Surekli translate English
81 parallel translation
Ender bulunan bir kaplumbaga turuymus... 3 gun boyunca surekli ciftlesirmis?
There is a certain species of turtle... that can screw for three days without stopping.
Neden surekli uzerime gelmektense, yetiskin iki insan gibi konusmuyoruz. Evet?
So why don't you quit attacking me and we try to have a rational adult conversation?
Kizin isiklarin... surekli yanmasiyla ilgili soyledigi birsey...'43 teki baska bir kizi dusunmeme...
Something the girl said... about the light that is always turned on... made me think of another girl in'43...
Editorum, surekli Flash hakkinda yazip durmami istiyor.
My editor wants me writing about The Flash, and only The Flash.
Surekli ayni hatayi yapip duruyorum.
I keep making the same mistake.
Vergi hukukunun surekli degisen ortaminda... diminiza dikkat edin.
So, in an ever-changing sea of tax law... Watch your step, please.
Mitch, surekli olarak hukumetle mucadele icindeyiz.
Mitch, we're always fighting the government.
For good.
Kendime surekli... "Ben bu sacmaligi nasil yutarim?" Diye sorup durdum.
And I kept asking myself all the time... how did I buy into this shit, you know?
Hayat surekli kizgin yasanmayacak kadar kisadir.
Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.
Surekli aptal oyunlar oynarlar.
Always playing silly games.
All this yelling he's doing, it-it don't do nothing but make me play worse.
Niye bana surekli dokunuyorsun?
What are you touching me for all the time?
Beni aksam bir an bile birakmadi. Kolu hep uzerimde idi ve surekli icki ismarladi. Butun gece bardak ustune bardak getirdi.
Now this character, he's following me around all night... he's got his arm around me all night, he's buying me drinks, buying me drinks... buying me drinks, in my company, right here, all frickin'night.
surekli ayni seyi yapiyor odevimi tamamlamam lazim.
I was in here first and I need to do my homework.
"Surekli, eger caddeyi gecersem onunla karsilasacagimi dusunuyordum."
"I keep thinking if I cross the street I'll run into her,"
Bunların Allahı yok! Surekli pazarlık yapıyorlar... kızı görmüyorlar mı sanki!
Oh those cheapskates, bargaining and bickering.
"Bundan sonra surekli mutlu olmak icin, Fiona araman yeter!"
"For a happy ever after, give Fiona a call!"
Cocuk surekli agliyordu ve Bay Baek, eger 5 dakika icinde susmazsa, onu oldurecegini soyledi.
The boy kept crying... And Mr. Baek said he'd kill him if he didn't stop in 5 minutes.
Bu frekans araligindaki radyo dalgalari iyonosferde surekli olarak sekerler..
Radio waves at this frequency bounce off the Ionosphere.
nasil daha az onemli oldugunu dusunursunuz geleneklerin fallardan ki arkadaslariniz surekli bakiyor?
Has less value the horoscope that all teachers read?
Babam elini tutup, Tanrim Tanrim Tanrim dedi surekli
Dad put his two hands on him and said, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!" real fast, over and over, and the guy got up and walked.
Surekli sevgi disi, his bilmem ne diyorlar.
Like, if someone were to say, out loud, "Ooh, I sure love my feet,"
Surekli ayni hikayeyi oku da oku.
Readin'the same goddamn story... over and over.
Tabii surekli kaybolduk. Sherry ne zaman birine yol soracak olsa yine Amerikali cikti.
Of course, we kept getting lost, and every time Sherry asked for directions, it turned out to be another American.
Surekli kendisinin fotografini cekmeye zorlardi beni.
She always used to make me take pictures of her.
Ve o zamandan sonra surekli.
And full time since then.
Surekli uyusturulan, ilac bagimlisi, burunsuz iskelet,
How could a constantly anesthethised, drug addicted, noseless skeleton,
Sonra surekli sunu okudum : Bir fahiseyle ne tur bir hayalini gerceklestiriyordu ki?
And then I constantly read, what sort of fantasy was he trying to fufill with a hooker.
Ving Rhames ve Suge Knight'i bu baskanin etrafinda surekli gormek istiyorum ve..
I want to see Ving Rhames and Suge Knight around this president... at all times and...
- Surekli kurguluyoruz ama.
Oh, we speculate all the time.
Siz ise, beyler, burada oturmus sanki kot satiyormusuz gibi, surekli olarak "guzel vucutlu" sacmaliklarini konusuyorsunuz.
And you guys sit around talking the same old "good body" nonsense like we're selling jeans.
Art arda surekli kazanabilmek icin, iyi olmaniz gerekir, ama bir rastgelelik ogesi var.
To have a winning streak of this duration, you have to be good, but there's an element of randomness to it.
Neden bilmiyorum. Surekli kotu seyler soyluyorsun.
You say hurtful things to me constantly.
Ve haplarimida surekli aliyorum.
And I'm constantly taking pills.
Alışılmadık bir güç ve düşmanlık sergiliyor bu yüzden surekli kontrol altında tutulmalı.
He displays unusual strength and burst of hostility requiering that he be constantly restrained.
Neden surekli sacının ardına gizleniyorsun?
Why are you always hiding behind all this hair?
İnsanlar surekli Uzun Boylu Adam hakkında konusuyorlardı, cunku ondan korkuyorlardı.
Everyone talked about the Tall Man all the time because everyone was afraid of him.
Surekli onu dusunuyorum.
I often think about her.
Surekli pesimdeler.
Constantly hounded.
Sanki surekli oluyormus gibiydi
It's like she kept dying.
Bilmiyor gibi davrandi ve sonra surekli islik olarak caldigini duyuyordum.
Pretended that he didn't know, and then I'd hear him whistling it the whole time.
Surekli aradigim icin uzgunum, ama bu gunlerde iyi degil.
Sorry to keep calling you, but she's slipping a bit more these days.
SÜrekli konuşmak zorunda mıyız?
We don't have to talk every minute, do we?
- Öksüreceğim ki, kız beni görsün. [SÜREKLİ GÜLME SESLERİ] - Görüsün tabii.
You'll cough and you'll be friends.
Ve donu sürekli meni lekeli olacaktır... çünkü tecavüz edecek birini bulamazsa sÜrekli masturbasyon yapar.
And his pants will be crusted with semen... from constantly jacking off when he can't find a rape victim.
[SÜREKLİ OSURUYOR] Yukarı, aşağı.
Up and down.
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