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And by that time traducir español

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It'll work for many years until the FBI comes to get me, and by that time, you're on your own.
Eso funcionará durante algunos años hasta que el FBI me coja, - Y a partir de ahí, tendrás que espabilarte sola
We know that by dialling coordinates..... precisely on the opposite side of the sun at the exact moment of a solar flare,..... the wormhole turns back towards Earth on itself and it creates a time distortion.
Descubrimos que marcando unas coordenadas que se encuentren en el lado opuesto del sol en el momento exacto de una erupción solar es posible crear una distorsión para poder volver a la Tierra mediante un retroceso en el tiempo.
- We take off and hope that our signal can be picked up by the Asgard in time to inform them this was a Goa'uld attack.
Despegar con la esperanza de que nuestra señal los Asgard a tiempo de informarles de que esto ha sido un ataque disfrazado de desastre natural.
You leave me alone all by myself, and then you think that I don't know? I know. I know every time.
Me dejas sola y luego piensas que no lo sé.
We were all gone home by that time, and there wasn't any message on our machine.
Para entonces ya nos habíamos ido y no había mensajes en el contestador.
And when it is my time to join them I want to know that I can grasp them by the hands...,... I can look them all in the eyes and tell them... that their blood... was not shed without purpose.
Y cuando sea mi turno de unirme a ellas quiero saber que puedo tomar sus manos puedo mirarlas a los ojos y decirles que su sangre no fue derramada en vano.
I guess maybe the way that I can convince them of the importance of the food is by catching a lot of it and then feeling full one time and seeing what happens to their body and how much energy they have.
Creo que tal vez la forma que puedo convencerlos de la importancia de la comida es consiguiendo mucha y así se sentirán satisfechos, para variar, y verán lo que le ocurre a su cuerpo.
And during that time, Britain had been transformed by the experience.
Y que durante ese tiempo, la experiencia había transformado Bretaña profundamente.
By nesting and laying together they ensure that most of their chicks will leave the nest at exactly the same time
Anidando y empollando juntas, se aseguran de que la mayoría de los pichones dejarán el nido al mismo tiempo.
dominated by self-expressiveness, that products and services can satisfy in an endless variety of ways and ways that change all the time.
a un mercado de necesidades ilimitadas, siempre cambiantes dominado por la auto expresividad, que productos y servicios pueden satisfacer en una interminable variedad de formas, en formas que cambian todo el tiempo
And that potshot last time I was here he missed me by a mile.
Y la última vez que vi el proyectil fue a un Km.
And I was by that time head girl of this school.
Y yo ya era la abanderada del colegio.
And do I believe that they're ravaged by time, or do I believe that they've been wilfully destroyed?
¿ Todo esto lo hizo el tiempo. O lo destruyeron a propósito?
When you describe that Cuban woman leaning out a window by the "Malecon" waiting uselessly, seeing how time passes and nothing happens... I thought that woman was me.
Cuando describes a esa mujer cubana apoyada en una ventana frente al malecón esperando inútilmente viendo cómo el tiempo pasa sin que pase nada pensaba que esa mujer era yo.
It's an ideal to just think... that you can actually be kind all the time... and never be disappointed in them or by them.
Es un ideal sólo pensar.... que puedes ser amable todo el tiempo... y nunca ser descepcionado dentro de él o por él.
Now is the time to make yourself right with God by calling out to Christ. Jesus died for our sins, and to save our souls from the eternal suffering that is to come.
Por favor siéntese quiero agradecerles por asistir a nuestro culto del miércoles
You'll sit by that pay phone and wait for me to call you from time to time and when I'm relocated and ready, I'll let Graciella and Raymond go.
Te vas a quedar junto a ese teléfono, a esperar que te llame a veces. Y cuando esté ya instalado en algún lado y listo, los soltaré.
And that made me so disappointed and so cross that I poured my heart out to my sister who was a dancer in Berlin by that time.
Y eso me desilusionó tanto y me afligió tanto... que abrí mi corazón ante mi hermana... que era bailarina en Berlín por aquella época.
