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Я пережила много ужасных начинаний, и повидала много несчастных концов, поэтому я закрываю книгу до того, как начинается история. До того, как начинается история.
I have lived through bad beginnings and l've seen unhappy ends so I close the book before the story starts before the story starts
- I don't have a monitor behind me.
- Je n'ai pas de moniteur derrière moi.
when we have an HR rep who cares what goes on on this floor.
un responsable des RH fera attention à ce qu'il se passe ici.
How much time do I have to formulate a comeback?
Combien de temps j'ai pour formuler mon retour?
Why does it have to be like this?
Pourquoi se comporter comme ça?
It's just not the day to have the argument.
Ce n'est juste pas le jour pour en discuter.
♪ Я не должен бояться этого ♪
♪ I don t have to fear it ♪
But that go-getter initiative you have, I'm not crazy about that, either.
Mais cette initiative de battant que tu as, je n'aime pas ça non plus.
You didn't think to just have someone print it out?
Demander à quelqu'un de l'imprimer ne te serait pas venu à l'idée?
I'd rather have a human rights expert.
Je préférerais avoir un expert des droits de l'homme.
August 2, they staged their first organizing meeting and have been holding weekly planning meetings, which they call general assemblies.
Le 2 août, ils ont organisé leur premier meeting et en ont tenu un chaque semaine, qu'ils appellent assemblée générale.
50 to 100 people have been showing up.
50 à 100 personnes y ont participé.
We're going to have to end this there.
Nous allons devoir conclure.
I'll have a word with him.
Je vais lui parler.
I'm gonna give you a name to call, but you have to use me to help you follow it.
Je vais te donner un nom à appeler, mais tu dois te servir de moi pour t'aider à la suivre.
You have to use me to help you follow it.
Tu dois te servir de moi pour t'aider à la suivre.
You didn't have a problem making one when you went to break 41 seconds early.
Tu n'as pas eu de problème pour en créer une pour la pause, 41 secondes avant.
- Have a good night.
- Bonsoir.
- You don't have to say it like that.
- T'as pas à le dire comme ça.
I still don't have your last name.
Je n'ai toujours pas votre nom de famille.
Are you worried that the horizontal structure is gonna give power to people who shouldn't have it?
Et vous êtes inquiets qu'une structure horizontale donne au peuple du pouvoir qu'il ne devrait pas avoir?
And you can't have a protest unless the media's covering it.
Tu ne peux pas avoir de manifestation si les médias ne la couvre pas.
You don't have the patience for complicated things.
Tu n'as pas la patience pour les choses compliquées.
If there was a way to blame it on you, don't you think I would have done that by now?
Si c'était un moyen de te blâmer, ne penses-tu pas que je l'aurais déjà fait?
It feels like the relationship I have with the audience.
Ça ressemble à la relation que j'ai avec le public.
- I don't think either of us have the first idea what that song's about.
- Je crois qu'aucun de nous n'a la moindre idée de ce que raconte la chanson.
Крошка, мне никто не нужен, если тебя нет со мной.
♪ I don t want nobody, baby ♪ If I can t have you
Если тебя нет со мной, крошка, мне никто не нужен.
♪ If I can t have you I don t want nobody, baby
Если тебя нет со мной...
♪ If I can t have you, oh oh oh, oh!
Получилось 3 в ряд.
Let's have three in a row.
Ну, не обязательно снеговика...
It doesn t have to be a snowman.
Они говорят, наберись мужества, и я пытаюсь...
They say have courage and l'm trying to...
Остались только мы вдвоем.
We only have each other.
Годами я бегала по эти пустым залам.
For years I have roamed these empty halls.
Зачем нужен бальный зал, если нет балов?
Why have a ballroom with no balls?
Веди себя хорошо всегда.
Be the good girl you always have to be.
Нашей Умстенной Синхронизации есть только одно объяснение -
Our mental synchronization can have but one explanation,
Нам больше не придется её чувствовать!
We don t have to feel it anymore!
Всегда веди себя хорошо,
Be the good girl you always have to be.
Тебе не нужно больше отдаляться от меня.
You don t have to keep your distance anymore.
Тебе не нужно жить в страхе.
You don t have to live in fear.
Тебе не надо бояться.
You don t have to be afraid.
Играет "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" Wang Chung
[Wang Chung s Everybody Have Fun Tonight playing]
"You don't have to live like a refugee"
[ "You don t have to live like a refugee" ]
If you have, if you need
[ " If you have, if you need
Even when the devil seemed to have a heart
[ "Even when the devil seemed to have a heart" ]
I wanna have some fun
[ " I wanna have some fun
Wanna have some fun
[ " Wanna have some fun
Just wanna have some fun
[ " Just wanna have some fun
I have one of the gals on the late shift punch me out at close.
C'est une des filles qui fait la fermeture qui pointe pour moi.
Закончил уже?
♪ that s just what I have to believe " ♪ Tu as déjà fini?

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