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Uyandiginda translate English

20 parallel translation
Ertesi sabah uyandiginda, yerli kampinda tek basimaydim,
The next morning, I found myself in that Indian camp all alone.
Uyandiginda beni bulun.
When you do, find me.
Babamin bilinci gidip geliyordu... ve uyandiginda yasama istegini kaybetmis gibi görünüyordu.
Pop was in and out of consciousness... and when he was awake he seemed to have lost his will to live.
Birkaç saat sonra, Samansa uyandiginda, hala sarhos ve yalnizdi.
A couple of hours later, Samantha woke up still drunk and still single.
Uyandiginda eminim o da bunu soyleyecektir.
And I'm sure when he wakes from his slumber... he'll swear to God that I didn't stab him.
Hala entübe haldeydi ve uzman doktorun hasta uyandiginda tüpü çikarmasi gerekiyordu.
She was still intubated, and the attending was supposed to remove the tube when she wakes up.
Uyandiginda, hicbirseyin olmayacak.
You'll wake up and find you have nothing.
Uyandiginda kendini çatida bulsun diye, sirf esek sakasi olsun diye onu yatagiyla birlikte oraya tasimis olmaliyiz.
We must have taken him up there as a prank so he'd wake up on the roof. - Like that time in summer camp.
Uyandiginda burada olacagim.
I'll be right here when you wake up.
Uyandiginda yaninda olacagim.
I'm going to be here when you wake up.
- Neyi? Her uyandiginda bununla karsilasmak mi istiyorsun?
Do you really want to wake up to this every morning?
Bunu sana söylemekten çekinmiyorum, zira uyandiginda hiçbir sey hatirlamayacaksin, her ne kadar seni böyle kullanmaktan çok pisman olsam da.
I don't mind telling you this because when you wake, you will remember nothing, although I do regret using you like this.
"Bir kez uyandiginda, sonsuza dek uyanik kalacaksin."
"And once you are awake, you shall remain awake eternally."
gunduz uyandiginda adalet!
the day Time awakens justice! justice!
gunduz uyandiginda adalet!
the day Time awakens justice!
Sen söyle. Uyandiginda birisi yaninda yatiyordu.
You tell me- - you woke up in bed with one.
Uyandiginda bu hiç olmamis gibi yapma.
Don't fuckin', like, wake up and pretend this didn't happen.
Ertesi sabah uyandiginda evinin her yerinde 12 kase misir gevregi buluyordu.
And then he woke up the next morning... like, 12 bowls of cereal... [laughs] all over his apartment.
Don't read my diary when I'm gone when you wake up, please read my diary.
# Tell me where did you sleep last night?

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