And you know it traducir español
41,289 traducción paralela
Because it's a miracle, and you know it.
Porque es un milagro y tú lo sabes.
That's preposterous, and you know it.
Eso es ridículo, y lo sabes.
This doesn't have anything to do with reason, and you know it.
Esto no tiene nada que ver con lo que es racional y lo sabes.
Madi would not permit it, and you know it.
Madi no lo permitiría y lo sabes.
I like it, but, you know, it usually times out between four and six minutes, and neither of us are in any remote danger of physical injury.
Me gusta, pero, ya sabes, normalmente dura entre cuatro y seis minutos, y ninguno de los dos corre peligro por lesiones físicas.
So, uh, you should know what I do is accept your loan application, or not, and hand it over to the underwriting department, most likely located in another state.
Lo que yo haré es aceptar su solicitud de préstamo, o rechazarla, y enviarla al departamento de evaluación, que se encuentra en otro estado.
You know, me and Penny, we collect each paycheck like it's our last.
Sabes, Penny y yo cobramos cada cheque como si fuera el último.
Did you know it was illegal, and that by helping her, you could go to jail?
¿ Sabías que era ilegal y que, al ayudarla, podrías ir presa?
And when it comes, you will know without question, your place in the world.
Y cuando llegue, verá sin cuestionarse, su lugar en el mundo.
Now you and I we both know that it wasn't a woman who captained that ship.
Bueno, tú y yo sabemos que una mujer no capitaneaba ese barco.
I know, but I thought about it, and you've got this place looking better
Lo sé, pero lo he pensado y has dejado este sitio con mejor aspecto
And you don't know who did it?
¿ Y no sabes quién lo hizo?
And I want to know if it's You.
Y quiero saber si eres Tú.
Maybe you didn't know it was locked, and I was only in there for a minute.
Puede que no supieras que estaba cerrada y solo estuve dentro un minuto.
Because you're the president-elect, you asked me, and I know it's right.
Porque es la presidenta electa, me lo ha pedido y sé que está bien.
You know it's- - it's all that men like Saul and I know, our careers.
Sabes... es todo lo que tenemos los hombres como Saul y yo... nuestras carreras.
We both know it, and- - and I am so, so sorry, what I did to you.
Ambos lo sabemos, y... siento muchísimo lo que te hice.
I know it must be painful for you and I-I'm sorry.
Sé que debe de ser doloroso para usted y lo siento.
Then you know that the president will not hesitate to cut you open and pull it out.
Entonces sabes que el presidente no dudará en abrirte y sacarlo.
A sin is when you know something is wrong and you do it anyway.
Es cuando sabes que algo está mal e igual lo haces.
You have to know, it is important to ask to repair the alliance between Captain Flint's people and ours.
Tienes que saber, que es importante subsanar la alianza entre la gente del Capitán Flint y la nuestra.
And light it on fire and, you know, send it out into the ocean.
Deberíamos arrojarlo al mar.
He was kind of a miserable guy and, you know, he took it out on his wife and his kids and everybody, including me, so I said fuck it,
Era un tipo miserable y ya sabes, y lo hice. Por sobre su esposa y sus hijos y todo el mundo. Incluyéndome a mí, por lo que dije que se joda, acababa de llegar de allí y le dije que lo que era.
If they see pirates return here, if they see skirmishes begin again on this island and they know that it was because you invited it... then you are going to have a mutiny on your hands, sir.
Si ven que los piratas regresan, si ven que en esta isla vuelven a comenzar las escaramuzas y saben que ha sido porque usted lo ha provocado... entonces se va a encontrar con un motín entre manos, señor.
It just proved there's a whole bunch more of us out there than we thought, and that there must be some kind of an intelligence network because they all seemed to know who you were.
Demostramos que somos muchos más de los que creíamos, y que debe haber una red de inteligencia si todos sabían quién eras.
You want to know what it's like between Will and me.
Quieres saber cómo es entre Will y yo.
And I think you know it.
Y creo que lo sabes.
And I would have mentioned it last night, but, you know, she has so much to lose, and I...
Y tendría que habértelo mencionado anoche, pero, bueno, ella tiene mucho que perder, y yo...
Anyway, instead of going to the house and booking the kid, Lonnie has me drive to one of those Grandmaster Flash ghost town streets, you know, with the busted-out windows with the cardboard all over it,
En cualquier caso, en vez de ir a la comisaría y fichar al chaval, Loonie me llevó a una de esas calles fantasmas de la ciudad, bueno, sin ventanas, con cartones por todas partes, periódicos volando como plantas rodadoras,
Okay, we'll leave you to it, and you'll let us know when you have an estimate?
De acuerdo, lo dejaremos y... ¿ nos hará saber cuándo tenga una estimación?
You know, for someone who's so into demons and devils, I'm surprised you never considered how it would feel.
Sabes, para alguien que está... en demonios y lo diabólico, me sorprende de que nunca... consideraras cómo se sentiría.
