.
Now, the leader of the team, he and another one went to check the aircraft.
онякедмее, врн лш якшьюкх хг ющпнонпрю "щрн мюярнъыхи юд гдеяэ" мн он-опефмелс опнднкфюеряъ ярпекэаю... мхвецн еы ╗ ме гюйнмвемн х лш ме гмюел н ясдэае гюкнфмхйнб.
The latest word we get from the airport is that, quote, "All hell has broken loose out there" that there is still shooting going on but all seems to be confusion.
х лш яйюгюкх : " врн еы ╗?
Zvi Zamir, Chief of Mossad 1968-74
мн, онрнлс врн бяе днпнцх ашкх гюахрш гебюйюлх, нмх яслекх опхашрэ рнкэйн вепег вюя, мн й щрнлс бпелемх бяъ оепеярпекйю онврх гюйнмвхкюяэ бя ╗ еы ╗ мхйюйху ябедемхи, йнрнпшу лш фд ╗ л я мерепоемхел, ябедемхи н ясдэае гюкнфмхйнб.
But because the roads were congested with onlookers they did not arrive at the scene for another hour by which time most of the fighting was over. Still no word the word we really want, from the hostages.
Never mind. It's still working hours, right?
One more chance!
Instead of offering your help, do you really have to crush my last bit of self-respect?
She is also very old friend of mine.
You make him call three times.
One more thing.
Cheers to Robin, because he's going away, and we're not going to see him for a very long time.
ецн мхйнлс еы ╗ ме сдюбюкняэ бйкчвхрэ!
Give it back!
ни. йюйюъ цюднярэ! ю еы ╗ йпюямее ме лнц мюирх?
Wasn't there anything redder and grosser?
еы ╗ ъ пеьхк онлемърэ лемч б ярнкнбни.
From now on, McDonald's Party!
- дю мер... ъ еы ╗ унрек...
No, I have an idea.
бш мхйнцдю ме унрекх ашрэ йел-рн еы ╗, йпнле ябъыеммхйю?
Did you ever want to be anything but a priest?
ю бш мхйнцдю ме унрекх ашрэ еы ╗ йел-рн онлхлн... тнрнцпютю?
Have you ever wanted to be anything other than photographer?
х еы ╗... 10 пюгпшбмшу.
And then 10 explosive.
с лемъ рюйху еы ╗ ме ашкн.
I've never had one before.
сахрш еы ╗ дбе опнярхрсрйх
Two more murdered prostitutes.
лме мсфмн еы ╗ бпелъ.
I need some more time.
опхькх еы ╗ союйнбнвмни рйюмх х дбсярнпнммчч кемрс.
Send up more sackcloth and double-sided tape.
яксьюи, ъ еы ╗ унрекю... хцнкйс, мхрйс х мнфмхжэ ╡.
I also wanted a needle, thread and scissors.
онфюксиярю. йпнбэ еы ╗ фхбнцн фхбнрмнцн.
Here it is... taken from the animal while it was still alive.
ялнрпх мю щрн, йюй мю еы ╗ ндхм щяоепхлемр.
Look on it as another of your experiments.
х еы ╗ ъ якэ ╡ ьюкю цнкняю... люпхкхю?
I heard voices too. Marilia?
яейю яоюяяъ х яаефюк, ю нмю... пнаепр мюь ╗ к е ╗ сфюямн нацнпебьеи, мн бя ╗ еы ╗ я опхгмюйюлх фхгмх.
Zeca survived and ran away. But she... Robert found her, horribly burned, but still with a flicker of life.
рюй врн, еякх нмю пеьхр яаефюрэ еы ╗ пюг... еи опхд ╗ ряъ декюрэ щрн цнкни, онрнлс врн ъ опндюч е ╗ беых.
So the next time she does it... she'll have to leave naked because I'm selling her clothes.
хрюй... йюй рэ ╡ гюлерхк, ноепюжхъ опнькю сяоеьмн, мн ьпюлэ ╡ рйюмх, напюгсчыхе бюцхмс, еы ╗ нвемэ мефмэ ╡ е х лнцр якхомсрэяъ.
As you've just seen, the operation was successful... but the tissues of the vagina are still very tender and could stick together.
врн еы ╗ бэ ╡ унрхре ядекюрэ?
What else are you going to do?
боепедх еы ╗ лмнцн пюанрэ ╡.
There's still work to do.
рэ ╡ сярюмнбхк еы ╗ рекебхгнпэ ╡?
You've installed more televisions.
нмю ме кчахр, йнцдю гю рнани суюфхбюер йрн-рн еы ╗.
She doesn't like anyone else looking after you.
рэ ╡ еы ╗ гдеяэ?
Are you still here?
яеивюя нм йсдю анкее лсфеярбемем, пюанрюер б кня-юмдфекеяе, ямхлюъяэ б онпмн, х фхб ╗ р опхоебючвх. врн еы ╗ рэ ╡ унрек?
He's much more muscular now and he's working in L.A... in porn movies, and making a fortune. What's this about?
бя ╗ еы ╗ анкэмн?
Does it still hurt?
рюй лме асдер еы ╗ анкэмеи.
Wouldn't that hurt more?
онйю еы ╗ мер.
Not yet.
опнбепхл еы ╗ пюг.
Let's check again.
дюи лме еы ╗ меяйнкэйн дмеи.
Just give me a few more days.