And your mother traducir español
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The time I spent with you and your mother feels like yesterday to me.
El tiempo que pasé contigo y tu madre me parece que fue ayer.
But most of all, he loved beauty... in a song, a painting, a man, a woman, and your mother was so beautiful.
Pero por encima de todo, amaba la belleza... en una canción, en una pintura, en un hombre, en una mujer, y tu madre era muy bella.
I never talked to you about that day... the day Jacob and your mother died.
Nunca te hablé acerca de ese día... el día en que Jacob y tu madre murieron.
And your mother?
¿ Y su madre?
I will take care of you and your mother while your father's in prison.
Yo cuidaré de ti y tu madre mientras tu padre está en la cárcel.
Well, I run the Caldwell Community Center, and your mother used to...
Bueno, dirijo el Caldwell Community Center, y tu madre solía...
Eric, go and ask your mother to come in here.
Eric, ve y dile a tu madre que venga.
Your mother and I had some run-ins with them.
Tu madre y yo tuvimos algunos roces con ellas.
Emma, your mother and I realized that we needed to take a step back from our crusade.
Emma, tu madre y yo nos dimos cuenta de que necesitábamos dar un paso atrás en nuestra cruzada.
I know it might be hard to believe that we've backed off Ursula and Cruella, but your mother and I think it's the right thing to do.
Sé que podría parecer difícil de creer que nos retractemos en Ursula y Cruella, pero tu madre y yo pensamos que es lo correcto.
And, Fred, your mother's with him.
Y, Fred, tu madre está con él.
Helena's the mother of your kid, and she's in trouble.
Helena es la madre de tu niño y está en problemas.
I do the deal for the pills, we close Bubbles with your mother, and then we finally have a legitimate front.
Yo hago el trato por las pastillas, cerramos Bubbles con tu madre, y entonces podremos por fin tener una tapadera legal.
I will be your mother hen, and I will keep our chicks together.
Seré vuestra madre gallina, y mantendré a nuestros pollitos unidos.
Yeah, and a place for Carlton to shag your mother. Oh... - What!
Sí, y un sitio para que Carlton se follara a tu madre. - ¡ Qué!
Our first date, your mother and I went to the movies.
En nuestra primera cita, tu madreb y yo fuimos al cine.
And I am your mother, and I am telling you, you are done with playing.
Y yo soy tu madre, y te digo que has terminado de jugar.
I have something to tell you, about your mother and me and why our marriage ended.
Tengo algo que contarte, sobre tu madre y yo y por qué acabó nuestro matrimonio.
- No? You want to want a man, Virginia, because, as unconventional as you consider yourself, you're still your mother's daughter, and she told you you need one to be happy.
Quieres un hombre, Virginia, porque, pese a lo poco convencional que te consideras, sigues siendo la hija de tu madre, y ella te dijo que necesitas uno para ser feliz.
But he made it to a hospital and it cost Jimmy's mother a quarter of a million dollars, which is not enough for having lost your testicles.
Pero le llevó al hospital y le costó a la madre de Jimmy un cuarto de millón de dólares, lo cual no es suficiente por haber perdido tus testículos.
Your mother, your brother, me and you.
Tu madre, tu hermano, tú y yo.
That's what your mother wanted, and look what happened to her.
Eso es lo que tu madre quería, y mira lo que pasó con ella.
Every time I heard you sing, I heard your mother, and it was too painful.
Cada vez que te oía cantar, oía a tu madre, y era demasiado doloroso.
That's what your mother wanted, And look what happened to her.
Eso es lo que tu madre quería, y mira lo que le pasó.
It was just... Every time I heard you sing, I heard your mother, and it was too painful.
Era solo que... cada vez que te escuchaba cantar, escuchaba a tu madre, y era demasiado doloroso.
I can use it to whisk us away to someplace where your mother and her dogs can never find us.
Podría llevarnos a un lugar donde tu madre y sus perros no nos encuentren.
Do you have any idea how worried your mother and I have been?
Tienes alguna idea de lo preocupados que hemos estado tu madre y yo?
Hey, and what about your mother?
