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Nerdeler translate English

209 parallel translation
Where are they?
Nerdeler o zaman?
Oh, God, where are they?
- Valinin yanında ama nerdeler bilmiyorum.
He's on the hunt with the magistrate.
çok yeteneklidir ayrıca yetenekli adamları var uygun bir ücret karşılığı.... yani... tamam, nerdeler?
He has a few skillful men with him lf we're willing to pay them a handsome amount Then... Good, where are they?
Nerdeler şimdi?
Where are they now?
Where is it?
- Şimdi nerdeler?
Where are they now?
Did you find anything?
Where's Meade?
Now what.
- Nerdeler?
- Where are they?
Devrim yapan.. .. cesur Ruslar. Hani nerdeler?
The brave Russians... who began the revolution... they're not rebelling.
Evet, nerdeler?
Yes, where are they?
- Nerdeler?
Where are they?
Where are they?
Ama misafirleriniz nerdeler?
But where are the guests?
Nerdeler onlar?
Where are they?
Diğerleri nerdeler?
Where are the other two?
Şimdi nerdeler?
Where are they now?
Hani nerdeler?
Where are they?
where are they?
bulacagız ama nerdeler öyleyse elimize yüzümüze bulaştırmaktan iyidir.
What if we don't find'em? Well, then nothing else better botch, you know?
- Nerdeler? Arkadaşım Nicole'de.
At my friend Nicole's.
Onlar, senin bütün ahbapların nerdeler?
Bay Coreman ve Bayan Nolan tam olarak nerdeler?
Mr. Korman and Miss Nolan are where exactly?
Tamam, şimdi nerdeler?
Okay, where are they now?
Asıl soru, çantada değillerse, nerdeler?
Better question is, if they weren't in the briefcase, where are they?
Who are they?
Şampiyonlar Liginde nerdeler biliyor musun? ve en iyi gol avcıları kim?
D'you know where they are in the Championship Cup and who their best goal-hanger is?
Kimbilir nerdeler.
Who knows where they are?
- yani nerdeler, yanlış mıyım?
- I mean, where are they, right?
Nerdeler be?
Now where are they?
Nerdeler öyleyse?
Then where are they?
Steven ve Eric nerdeler?
Where's Steven and Eric?
- Peki şimdi nerdeler?
- So where are the U-boats now?
Annemle babam nerdeler?
Where's my mom and dad?
Nerdeler simdi?
Where are they now?
Şimdi, eğer burası metal kafaların yeri ise nerdeler?
Now, if this is the Steelheads'turf, where are they?
Futbol yıldızları nerdeler?
Where are all the football stars?
Nerdeler, Scawldy?
Where are they, Scawldy?
- Şimdi nerdeler peki?
Where are they now?
Marco ve Gustavo nerdeler?
Where are Marco and Gustavo?
Şimdi nerdeler? Bilmiyorum.
Where are they now?
Ama bunları yarattığınız kişiler... gerçek mürettabat... nerdeler?
But the ones you based them on- - the crew of this ship- - where are they?
- Nerdeler?
Where is it?
Şimdi nerdeler, hapishane?
Where are they now, jail?
Nerdeler efendim?
Where is he, sir?
- Şimdi nerdeler?
What are they?
Where have they gone?
Do you see them?

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