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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ E ] / Evde kimse yoktu

Evde kimse yoktu translate English

106 parallel translation
Evde kimse yoktu.
No one's home.
Bersagliera tutklandı ve evde kimse yoktu.
If you had not arrested the Bersagliera,
Belki siz dışarı çıktınız ve evde kimse yoktu.
But perhaps you'd gone out and no one was home.
Evde kimse yoktu.
There was nobody at home.
Evde kimse yoktu.
There was no one at the house.
Neyseki, evde kimse yoktu, biz işimize bakalım.
Anyway, there's no one in the house. Let's forget it
Fakat evde kimse yoktu.
But there was no one at home.
Evde kimse yoktu bir sigara yaktım, bekledim, ortalıkta görünmedi.
No one was home I smoked a cigarette, waited, he never showed up.
- Evde kimse yoktu.
- Nobody was at home.
Evde kimse yoktu.
Ain't nobody home. Nobody was home.
- Evde kimse yoktu.
No one was home.
Evde kimse yoktu.
There is no one at the house.
Neyse ki çöktüğünde evde kimse yoktu.
But nobody was there at the time it fell.
Evde kimse yoktu...
No one home.
Evde kimse yoktu.
Nobody was home.
Evde kimse yoktu.
Nobody was there.
Hani evde kimse yoktu?
Hey, you said the guy wasn't home.
Evde kimse yoktu.
There was no one in the house.
- Evde kimse yoktu.
- There was no one in that house.
Senin evin orada durdum. Evde kimse yoktu.
I stopped by your place.
Bu imkansız çünkü evde kimse yoktu.
You don't know what you're talking about, because no one was here.
Evet, ama evde kimse yoktu.
Sure, there was no one home.
Evde kimse yoktu.
There was no one at home.
Aradım ama evde kimse yoktu.
I tried calling, but no one was home.
Oraya gittim ama evde kimse yoktu.
I went around but the place was empty.
Adresi elimizde ama beklendiği üzere evde kimse yoktu.
We got her address, but like we expected, nobody home.
Evde kimse yoktu.
There was nobody home.
Ama evde kimse yoktu.
But there wasn't anyone at home.
Evde kimse yoktu.
No one was home.
- Evde kimse yoktu.
- No one was home. - What?
Evde kimse yoktu.
House was empty.
Evet, ama oraya gittiğimde, evde kimse yoktu.
Yeah, but, when I got here, no one was there.
Bütün gün evde yoktu, çocuk da öyle ne zaman döneceğini de kimse bilmiyor.
She ain't been home all day and neither has the kid... and nobody knows when she'll be back.
Olay gerçekleştiğinde evde başka kimse yoktu, değil mi?
There was nobody else in the house, was there, when it happened?
Ve o saatte evde hizmetçi dışında kimse yoktu.
And there was no one in the house at the time excepting the servant.
Evde, ikimizden başka kimse yoktu.
There was no one in the house but we two.
Öğleden sonra evde kimse yoktu.
- Yes.
Hayır, evde Bayan Willis dışında kimse yoktu ve o da projeksiyon odasında film izliyordu.
No, there was no one else in the house except Mrs. Willis and she was in the projection room watching a movie.
Evde ona bakacak kimse yoktu.
There's no one at home to look after him.
Ve evde onu kullanacak kimse yoktu. Kâhya hariç.
And nobody's been home to drive it but the butler.
Sayın yargıç, baskın sırasında evde ondan başka kimse yoktu.
Your Honour, she was the only one home at the time of the raid.
Ve evde de başka kimse yoktu.
And there was no others at home
Evde hiç kimse yoktu.
There is nobody at home.
Ve onu evde bekleyen hiç kimse yoktu!
No-one was waiting at home for her.
- Seni görmeye geldim, ama kimse yoktu evde.
- Came to see you, but no one was home.
Uh ve daha sonra, evde başka kimse yoktu... komşuya gitti... ve, uh, ben onunla kaldım.
Uh, and then, you know, no one else was home... so she ran to a neighbor's... and, uh, I stayed with him.
Yardım çağırdım ama evde bizden başka kimse yoktu.
I called for help but there was nobody else in the house.
Evde kimse yoktu.
No one was there.
Evde kimse yoktu.
A telegram for Jakob Zuckermann. Nobody home.
Çünkü evde ona bakacak hiç kimse yoktu.
... because there's no one at home?
Anahtarlarımı kaybetmiştim ve evde de kimse yoktu.
I lost my keys yesterday, and no one was home.

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