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Masum olduğuma inanan tek kişi sendin. Neden olduğunu hâlâ bilmiyorum.
You're the only person who believed that I was innocent, and I still don't know why.
Evet, sıçıyorum gibi düşünmüştüm ama o sendin.
Yeah, I just thought I had to poop, but it was you.
Geyiğe çarpmamız benim suçumdu biliyorum ve onu kurtarmak isteyen sendin.
I know it's my fault we hit the deer. And I know you wanted to be the one to save it.
O hep sendin.
That was always you.
Özür dilerim ama benim görüşümü isteyen sendin.
I'm sorry. - You called me for my opinion.
Onların hayatındaki trajedi sendin, seni sadist pislik.
The tragedy in their lives was you, you sadistic prick.
Sendin o
It was you.
Bu yere yerleşip gösteri topluluğu kurmak isteyen sendin.
You are the one who suggested we leave this place. And you are the one who suggested we build this stage.
Başında beri sendin.
It's always been you.
evet, ve...., ahh belki sendin?
Yeah, and... Oh, maybe it was you?
It was you!
Geminin kontrolleriyle oynayan sendin!
You were messing about with the controls on that ship!
Drama kursunun en parlak öğrencisi sendin, Shaun.
You were the star pupil on that drama course, Shaun.
Elbette sendin, salak şey! Yani ben İskoçya'da mı doğdum?
Yeah you, you daft apeth.
Martin'i içeri tıkan sendin, değil mi?
It was you who put Martin in, wasn't it?
Öyleyse boynuna bir ilmik geçirmesini söyleyen sendin.
So you just told him to put his head in a noose?
On yıldan uzun bir süredir, gözümün gördüğü tek kız sendin.
I only looked at one girl?
İlk önce ayartmaya çalışan sendin?
You're the one who tried to lure me first?
Acınası hayatımdan beni kurtarabilecek tek kişi sendin.
You were the only one who could rescue me from my pitiful life.
Sendin, Oh Ri Jin.
It was you, Oh Ri Jin.
Sendin, Oh Ri Jin.
It was you, Ms. Ri Jin?
Beni bodrumdan çıkaran alevlerden kurtaran, sendin değil mi?
Mom, you were the person who took me out of the basement and saved me from the fire, weren't you?
O zaman gördüğüm kişi... .. sendin.
The person I saw at that time... was you.
It was you.
21 yıl önce, o gün yangını başlatan kişi sendin.
21 years ago, that night... you started that fire.
21 yıl önce, o gün yangını başlatan sendin.
21 years ago, that day, the one who started the fire was you.
Ona istediği kadar zaman tanıyalım diyen sendin.
You're the one who said we should cut him as much slack as he needs.
Aramızdaki en iyi adam sendin Dmiri. Büyük adam.
That was a good night.
Sendin - Burada daha fazla kalamayacağım sanırım.
I don't think I can be here anymore.
Bu sabah, çoğunluğun iyiliği için Cabe'le birlikte çalış diye yalvaran sendin.
Earlier today, you invoked the greater good so that I would team up with Cabe.
yani Emily'nin tek ailesi sendin.
Emily had.
Ana olay sendin. Yıkıcı değil, iyi bir şey yapmaya çalışan biri.
The main event was you, a man trying to do something good, not...
Reno'ya gelmek isteyen sendin.
You were the one who wanted to come to Reno!
Damon, arkadaşlarının büyü yapabilen vampirler olduğunu söyleyen sendin.
Damon, you were the one that said her friends are vampires who can do magic.
İnsanlığımı geri getirebilecek tek kişi sendin.
You were the only one who was able to flip my humanity back on.
Yargılama seziyorum. Bu biraz garip çünkü bir barım olmasını isteyen sendin.
I sense judgment, which is odd.
Tırnaklarını sırtımdan çıkartamayan sendin.
Well, you're the one that couldn't keep your paws off of me.
Bana veda etmek için 5 millik bir yürüyüşü seçen sendin.
Heh. Well, you are the one who chose a 5-mile hike to say good-bye to me.
Şey, hikayeyi bilen tek kişi sendin.
Well, you're the only one who knew the story.
Tanrım. Demek sorunlu olan sendin.
Oh my god.
Elizabeth'in aklını çelen sendin değil mi?
You're the one who turned Elizabeth, aren't you?
Neticede annemin yanında kaldığı adam sendin.
And it was you she stayed with.
Sendin Doktor.
You did, Doctor.
Videodaki çocuk, o sendin.
That kid from the video, that was you.
Tek bildiğim, Bob Offer'la gördüğüm son kişi sendin ve adam kayıp şimdi.
You know what, all I know is, you were the last person I saw with Bob Offer, and now he's missing.
O öldürülmeden önce onunla konuşan son kişi sendin.
You were the last person to speak to him before he was killed.
Bunu yapacak kadar hasta ruhlu olan kişi sendin.
You're the one sick enough to do this.
O sendin.
That was you.
O sendin!
That was you!
O sendin demek?
So that was you?
Kumandanı alaşağı edeceğiz ve unutma bir sonraki kumandan sendin.
We are taking down Command, and you were once Command, too.

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