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And by god traducir español

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And by God, I'm gonna get that boy a damn good dentist.
Y por Dios. Voy a darle a ese mnuchacho un buen dentista.
( laughter ) There were 12 condoms in that first aid kit when I got there, and by God, there were 12 when I left.
Habían 12 condones en el botiquín de primeros auxilios cuando llegue.
You tell him I have authority to blow the mothership out of the sky, and by god, I'll do it.
Digale que tengo autorizacion para destruir su nave, y por Dios que lo hare...
Then, I finally reached the top security prison in IIha Grande I could only achieve freedom by my own means, and God's help, this is by escaping again.
Y finalmente llegué a Ilha Grande. Sólo pude lograr mi libertad yo mismo con la ayuda de Dios, escapándome nuevamente.
The masses are demanding alien-themed greasy food... and, by God, it is our job to serve it to them.
Exigen comida grasosa de extraterrestres... y es nuestro trabajo servirla.
For this reason, we are commanded by God..... to seek out those spirits... and punish them!
¡ Por esta razón, Dios nos ordena buscar a esos espíritus y castigarlos!
It's not fair that one day you're on top, you're the coolest kid in town, and then the next day you're at the bottom again because everyone has blood coming out of their ass but you, and if I can't menstruate then, by God, I'm gonna sit around and be the only periodless eight-year-old boy!
No es justo que un día estés en la cima eres el chico más buena onda, y al día siguiente estás en el fondo porque les está saliendo sangre del culo excepto a ti, y si no puedo menstruar, por Dios, me sentaré y seré
God is to be worshipped by Jews through sacrifices and libations... and for all Jews, at least in theory... the most important thing is that the temple should be rebuilt one day... even if we have to wait for the Messiah for this to be achieved.
Dios debe ser venerado por los judíos mediante sacrificios y purificaciones. Y para todos los judíos, al menos en teoría... Io más importante es que el templo será reconstruido algún día... aunque tengamos que esperar al Mesías para conseguirlo.
The tablets of law given to Moses by God... now had a permanent home and the Solomon's temple... stood as a glorious monument to the Israelites faith.
Las Tablas de la Ley entregadas por Dios a Moisés... tenían ahora un lugar permanente y el templo de Salomón... se convirtió en un glorioso monumento de la fe israelita.
And that's not my first time, although I'm here by the grace of God
no es mi primera vez, pero por la gracias de Dios...
- Oh, my God. - And, if I want to find the song "Landslide"... by Fleetwood Mac, I have to remember... that I bought it for someone in the fall of 1 983 pile... but didn't give it to them for personal reasons.
Y... si quiero encontrar "Avalancha" de Fleetwood Mac... tengo que acordarme que se lo compré de regalo a alguien en 1983... pero no se lo di por razones personales.
All of us are chosen by God, and all of us can stand against the darkness in His light.
y todos podemos enfrentarnos a las tinieblas guiados por su luz.
And he'll soldier then, by God.
Y entonces será un soldado, por Dios.
Then by the power vested in me by our mutual faith in the Lord, our God I now pronounce you man and wife.
Entonces por el poder que me concede nuestra mutua fe en Nuestro Señor los declaro marido y mujer.
Soldiers, Do you swear by God and fatherland... to take these womes as wives, to honor them and be faithful until death do you part?
Soldados, ¿ juráis ante Dios y la patria tomar por esposas a las aquí presentes, honrarlas y ser fieles a ellas hasta que la muerte los separe?
I may pick up a rock and it'll say underneath, "Made by God."
Puedes encontrar una piedra que diga debajo "Fabricada por Dios".
He maintained this false prophet was inspired by God, saying the foretold resurrection was an act of faith. And, that after the resurrection of John IV, the 10 tribes of Israel would appear for presentation to the Supreme Pontiff.