And... And that was starting to get kind of rough by the time we went to CRC to mix.
Y... eso estaba empezando a enrarecerse cuando fuimos a CRC a mezclar.
It isn't that I'm an expert, but I've translated several literaty works by people of that time, by artistes, and gradually I came to like him as a person. I'm fascinated by him.
No es que sea una experta, pero he traducido algunas obras literarias de gente de la época, de artistas y gradualmente me gustó como personaje.
He was drawn here by the literaty world and by all that was starting to happen at that time in Paris.
Vino porque le atraía el mundo literario y todo lo que empezaba a pasar entonces en París.
Now in my professional opinion, ladies and gentlemen, and that's all I have, by the time I was called in, the damage was irreversible.
Ahora, en mi opinión profesional, damas y caballeros, y eso es todo lo que tengo... al momento que me llegué, los daños eran irreversibles.
By the time you're standing there in that expensive white dress you've dreamed of since you became human, he gets all heebie-jeebie and decides
y cuando por fin estas ahi con ese carisimo traje blanco que has soñado desde que te has vuelto humana, el se vuelve raro y decide
Oh, by the way, you can go to the cops and all that but, trust me, it's a waste of time.
Por cierto, puedes ir a la policía, pero es una pérdida de tiempo.
By getting in early, you made 1 0 times the profit he did and that's something you'll be able to rub in his face every time you pick up your paper.
Podrá hacer alarde de eso cada vez que compre la prensa.
They've got a lifetime of empathy inside of them by the time they turn 10 and that's a tremendous gift.
Tienen un cúmulo de compasión adentro para cuando tienen diez años. Es un don tremendo.
By the time I was 16 I was considered a man by my mother and father and that was one of the greatest gifts they ever gave me.
A los dieciséis ya me consideraban un hombre. Fue uno de los mejores regalos de papá y mamá.
That last time I saw her was yesterday when she just dropped by with Hilda and Artie, and I was trying to get the kids upstairs.
La última vez que la vi fue ayer cuando vino con Hilda y Artie y yo trataba de hacer que los niños fueran arriba.
She had no time for Rousseau's idea that women, by their very nature, could only be wives and mothers.
Ella no tenía tiempo para la idea de Rousseau de que las mujeres, por propia naturaleza, sólo podían ser madres o esposas.
But it was quite, immediately quite clear that this had to be... that manuscript that was in the literature and that had been seen, or studied for the first time, by Heiberg in 1906.
Inmediatamente resultó muy claro que este debía ser ese manuscrito que estaba en la bibliografía y había sido visto o estudiado por primera vez por Heiberg en 1906.
I was amazed by the fact that now for the first time I can look at pages that looks... that look hopeless with the naked eye, and begin to use them as text from which you just read.
Me maravilló el hecho de que ahora por primera vez puedo mirar páginas que parecen... imposibles de leer a simple vista, y comenzar a usarlas como texto legible.
By the time we get that answer, Brodus will be dead and buried.
Para cuando respondan, Brodus ya habrá muerto.
Y por otro lado, el sexo es a veces tan rápido y poco personal, que cuando has llegado a casa ya se te ha olvidado.
Sure that I wanted to be a doctor, and I was sure that I was gonna be married by the time I was 25.
Que... que incluso cuando las cosas se ponían difíciles que eran fáciles.
I felt very confident. And by the time I was all suited And by the time I was all suited up and I was about ready to do up and I was about ready to do that back-flip off the boat, I that back-flip off the boat, I just said, " Just keep going,
Y para cuando ya estaba vestida y preparada para tirarme del barco, me dije "tú sigue adelante, Kath."
Catching insects one by one takes a lot of time and energy, and few creatures that feed that way can get enough to build and sustain big bodies.
Atrapar insectos uno por uno toma mucho tiempo y bastante energía, y las pocas criaturas que se alimentan de esta manera no son capaces de desarrollar cuerpos grandes.