You know, if you're gonna, like, go and take over, you might wanna do it right.
Si vas a tomar el mando, debes hacerlo bien.
Uh, and, uh, you know, like, whatever he finds, it doesn't say, but his next move is to petition Ember and Umber for strength.
Y, ya sabéis, que cualquier cosa que haya encontrado, no lo cuenta, pero su siguiente movimiento es pedirle a Ember y Umber fuerza.
So i... I clear the charge with Mr. schaefer and he says, oh, it's... it's just, just some, you know, some admission fee, to some private party.
Así que... aclaré el cargo con el Sr. Schaefer y él dijo, oh, es... solo, solo alguna, ya sabes, alguna cuota de admisión.
Her husband is this big-shot plumber, always buying her jewellery, but her sister is always showing it off and throwing it on Katie's face, you know?
Su marido es un fontanero con bastante éxito, siempre le está comprando joyas, y su hermana siempre se las enseña, se las restriega en la cara, ¿ sabes?
I love it there, but I like how quiet and peaceful it is here. - You know?
Me encanta vivir allá, pero me gusta lo tranquilo y pacífico que es este lugar.
It would involve somebody sort of holding someone else's... head down and kind of, you know, maybe holding them by the hair, by the pigtails.
Implicaría a alguien sujetando la cabeza... de otra persona y, ya sabes, quizá agarrándola por los pelos, por las coletas.
And, you know, I hate it when everyone says,
Y, sabes, odio cuando todo el mundo dice
It wasn't like your friends, like little Hannah and the gang, saying Marnie doesn't, you know, care about the environment, or Marnie's poetry is repetitive, or rolling their eyes and dismissing you,
No era como tus amigas, la pequeña Hannah y la pandilla, diciendo que Marnie no se preocupa por el medio ambiente, o que la poesía de Marnie es repetitiva, o poniendo los ojos en blanco y desestimándote,
You know, it has to be raw and honest, real.
Tiene que ser puro y honesto, real.
And I know it's really, really painful, so you don't have to make the decision now whether you wanna sign a release or not.
Y sé que es muy muy doloroso, así que no tienes que tomar la decisión ahora de si quieres o no firmar un lanzamiento.
Children... it's good for them to hear loud noises and strange smells, and be around strange men, you know?
Niños... es bueno para ellos oír ruidos altos y percibir olores raros y estar cerca de hombres extraños, ¿ sabes?
And, you know, I made it through, and after that, I was the fucking sleepover king.
Y, ¿ sabes? , lo superé y después de eso, era el rey de las fiestas de pijamas.
And I'd like to remind the three of you not to sleep on this friendship because I know if feels like it's just gonna be, like, love and lust pushing you forward, but lust fades and friendship never does.
Y me gustaría recordaros a los tres que no os olvidéis de vuestra amistad porque sé que parece como que el amor y la lujuria os empujan, pero la lujuria se desvanece y la amistad nunca lo hace.
I had one goal in mind when I took over this department, and that was to just pump it full of fresh blood, you know.
Tenía un objetivo en mente cuando me puse al mando de este departamento, y era llenarlo de sangre nueva, ¿ sabes?
And also, just to bring up, whatever, the elephant in the room, I know it's illegal for you to ask.
Y también, solo por sacar el tema que estamos evitando, sé que es ilegal que lo preguntes.
I-I don't know what kind of sick fuck digs his mother's body out of a grave and moves it around, okay, and I don't want to know about it or what you did to it.
No sé qué clase de puto enfermo desentierra a su madre de la tumba y se la lleva por ahí, y no quiero saber nada del tema ni de lo que hiciste.
Because it's a surprise, and I know you'll love it.
Porque es una sorpresa y sé que te encantará.
I... it's just because she gets hurt so easily, and I-I know that the two of you had that terrible fight before we moved from Scottsdale, but I just... I think this could be a new beginning,
Pero solo es porque las cosas le hacen daño con facilidad, y sé que vosotros dos tuvisteis una pelea horrible antes de mudarnos de Scottsdale, pero es que... creo que esto podría ser un nuevo comienzo.
I know what it's like to be locked up somewhere and being watched all the time, because you put me in such a place... do you remember?
Sé lo que es estar encerrado en un sitio y ser vigilado todo el tiempo, porque tú me metiste en un lugar así, ¿ recuerdas?
You know you can walk into a shop here and purchase a rifle or a revolver, and it's perfectly legal?
¿ Sabes que aquí puedes entrar en una tienda y comprar un rifle o un revólver, y es perfectamente legal?
and you 7643
and you know 574
and your daughter 42
and you're welcome 67
and you too 176
and your point is 28
and you're here 49
and your wife 79
and your father 132
and you're next 17
and you know 574
and your daughter 42
and you're welcome 67
and you too 176
and your point is 28
and you're here 49
and your wife 79
and your father 132
and you're next 17