Mantuvo que el falso profeta estaba inspirado por Dios diciendo que dicha resurrección era un acto de fe, y que después de la resurrección de Juan lV, aparecerían las 10 tribus de Israel, serían presentadas al Sumo Pontífice,
May God grant me guidance for the sermon in Italian which I must make next week for the Queen of Sweden. Her extraordinary and sublime mind is not easily satisfied, even by that which is extraordinary.
Que Dios me inspire en el sermón en italiano que debo dar la próxima semana para la reina de Suecia, cuyo extraordinario y sublime genio, no se satisface fácilmente ni siquiera con lo extraordinario.
"Often", as Polidiemus said "Christ passes by, he walks with us and we don't recognize him"... Who knows... if God and you can ever forgive me?
a menudo, como dijeron los discípulos de Emaus Cristo nos pasa cerca, camina con nosotros y "no lo reconocemos"... tal vez... usted y Dios puedan perdonarme?
My early life was surrounded by a room full of unhappy women who were all bossed around by my grandmother, the heart of the house, the only woman I ever saw who peed standing up and talked to God at the same time.
Pas é mi infancia en un cuarto lleno de mujeres frustradas. Todas eran controladas por mi abuela, el corazón del hogar, la única mujer que he isto mear de pie y hablar con Dios a la ez.
"Oh, my God, that idiot!" And pulled up my four-by-five and shot the picture of him, and I only took one picture of it, and it turned out to be a prizewinner.
"¡ Dios mío! ¡ Ese idiota!", saqué mi cámara 4 x 5, tomé una fotografía de él, sólo tomé una y resultó ser una fotografía galardonada.
You're being induced by the devil... to challenge God's will... and to commit a crime against your neighbor!
¡ El demonio te induce... a desafiar la voluntad de Dios... y a cometer un crimen contra el prójimo!
I'm not trying to scare you and I'm not gonna force myself on you, but I am, by God, not gonna walk away because I think it might not work.
No pretendo asustarte y nunca te obligaría a nada, pero te diré que no pienso claudicar por miedo a que salga mal.
" The union of husband and wife in heart, body and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy.
" Dios ha querido que la unión de corazón, cuerpo y mente entre marido y mujer os traiga felicidad.
And I swear to God that your response... had nothing to do with this, by the way.
Y te juro por Dios que tu respuesta no tuvo nada que ver con esto.
Because, as you know... you can get carried away by your many attributes... and suddenly find yourself thinking, "Oh, my God!"
Porque, como sabras... uno se puede dejar llevar por tus atributos... y de repente llegar a pensar : " ¡ Dios mío!
The miracle-working priest was about to be challenged by the word of God itself, translated into English and printed in black and white.
El cura obrador de milagros estaba a punto de ser desafiado por la propia palabra de Dios, traducida al inglés e impresa en blanco y negro.
And Mama said by telling God, our sins were washed away.
Y mamá decía que al decírselos a Dios nuestros pecados eran eliminados.
people you don't need to know about... and if they could find a certain blue dress... and they by God did, they can find this weasel like that.
Y si pudieron encontrar un cierto vestido azul... podrán encontrar a esta comadreja.
Through that doggy door And fetch a stick that's thrown by God And wag thy tail for ever more
Tras tu puerta irás y atraparás esa rama que Dios te tirará y menearás tu rabo por siempre jamás
And fetch the stick that's thrown by God
Y atraparás esa rama que Dios te tirará
But anyway, Poseidon, the sea god, punished Cassiopeia by placing her in the heavens upside down in her throne, stuck for eternity with her skirt around her shoulders, and all the blood rushing to her head.
Como sea, Poseidón, el rey del mar... castigó a Casiopea colocándola en el cielo patas arriba en su trono... para toda la eternidad con la falda en los hombros... y toda la sangre fluyendo a la cabeza.
The countess born by the grace of God and the necklace formed by the hand of man.
La condesa nacida por la Gracia de Dios y el collar formado por la mano del hombre.
safe and sound, thank God. We've been imediately received by our uncle, the Pope. With affection and attention.
sanos y salvos, y pronto nos recibió Su Santidad vuestro tío, con todo amor y atención.
