Wai tung translate English
28 parallel translation
Wai Tung!
Wai Tung!
Sağol, Wai Tung.
Thank you, Wai Tung.
Wai Tung'un kıyafetleri.
Wai Tung's clothes.
Wai Tung'un resmini gördüler. Ondan hep bahsediyorum. Onu beğeniyorlar.
They've seen pictures of Wai Tung... and I talk about him all the time, and they like him... but it's impossible for them to come here from the mainland.
Wai Tung oldukça şanslı.
Wai Tung is lucky.
Wai Tung onun elinde büyüdü.
He helped raise Wai Tung.
Bu Wai Tung'nun özel kaşığı.
This is Wai Tung's personal spoon.
- Wai Tung.
- Wai Tung.
- "... seni, Wai Tung'u... "
- "... take you, Wai Tung... "
Wai Tung ile evlendiğim için o kadar mutluyum ki.
I'm so happy to marry Wai Tung.
Lütfen sen de bana küçük bey deme, Wai Tung de.
And please don't call me "young master," just Wai Tung.
Wai Tung'u uyandır.
Wake up Wai Tung.
"Wai Tung nerede?" diye sorardım. Sen de "buradayım ya" derdin.
I'd ask, "Where's Wai Tung?" And you used to say, "I am here."
Wai Tung sana emanet.
We're turning Wai Tung to you.
Ve sen, Wai Tung. Wei Wei'ye iyi bakmalısın.
And you, Wai Tung, must care well for Wei Wei.
Hadi, Wai Tung.
Come on, Wai Tung.
Wai Tung, başarılı olması için ona destek olmalısın.
Wai Tung, you must help her succeed.
Hadi, Wai Tung, fondip yap.
Come, Wai Tung, bottoms up.
Selam, Wai Tung, Wei Wei.
Hey, Wai Tung, Wei Wei.
Simon, Wai Tung'un kabahati yoktu.
Simon, it wasn't Wai Tung's fault.
Wai Tung kirasını ödedi mi?
Did Wai Tung pay his rent?
Wai Tung, benim.
Wai Tung, it's me.
Wai Tung'un doğumunda çok sıkıntı çektim.
I had a hard time with Wai Tung.
Wai Tung o kadar küçüktü ki.
He weighed so little.
Wai Tung benim oğlum.
Wai Tung is my son.
- O halde Wai Tung...
- When Wai Tung...
Ne Wai Tung, ne annesi, ne Wei Wei öğrenmemeli.
Not Wai Tung, not Mother, not Wei Wei shall know.