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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ T ] / Telefondaki kimdi

Telefondaki kimdi translate English

154 parallel translation
- Hayatım, telefondaki kimdi?
- Darling, who was that on the phone?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
- Who was on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Who was that on the telephone just now?
Telefondaki kimdi, dedim.
I said who was that on the telephone?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
Who was on the telephone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Who was that on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Who was that on the phone just now?
Telefondaki kimdi tatlım?
So, who was on the phone, hon?
Telefondaki kimdi?
So who was on the phone?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
- Who was that?
Peki, telefondaki kimdi?
Then, who was that on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
He's out there, he's all alone, he's scared, he's vulnera- -
- Telefondaki kimdi?
- Just an old friend.
telefondaki kimdi?
Whose phone was it?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Hi, honey. Who was that on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
- Who was that on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Who was that?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
- Who the hell was that?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
- Who was that on the phone?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
[DOOR OPENS] JO : Who was on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
- Who was that on the phone? - Eh?
- Mike, teleFondaki kimdi?
- Mike, who called on the telephone?
- Spider Mike teleFondaki kimdi, lütFen?
- Spider Mike who called on the telephone, please?
Lanet teleFondaki kimdi?
Who called on the goddamn phone?
Telefondaki kimdi biliyor musun? - Hayır.
Do you know who that was on the phone?
- Telefondaki kimdi? |
- Who was on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Uh, who was that on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Who made the call?
- Telefondaki kimdi tatlım?
- Who was on the phone, honey?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
Who was on the phone? Joe...
- Telefondaki kimdi, onu söyle sen.
- Just-Just tell me who was on the phone.
Telefondaki kimdi?
Who was on the phone? - Huh?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
- Who were you on the phone with?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Who were you talking to on the phone?
- Telefondaki kimdi baba?
- Dad, who was on the phone?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
- So who was that on the phone?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
Who was that on the phone?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
- So who's on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Oh! Hey, who was that on the phone?
- Martha, bana bak. Kimdi telefondaki?
- Now, Martha, who was that?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Who was on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi?
Well, who was that on the phone?
Telefondaki kimdi? Adamın biri bir köpek için aramış.
- Man about a dog.
Kimdi telefondaki?
Who was that?
- Telefondaki kadın kimdi?
- Who was that woman on the phone?
Bugün telefondaki o çocuk da kimdi?
So who was that boy on the phone today?
Ee, telefondaki adam kimdi?
So who was the man on the phone?
- Telefondaki kimdi?
Who was on the phone?
Telefondaki lânet olası adam kimdi diyorum?
Who the fuck was on the phone, Puchi?
- Kimdi telefondaki biliyor musun?
- You know who that was?
Kimdi o telefondaki?
Who was that on the phone?

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