And you can't refuse a lift offered by God.
Y no puedes rechazar que te lleve un dios
Your paper is paper, nothin'more than paper... and if you don't believe me, by God... you go talk to Alan Greenspan!
Tus papeles son papeles, y nada más que papeles y si no me crees, lo juro por Dios ve y habla con Alan Greenspan!
Vittorio Emanuele III, King of Italy and Emperor of Ethiopia... by God's grace and will of the nation... decrees that, in schools of any type and degree... may not enroll students of the Jewish race.
Vittorio Emanuele III, rey de Italia y emperador de Etiopía... por gracia de Dios y voluntad de la nación... decreta que, en las escuelas de cualquier tipo y grado... no podrán inscribirse alumnos de la raza judía.
I swear by God that whatever the cost... Saves us work on two and make your wish.
Juro por Dios que, cueste lo que cueste... ahorranos trabajo a lo dos y pide tu deseo.
Written by God himself... and handed down to the greatest band, "Time".
Lo compuso Dios... y se lo pasó al mejor grupo del mundo, los cojonudos "Time".
And by the sixth day, that hole was as dark as my hatred for Dad's God.
El sexto día, el hoyo era tan profundo y oscuro como mi odio por el Dios de papá.
My attorney's driving down from Newport Beach... and I just want you all to know that if I hear... so much as one more nail being hammered... I swear to God, by the time this whole thing's over... I'm gonna own this house.
Mi abogado viene en camino desde Newport Beach... y quiero que sepan que si apenas escucho... que martillan un clavo, les juro que para cuando termine... con todo esto, seré dueño de esta casa.
Elizabeth II, by grace of God of the United Kingdom... Great Britain, Northern Ireland and her other realms.
Isabel Segunda, por gracia de Dios del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña, Irlanda del Norte y otros reinos.
We were sent by God and should be treated with respect
Fuimos enviados por Dios y debe ser tratada con el respeto
My client visited his brother, knocked him unconscious, wrote the will, took the objects for the execution... made by God knows who, then carried the body down into the workshop and arranged that macabre mise-en-scene.
Mi defendido fue a ver a su hermano. Le hizo perder el sentido. Escribió su testamento.
You can name your time and your place, and I'll shoot you through the heart- - by god, I will!
Dime cuándo y dónde, y te dispararé al corazón. ¡ Por Dios, que lo haré!
The machine that was so great and that was said to be untouchable by even God... Never completed it's first voyage.
La máquina que fue grandiosa y que se dijo era intocable incluso por Dios... nunca terminó su primer viaje.
By the powers of me, Richard Fish, rich attorney with his own firm in the presence of God, our friends and everybody who counts I pronounce you husband and wife.
Por mi poder, Richar Fish, abogado rico con bufete propio, en presencia de Dios, los amigos y todas las personas que cuentan, los declaro marido y mujer.
We come by the assistance of God to hold forth and maintain the lustre and glory of English liberty in a nation where we have an undoubted right to it.
Venimos con la ayuda de Dios a proclamar y mantener el brillo y gloria de la libertad inglesa en una nación donde tenemos un indudable derecho a hacerlo.
Whether the king should govern as a god by his will and the people governed by force as beasts, or whether the people should be governed by their own consent.
O bien el Rey debería tener la potestad de gobernar como le plazca y la gente ser entonces gobernada a la fuerza, como animales, o bien la gente debería ser gobernada con su propio consentimiento.
But Cromwell was also enraged by Charles's presumption at defying the verdict of God, so clearly revealed at the battles of Marston Moor and Naseby.
Pero a Cromwell también le enfurecía su presunción de desafiar el veredicto de Dios, tan claramente revelado en las batallas de Marston Moor y Naseby.
We got 10,000 students swarming this quad by 9 : 00 a. m... and your guys are still beating the weeds looking for God knows what.
A las 9 : 00 a.m. llegará una manada de 10.000 alumnos y sus hombres siguen buscando no sé qué cosa entre las plantas.

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