And bye traducir español
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Chick could double down on black tomorrow, and bye-bye, baby girl.
? , y adios adios dulzura.
In the sweet bye and bye.
En el dulce adiós.
Well, it's a bye week, and we don't have a game on Friday, so...
Bueno, es la última semana y no hay pertido el viernes, así que...
I Thought That My Getting Him That Job Was Your Way Of Saying Good-Bye And Good Luck.
Pensé que el conseguirle el trabajo era tu forma de decir adiós y buena suerte.
And she left before you could say good-bye.
Y ella se fue antes de que pudieras decir "adiós"
All I got to do is snap my fingers, and you go bye-Bye.
Sólo tengo que chasquear los dedos, y adiós.
Bye, and thanks a lot.
Adiós, y muchas gracias.
If you sleep with Kusanagi, she'll shoot you in the head, and it'll be bye-bye.
Intenta dormir con Kusanagi-san. Solo haz eso, Y terminarás con una bala en la frente.
Forty-eight hours ago we said good-bye, possibly forever, and then I get a message from you on my cell... that I should come right over because you got a job.
Nos dijimos adiós hace 48 horas, posiblemente para siempre... y luego me dejas un mensaje en mi celular... diciendo quevenga porque tienes un trabajo.
feeding and I can not speak Suo Bule no, you can not, good-bye no, do not be linked to phone and tell Suo Bule said Suo Bule convey our house was burned natural gas, please
Alimentarlo. Y no puedo hablar Suo Bule. No, no puedes, adiós.
Ok you take my car, and go to home, bye!
Haz una cosa. Coge el coche y vete a casa. Está bien.
And also a little crooked. Bye!
y un poco sinvergüenza. ¡ Adiós!
Now, come on in the house and say bye to Charlene and the kids.
Vamos a la casa así te despides de Charlene y los niños.
But... say good-bye to your badge... and your pension.
Pero despídete de tu placa y de tu pensión.
I just wanted to say good-bye and thank you for being so kind to me.
Sólo quería despedirme y agradecerle por ser tan amable conmigo.
didn't we just say good-bye? somehow, you screwing blair for sport is my fault! all right, i know how long you and i have been best friends, okay?
¿ No podemos simplemente decirnos adiós?
i - i took a train heading north, and i got a room and convinced my mom that boarding school was a good idea, and... never said good-bye.
Yo - yo tomé un tren hacia el norte, conseguí una habitación y convencí a mi madre Ese internado fue una buena idea, y... Nunca dijistes adios.
I begged her to stay and say good-bye, But she said that they could still catch the flight.
Le rogué a ella que se quedara y dijera adiós, pero ella dijo que todavía podía coger el vuelo.
Bye! I'd like to talk to you about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Me gustaría hablarles, acerca de la verdad toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad.
And I like women in white! Bye!
Y a mí me gustan las mujeres de blanco!
Bye, and kiss our child for me.
Chao y un beso a la niña.
I'm alone and I'm fine, and now I want to check my messages, bye.
Yo estoy sola y estoy bien y ahora quiero ir a levantar mis mensajes. Chau.
I saw phone numbers being exchanged and I saw a kiss good-bye.
Vi que se intercambiaron números de teléfono y vi un beso de despedida.
Sashe, come say good-bye to Grandma and Grandpa
Sashe, ven a despedirte de la abuela y el abuelo.
I told him that you were in grandview and you wanted to say good-bye.
Le conté que estaban aquí, en Grandview y él quiere despedirse.
And now's the time when we have to say good-Bye To one of you forever.
Y ahora es el momento de decirle adiós al que se va para siempre...
Thank you and good-bye, Dr. Filler.
- Gracias, y buenas noches. Doctor Feeler.
Am i just going to tuck my tail between my legs And scurry out of here and say, bye, guys, it was great.
Yo no meteré el rabo entre las piernas... y saldré corriendo de aquí diciendo, "adiós, chicas, fue genial".
So, give me a ring then when you land, and... have a safe trip. Bye.
Solo dame un toque cuando aterrices y... ten un buen vuelo.
he left without kissing me good-bye, and it's making me crazy.
Si fue sin darme un beso de despedida y eso me está volviendo loca.
He gave me my business back And said good-Bye.
Me ha devuelto mi negocio y me ha dicho adiós.
Good-bye, Anne and Mary.
Adiós, Anne y Mary.
- Good-bye, Anne and Mary.
Adiós, Anne y Mary.
I went there to say good-bye to the children and to give Madeleine some money to start over.
Fui allí para despedirme de los niños y darle a Madeleine algo de dinero para que comenzara nuevamente.
Just, uh, dropped by to say good-bye to some folks. And I'm... grateful to have that opportunity with you.
Sólo pasé para despedirme de algunos amigos, y estoy agradecido de que me dé esta oportunidad.
Say good-bye to your old broken-down radio and cell phone and hello to modern convenience.
Dile adiós a tu vieja y averiada radio y celular y dile hola a la comodidad moderna.
- And could you tell Hank tha- - - Yes, bye!
- ¿ Y podrías decirle a Hank que- - - ¡ Sí, adiós!
I didn't get a chance to say good-bye and... She wouldn't give me her phone number.
No tuve ocasión de despedirme y ella no me da su número de teléfono.
And you left without saying good-bye.
Y tú te fuiste sin decir adiós.
Say good-bye and farewell
Dí adiós y despídete
- And I'll see you tonight? - Okay, bye-bye.
He said good-bye to his wife and put his mask back on.
Él se despidió de su esposa y volvió a ponerse la mascara.
Well, on that note, I'm gonna let you work because It's your first day and I don't wanna get you fired, so bye.
Y también sé que debo dejarte trabajar porque es tu primer día y no quiero que te despidan. Adiós.
Tell my sister I made them for her and give her my kisses. Bye!
Dile a mi hermana que los hice para ella y dale mis besos. ¡ Adiós!
- Say good-bye to her and or..
- Decirle adiós a ella y, o- -
And good-bye, Juarez family.
Y adiós, familia Juárez.
Just wanted to say good-bye to you and dad before I left.
Sólo quería decirte adiós antes de irme.
It's been, oh, nine hours since I said "I love you" and "bye."
Ya han pasado 9 horas desde que dije "te quiero, adiós".
Bye-bye. And. awkward.
Adiós y incómodo.
As we say good-bye, as the maker is met... let's hope the soul of our beloved makes it to heaven, because his people are with him, and they love him, and they'll miss him.
Mientras decimos adiós, el Creador le recibe... Esperemos que el alma de nuestro amado hermano vaya al Cielo, porque su gente está con él, porque le quieren, y porque le echan de menos.
I mean, since you two are in love and everything. Bye, Ben.
Digo, ya que están enamorados y todo eso.
byers 25
bye bye 239
bye for now 50
bye then 84
bye now 202
bye to me 16
bye to you 39
byes 156
bye forever 30
bye mom 21
bye bye 239
bye for now 50
bye then 84
bye now 202
bye to me 16
bye to you 39
byes 156
bye forever 30
bye mom 21
bye dad 20
bye to her 16
bye to 20
bye to him 31
and by 340
and better 23
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and by god 23
and besides 937
bye to her 16
bye to 20
bye to him 31
and by 340
and better 23
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and by god 23
and besides 937
and beyond that 27
and bang 29
and breathe 35
and before you know it 100
and before you ask 32
and besides that 26
and back 42
and ben 22
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and bang 29
and breathe 35
and before you know it 100
and before you ask 32
and besides that 26
and back 42
and ben 22
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33