The fundamental experience is the sensed presence, and our data indicate that the sensed presence, the feeling of another entity of something beyond yourself, perhaps bigger than yourself, bigger in space and bigger in time, can be stimulated by
La experiencia fundamental es la sensación de presencia, y nuestros datos indican que la sensación de presencia, el sentimiento de otra entidad de algo más allá de usted, quizás más grande que usted, más grande en el espacio y más grande en el tiempo,
So, I was thinking that I could start by dating a guy, and then drive him away, but only using the classic mistakes most women, like Michelle, make... all the time.
Entonces, estaba pensando que yo podría empezar citando a un chico... y después incitarlo a alejarse... pero sólo usando los errores clásicos... que las mujeres, como Michelle... cometen... todo el tiempo.
it take a long long time to build a coral reef step by step the reef survive on partnerships and the most important partners that the corals have are you and I
toma mucho, mucho tiempo construir un arrecife coral... paso a paso los arrecifes sobreviven gracias a las asociaciones y los mejores de todos los socios que tienen los corales, somos tú y yo
I knew that every time we were supposed to meet, you would get distracted... by one of your many girlfriends and stand me up... and this would give me a reason to fight with you over the phone... and declare that I wouldn't meet with you for a hundred years.
Sabía que cada vez que debíamos encontrarnos te distraerías con una de tus novias y me dejarías plantada. Esto me daría un motivo para pelear por teléfono y declarar que no me encontraría contigo en cien años.
My darling Lee, I guess by the time you get this tape you'll know that I'm dead and, well, all that...
Querldo Lee, imagino que cuando te llegue esta cinta ya sabrás que he muerto.
That's two days, and by the time I'm through with you, it's gonna be 47.
Esos son dos días, y para cuando termine con ustedes, van a ser 47.
The only reply I could come up with, I said, "l bet that is the only time in history the headline of the paper could include the words" beaver "and" nipple " and nobody'd be offended by it.
Mi única respuesta fue, "Única vez en la historia que un titular incluyó'castor'y'tetilla'sin que alguien se ofendiera".
Because of that, I was raped by him and Jesse at the same time, as punishment to that.
Y como castigo, él y Jesse me violaron a la misma vez.
Judge Boklan sternly looked down and said that she recommended to the parole board that he serve the maximum period of time permitted by law a statement which I felt was harsh and unnecessary to a 19-year-old under these circumstances.
La juez lo miró y dijo que lo condenaran... ADOLESCENTE CONDENADO DE 6 A 18 AÑOS POR ABUSO SEXUAL DE MENORES... a cumplir el período máximo permitido por la ley.
She's been exploited and replicated in so many forms, that it's easy to forget she was once a living breathing person, her image and expression caught in one moment of time, and immortalised by the hand of the artist.
Ella ha sido utilizada y copiada de tantas maneras, que es fácil olvidar que ella fue una persona de carne y hueso, cuya imagen y expresión fueron captadas en un momento dado, e inmortalizada por la mano del artista.
The United States at that time was also blocking utopian, legalistic means that were being pursued by the World Court, the Latin American countries and others, and it continued to block those means, right until the end, until the final
Los Estados Unidos también bloqueaban utopías, legalmente significa que fueron cazados por la Corte Mundial, Los países de América Latina y otros, y ellos continúan bloqueando eso significa, correcto hasta el fin, hasta la victoria final de este guerra terrorista por toda América Central.
At that time, there should be kids flushing out in all directions... and we'll be able to pick them off, one by one.
A esa altura, debería haber chicos corriendo por todas partes... y nosotros podremos matarlos uno por uno.
They call it a miraculous country that's fueled by its ordeals and doesn't waste time on regrets.
Lo llaman un país milagroso que es estimulado por sus penosas experiencias y no pierde tiempo en lamentaciones.
You know by the time that baby's walking and talking, his daddy'll be missing in action.
Cuando el bebé esté hablando y caminando, su papá desaparecerá en acción.
He also said that he'd been hit hard by his recent divorce and he was very enthusiastic about working full-time with his rap band, Strength.
También dijo que estaba dolido por su reciente divorcio y que estaba entusiasmado por trabajar con su banda de rap, Strength.

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