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We're doing an oral history of the neighbourhood, stories about that time.
Estamos armando una historia acerca del vecindario, recuerdos de ese momento.
Maybe we don't tell Josh that part.
Mejor no le contamos esa parte a Josh.
Every few decades, we have to reinvent ourselves, and this is me.
Cada varias décadas, tenemos que reinventarnos, y este soy yo.
That's why we keep asking questions instead of leaving.
Por eso deberíamos seguir haciendo preguntas en vez de marcharnos.
Best-case scenario, we have a nice little home delivery of something.
El mejor escenario, tenemos un lindo hogar de reparto de algo.
Mom and baby make it, but how often do we get best case, you know?
Mamá y bebé lo lograron, pero ¿ con qué frecuencia se tienen los mejores casos, sabes?
Should we save this? И что нам теперь делать?
¿ Deberíamos salvar esto? - ¡ Oh!
- We'll deal with them as they come.
- Las manejaremos cuando aparezcan.
We just gotta go with the flow!
Tenemos que seguir la onda.
We need a plan!
¡ Necesitamos un plan!
I know, but we're almost there. Ok!
Lo sé, pero ya falta menos.
We're making it up as we go.
Vamos resolviéndolo en el camino.
But I've stored up centuries of regret, and the one thing I can say is all that you can do, all that we can ever do...
Pero he acumulado siglos de arrepentimiento, y lo que sí puedo decir es que todo lo que puedes hacer, todo lo que siempre puedes hacer...
I thought we were gonna lose her. ( Sighing ) And the kid!
Pensé que la perderíamos. ¡ Y al bebé!
Then we'd be stuck with Andrew!
¡ Entonces estaríamos atrapados con Andrew!
I have been lying to you, uh, since the day that we've met.
He estado mintiéndote, uh, desde el día que nos conocimos.
I didn't... well, we didn't travel anywhere.
Yo no... bien, nosotros no viajamos a cualquier lugar.
Капитан Дэнмур, это В...
¿ Capitán Denmoor? Soy We...
We will monitor everyone coming in and out.
Monitorizaremos cada entrada y salida.
Jenkins did all he could for Shaun, he's got no ill will for the man. - Any idea where we can find him?
Y los estudiantes que estaban se les pidio que participan a retirar, cosa que hicieron inmediatamente cuando se enfrentan a nuestra evidencia.
Ok, number one, my identity's not tied to a zip code... number two, we work there.
Y si es de los matrimonios? Todas estas parejas, que parece perfecto.
Yeah, well now that it's out, we better find Manning sooner rather than later, otherwise the optics could kill us.
La seleccion de tiro es horrible y con las peliculas en su conjunto, lo olvidan.
We had mobs in the streets, looking for this guy. Luckily... we found Manning first, which is exactly what I expect to happen this time.
Muy bien, asi que la pregunta es, si el enlace no es un acompañante, no nada atar estas victimas juntos, aparte de sus perfiles?
He has a heck of a long sheet, looks like we're looking at mostly, street robberies, burglaries, and sexual assaults.
Stanton Ward, esta divorciada. nuestro chico no se lo va a apuntar. Burns, creeme. este guy'll ser de ayuda para nosotros. Oh, el ya nos ayudo. sabemos donde las chicas hacen su primera reunion.
Psychopath gets out on parole, murders his lawyer, goes after his old victim, and we still can't still caught him up?
Como lo hice? Esta bien. Pero usted sabe, usted podria dejar de sonreir.
Except he's right. We can't bring in Manning he'll just find someone else who can.
Y ahora que hago.
Ok... to make a case against Cordero for the rape, we have to put him in the park at the time.
Recuerde que dije constante el contacto visual. Cierto?
We both know why it matters.
Que esta pasando? Tienes una visual de Carrie?
Do you know what an idiot I was when we were here for that wedding?
Wow. Como es ella?
We're looking at 9mm slugs, hollow point, the same type of round that killed Chris Jenkins.
No se preocupe. Estare en casa pronto. Oh, voy a tener su tuberia y zapatillas listo para usted.
Yeah, we keep a record of every car we park. - Make, model, plate.
Has tenido suerte esta vez.
We think Manning and Jenkins made Cordero for the Central Park rape.
No llegamos recibos. Asi jefe, parece que esta abierta y cerrar con Harvey Reynolds.
We think Jenkins then took it to Gordon Frost.
Incluso hasta los asesinatos en Columbus.
Ok, but then how do we get to Gordon Frost killing someone he's never heard of?
Coincide con el permiso de ausencia que tomo de la libreria de la universidad.
Listen, we got a report from a mounted cop that can place in Central Park the night of the rape.
Harvey era un huerfano. Criado en un establecimiento del estado, gerente abusivo quien desnatada fondos para mantener el y su esposa en el lujo.
- Good. - If word gets out, that we're looking at Frost, right or wrong... Keep it that way.
Dos veces en dos dias?
Eliot, we can't jus tclose our eyes and
Pez del rio. Gotcha. Y abrir una botella de vino.
We need to get a killer off the streets.
Madre e I. Oh.
Some of you will recognize Shaun Manning, but his is not the arrest we are here to announce.
No pretendas. Lo sabias, verdad? Cuando que toco en la noche, que lo sabias.
We matched Cordero's DNA samples with the clothes Rupa Nair was wearing.
No eres mas que un niño pequeño. Como puedes entender?
Yeah. We need and orderly on the Pediatric floor.
Como controlador que tiene acceso a fondos discrecionales.
Besides... your red couch, there's no way it's gonna fit in that living-room. I hate to tell you, I got rid of it. - Ok... what do we do...
Deberias haber visto a dos personas... en un frenesi absoluto... vorazmente... devorando... pescado crudo.
I remember you... from that other place we looked at.
Que paso con mi sushi? Oh, algo ocurrio.
I guess I could talk to the seller and we could make a deal?
Hablamos. Que, usted da su consejo de la vida? No, ella me dio un consejo, en realidad.
We got a car out front here.
No quiero grabar ninguna cara, eh?
We will come by, and take a look as soon as we can.
No necesitamos todo el espectaculo.
I'm thinking, if it's not about a job, maybe we find the person who's helping him hide out.
Que quieres?
- Mind if we come inside?
Es curioso, I...
Why should we trust you?
Que demonios?
We also believe that Manning became obsessed with Mr.
Lo tengo.
- We had her right where we wanted her.
Esta planeando en la consideracion de su consejo?

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