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Orasi translate English

168 parallel translation
Orasi kiz koleji.
But that's a girls'college.
Iyi degil, formunda degil... ... ve 1 : 44'te koºtu, 1 : 36 degil. Ve koºacagi tek yer, ºerif onu nereye götürürse orasi.
He isn't all right, he isn't in the pink and it was 1 : 44 instead of 1 : 36 and the only place he'll go is where the sheriff takes him.
- Orasi malum.
- That's a fact.
- Orasi çok sessiz.
- It's pretty quiet down there.
Orasi burdan biraz ileride. Oraya nasil gideceginizi gostereyim.
The place isn't far, I will tell you how to get there.
Kiziniz orda mi kaliyor? - Evet orasi.
No. 6 Belmont Street, that's where you daughter is?
Orasi bizim dinledigimiz hat.
That's where the calls are going into.
Orasi çok güzel b ¡ r yer Ben.
It's a very pleasant room, Ben.
Orasi 5,000 yapar.
That seats 5,000.
Orasi da güzeldir.
It's pretty there too.
Orasi senin bölgen diºinda degil mi?
That's, kind of, out of your territory, isn't it?
Orasi tam bir eºek arisi yuvasi gibi.
It's like a damn hornet's nest down there.
- Orasi kapali.
It's closed.
Orasi Cornell Kolejinin önü.
No, that's actually right outside of Cornell College.
Iste orasi benim bagli oldugumdur.
That's where I'm up to.
Uçus Bilgileri degil mi orasi?
This is Flight Information, right?
Orasi askeri hedefti, askerlerin gittigi Bir puB,
It was a military target, a soldier's pub.
Onun yeri orasi.
That's where she belongs.
Orasi hapisten beter.
That's worse than jail.
- Orasi Exeter'e yakin degil mi?
Isn't that near Exeter? Yes.
Ben Thera'ya dönüyorum. Sana da son kez söylüyorum, orasi Atlantis degil! Zira Atlantis, hiç varolmadi!
I'm going back to Thera, which I'm telling you for the last time is not Atlantis, because Atlantis never existed.
Orasi Beverly Hills.
That's Beverly Hills.
Elinden bir sey gelmez, orasi senin yetki bölgenin disinda.
You can't do anything, it's out of yourjurisdiction.
Orasi bir çiftlik mi?
Is it a farm?
Orasi biraz hassas.
A little tender there.
Orasi fazla güneyde.
22, it's too far south. Get off the horse.
- Orasi senin bölgen.
- That's your territory.
Beyaz cocuklar kendi bolgelerinde... korkmadan yuruyebilmeli derdi. Ve bir sure icin orasi cidden tekrar bize ait olmustu.
He said white kids shouldn't have to walk around scared... in their own neighborhood, and for a while there... we really made it like it was ours again.
Affettim iste orasi tam orasi!
" l forgive. Right there. You're hitting it.
Orasi heybetli bir villa, tabii ki orada bir seyler olacak.
It's a fucking stately home, of course there'll be something there.
Pekâlâ, orasi oldukça engebeli bir arazi.
All right, that's pretty rugged terrain.
Orasi erzak deposudur, ve bütün kapilari kilitlidir.
It's just food storage there, and all the doors are kept locked.
- Evet işte bu! tam orasi!
Yeah, that's the shit right here!
Orasi dogu.
This is the East.
Orasi "Gizli Dosyalar" maratonu. Buna inanamiyorum.
I cannot believe I'm friends with a trekkie.
Tanistigimiz yer orasi mi?
Is that where we met?
Orasi kimin terörü?
Whose territory is that?
Orasi terkedeilmis bir yer.
that is an abandon land.
Orasi yasak.
It's forbidden.
orasi çok tehlikeli! Mowgli!
It's too dangerous!
Orasi Ching Ang Kitapevi mi?
Is this Ching Ang Bookstore?
Cok heyecanliydim, ve Hwalien'e gittim. fakat orasi da cok yogundu, bu sebeple Hsinchu'ya tasindim, hic musteri yoktu orada... ve simdi calistigim yerde daha bile az...
I was burning out, so I went to Hwalien, but it was just as busy there, so I moved to Hsinchu, no customers there...
Orasi cok ciddi.
It's very serious down there.
Lord'um, orasi galaksinin diğer ucu.
My lord, that is across the galaxy.
Orasi kesin. Jefferson'lardan söz açildiginda davranisi bir anda degisti.
Her manner changed when the Jeffersons were mentioned.
En son Danebury Tepesi'ndeki toplantida görülmüs. Orasi çok yakinda.
She was last seen at the rally on Danebury Downs which is very close.
Orasi da iyice bastan çikmis.
That place really has gone down the chute.
Orasi yanip kül olsa bile.
Even if that place is burning to the ground.
Neresi orasi?
Where's that?
Ancak acele bir ameliyatla orasï rahatlar.
That can only be relieved by an immediate operation.
Hayir, orasi degil.
No, not that one.

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