And you know me traducir español
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I just know why you'd value one case over another and then put it off on me.
Solo sé por qué te valoras un caso sobre otro y luego me lo cargas a mí.
And I actually feel bad for the guy, you know.
Y realmente me siento mal por el tipo, ¿ sabes?
I just wanna say you've been on my mind ever since we met and I'd like us to get to know each other.
Quiero decirte que pienso en ti desde que te vi y me gustaría conocerte.
[laughing] You know, watching Snoot and Meep made me want a little romance, too.
Ver a Greído y Meep me hizo desear un poco de romance.
And you know I love boogers.
Y sabes que me encantan.
I want you to know you're the best thing that's come into my life in a long time, and... I'm really sorry I messed it up, but that seems to be what I do.
Quiero que sepas que eres lo mejor que me ha pasado en mucho tiempo, y.. realmente lamento haberlo arruinado, pero parece ser lo que siempre hago.
I smoked my first joint when I was 14, but... I had already done acid and mushrooms by then, so, you know, weed, whoop-de-do.
Yo me fumé mi primer porro a los 14 años, pero... por entonces ya había probado el ácido y las setas, así que, ya sabéis, no fue nada.
I know I'm not supposed to ask what you talked about with your therapist, and I never would, but... if you want to tell me, you can.
Ya sé que no debo preguntar de qué hablaste con tu terapeuta, y nunca lo haría, pero... si quieres contármelo, puedes hacerlo.
You know, sometimes i wish I could just relax and let it all go, you know, right now, I feel like I could probably exploded.
Sabes, a veces me gustaría poder relajarme... y dejarlo salir todo, sabes, ahora mismo,... siento que podría estallar.
And you know what, oh, and let me be the first to congratulate you folks on this marvelous house.
Y sabes qué, déjame ser el primero... en felicitarlos por esta maravillosa casa.
You know, it seems to me Larry has needs and deserves to have those needs... met.
, a mí me parece que Larry tiene necesidades y merece que esas necesidades... se satisfagan.
Although, you know what, since I'm here, why don't I grab, like, eight handguns, couple of shotguns, and, I don't know, three more handguns.
Aunque, ¿ sabes qué? , ya que estoy aquí, por qué no me llevo ocho pistolas, un par de escopetas, y, no sé, tres pistolas más.
Between you and me, I don't fully know what I'm doing, but it seems like you guys do, so I'm just gonna stay out of the way and give you guys whatever you need.
Entre vosotros y yo, no sé del todo lo que estoy haciendo, pero parece que vosotros sí, así que simplemente me voy a quitar del camino y os voy a dar todo lo que necesitéis.
What I know you've done is withhold information from me, despite the fact that I welcome you into the Reich, into my home, and into the life of my family.
Sé que me ha ocultado información, a pesar de haberle dado la bienvenida al Reich, a mi hogar y a la vida de mi familia.
And then the Resistance came back, and they drugged me again, and they locked me in the trunk of a car, and you know the rest.
Y entonces la Resistencia regresó, me volvieron a drogar, me metieron en el maletero de un coche y ya conoce el resto.
Listen, Helen, I... I know how difficult yesterday was for you, and I just wanted to say that you can count on me.
Oye, Helen, sé lo complicado que ayer fue para ti y quiero que sepas que puedes contar conmigo.
You know, I just been thinking, the way you and me fell so fast for this lady, and for no reason?
Sabes, he estado pensando ¿ la forma en que tú y yo caímos por esta tipa y sin ninguna razón?
And you'll want to know how it came to be hidden by me, and why I said nothing to you about it in my lifetime.
Y Ud. querrá saber cómo es que yo lo escondí y por qué no le dije nada mientras vivía.
I know you suspect me of stealing your diamond, and I have the right to know, I will know the reason why.
Sé que sospechas que yo te robé el diamante y tengo derecho a saber por qué.
I worked up my courage, I walked over to him and I introduced myself, and you know what he said to me?
Me armé de valor, caminé hacia él y me presenté,
You know, I... never really thought much about it until now, and... but now it's starting to scare me.
Sabes que yo... Nunca pensé mucho en ello hasta ahora, y pero ahora está empezando a asustarme.
