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Realized translate Portuguese

11 parallel translation
Yes, and I realized I had a lot to learn.
Sim e percebi que tinha muito a aprender.
You know, I should have realized that...
Devia ter percebido que...
We sat down with our accountant last week and realized it's gonna cost over $ 1 million to educate those two little animals.
Falamos com o contabilista na semana passada, e vai custar mais de um milhão para educar os dois animais.
I just realized. That huge fight that dad had with Mr. Ward, my gay seventh grade science teacher- -
Que aquela luta do meu pai com o Sr. Ward, o professor gay de ciências da 7ª classe...
When I got the results, I realized I could reverse engineer the chemical compound of the drug, produce a synthesized version myself using the facilities here.
Quando recebi os resultados, percebi que podia fazer a engenharia reversa do composto químico da droga, produzir uma versão sintética usando estas instalações.
I never realized that he wrote music for the movies.
Nunca tinha percebido que ele escreveu música para filmes.
I realized I paid too much for my muffler.
Apercebi-me que paguei demais pelo meu cachecol.
When I realized who it was, I tried to run.
Queres gastar algum comigo?
Elena realized it was the only way to protect her husband and the charity, so she went along with it.
A Elena percebeu que era a única forma de proteger o marido e a ONG, então, alinhou.
When the killer realized the mistake he made with Crawford, the punishment was cold-blooded murder.
Quando o assassino percebeu o erro que fez com o Crawford, a punição foi o assassinato a sangue frio.
You realized Henry was gonna clear Suyin's debt and take her away from you.
Percebeu que o Henry pagaria a dívida da Suyin e iria levá-la para longe de si.

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