¿ Y qué hay de tu madre?
And of course your mother would do anything to impress the CIA.
Y por supuesto tu madre haría cualquier cosa para impresionar a la CIA.
I'm typing out your confession for the murder of Everett's mother and stepfather.
Estoy escribiendo su confesión por los asesinatos de la madre y el padrastro de Everett.
I promised I'd free you from your mother's control, and that still stands.
Te prometí que te libraría del control de tu madre y eso sigue en pie.
Your mother and I will always be here to protect you.
Tu madre y yo siempre estaremos aquí para protegerte.
And I think it's good for Lance to realize that, you know, like, I'm not your mother.
Y pienso que es bueno para Lance que se de cuenta de que, ya sabes, no soy tu madre.
And you protected Gabriella, your mother, and your sister, all in one shot, too.
Y protegiste a Gabriella, a tu madre y tu hermana, todo en una sola oportunidad, también.
Uh, your mother and I have been talking...
Uh, tu madre y yo hemos estado hablando...
and knowing your mother, if she doesn't want to be found, she won't be.
y conociendo a tu madre, si no quiere que la encuentren, no lo harán.
Your mother and I used to fight in the bathroom with the shower running so you guys wouldn't hear.
Tu madre y yo solíamos discutir en el baño con la ducha encendida para que no pudierais oírnos.
You could go back and save your mother.
Podrías regresar y salvar a tu madre.
Your mother and I were going through a tough time.
Tu madre y yo estábamos pasando por un tiempo difícil.
Do you want to be raped like your mother and me?
¿ Quieres ser violada como tu madre y yo?
I've been going through your mother's stuff and well, I thought that Tracey might like this.
He estado revisando las cosas de tu madre... y bueno, pensé que a Tracey puede gustarle tener esto.
And I'm still your mother, don't you ever forget that.
Y yo sigo siendo vuestra madre, no lo olvidéis.
Mother's milk clouded your mind... made you do bad things and not even remember.
La leche materna nublaba la mente... te obligaba a hacer cosas malas y luego ni recordarlas.
And don't cry to me about hearing your mother get taught a lesson, just because you didn't have the balls to do anything about it.
Y no me vengas lloriqueando por oír a tu madre recibiendo una lección, solo porque tú no tuviste pelotas para hacer algo al respecto.
Your mother was a ho, and she's dead.
- Mi madre- - Tu madre era una fulana, y está muerta.
Now I can take you through primary school and get you a copy of my mother's last angiogram, or we can just get to it, and tell me your price.
Ahora te puedo contar de mi escuela primaria y darte una copia de el último angiograma de mi madre, o simplemente podemos ir a lo nuestro y me dices el precio.
And go to your mother's.
Hazlo, por favor. Luego, id a casa de tu madre.
So you can stop murdering everybody and accept the fact that your dumb dead mother was nothing more than a drunk, degenerate slut.
Así que puedes dejar de asesinar a todo el mundo y aceptar el hecho de que tu tonta madre muerta no era más que una puta degenerada borracha.
After I sent your mother and her two slightly less bitchy friends out to get pillow cases and shovels, the girl in the tub let out a death rattle that was so loud and powerful that she expelled a second child
Después envié a tu madre y sus dos amigos poco menos malintencionado fuera para obtener fundas de almohada y palas, la niña en la bañera dejó escapar un estertor que era tan fuerte y poderoso que expulsó a un segundo hijo
Then I'm gonna turn you in, for covering up the murder of my mother and killing your ex-husband.
Entonces yo voy a delatarla a usted por encubrir el asesinato de mi madre y matar a su exmarido.
Harry, get your mother and get out of the house.
Harry, busca a tu madre y sal de la casa. ¡ Ve.
and your daughter 42
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your husband 51
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your husband 51
and your children 18
and your sister 50
and your dad 64
and your family 44
and your parents 48
and your 98
and your name is 47
and your name 40
and your eyes 18
and your hair 20
and your sister 50
and your dad 64
and your family 44
and your parents 48
and your 98
and your name is 47
and your name 40
and your eyes 18
and your hair 20