Yeah, you know, like, you give me your thoughts and your feelings, and I'll mix'em up and give you back something real good.
Sí, ya sabes, como, me das tus pensamientos y sentimientos, y yo los mezclo y te devuelvo algo realmente bueno.
But I didn't mean sex, I meant life and dating and, you know, stuff like that.
Pero no me refería al sexo, me refiero a la vida y salir y, ya sabes, cosas como esas.
You know, it's funny, I try so hard to keep God out of the workplace, and yet, here I am, in the workplace, and I am God.
, es gracioso, me esfuerzo por dejar a Dios fuera del trabajo y sin embargo, estoy aquí, en el trabajo y soy Dios.
And then screw me over, because as desperate as you are, you and I both know that you would never let me out of here.
Y luego me tornillo sobre, porque como desesperada como tu eres, usted y yo sabemos que nunca lo haría Déjame salir de aquí,
the "get a real job" thing from my wife, and there's already a fucking thing in our relationship about her wearing the pants and her winning the money, and me taking care of her babies and being, you know,
Y tengo que superar lo de "búscate un trabajo de verdad". Ya tenemos un problema porque lleva los pantalones y gana el dinero, mientras yo cuido de los niños y me quedo en casa.
I don't know.'Cause you're my neighbor and you're- - You're helping me out.
Porque eres mi vecino y me estás ayudando.
Mmm-hmm. And you can just let me know when it's... you're done, and like, you know, when I've gone far enough, okay?
Y me avisas cuando hayas acabado y cuando he estirado bastante, ¿ vale?
[stammers] Yeah, I left my first wife, and I went with somebody else, but that's, you know, that happens, you know, so- -
Sí, dejé a mi primera mujer y me fui con otra, pero son cosas que pasan, así que... Eso creo.
Yeah, obviously, you know, the, uh... the first wife don't want to have anything to do with me, and, uh, the second one, I don't know, you know.
Bueno, obviamente, mi mi primera mujer no quiere saber nada de mí y la segunda, no sé.
It's all right with work and, um, could be a good opportunity... you know, for you to clear out your stuff and... not have me around trying to convince you to stay.
No me afectará al trabajo y podría ser una oportunidad para que recojas tus cosas... Sin tenerme ahí convenciéndote para que te quedes.
I mean, it's much, you know, bigger role and, like, you know, it would help me get a bit more established and... um...
Es un papel mucho más importante y me ayudaría a consolidar mi carrera y...
And I know you say we're done and... it doesn't feel that way to me.
Ya sé que dices que hemos terminado, pero yo no siento lo mismo.
You know, and then I see you guys and I'm like...
Y cuando os vi, me dije...
It's actually very interesting to me to hear what you're thinking, and I wanna know because I love you and I trust you more than anything, so... [Noelle laughing] Yeah.
Me interesa mucho saber lo que piensas y quiero saberlo, porque te quiero y confío en ti más que en nadie.
And then I'll make sure that, you know, before you leave, we'll... we'll try to set something up on the books, you know?
Me aseguraré de fijar una fecha en la agenda antes de que te vayas.
One of these times no one's gonna be here to call me, and you know what happens then?
Una de estas veces... nadie estará aquí para llamarme... ¿ y sabes qué pasa después?
And before you say anything, I know that we gotta get onto this full-time nanny thing, but I just found out that Connie's sister is a nanny and she's looking for work.
Y antes que digas algo, sé que tenemos que ver esto de la nana de tiempo completo, pero me acabo de enterar que la hermana de Connie es una nana y está buscando trabajo.
- And I know what that means because I'm French, but I ask you to repeat it in English, just to be sure.
Y yo sé lo que significa porque soy francés, pero te pido que me lo repitas en inglés, solo para estar seguro.
I didn't know much about you, and, frankly, what I did know didn't impress me.
No sabía demasiado sobre usted y, sinceramente, lo que sabía no me impresionaba.
You're telling me you signed on to this, and you don't know the person who set you up?
¿ Estás diciendo que te alistaste en esto y no sabes con quién te aliaste?
From what I can tell, you know him so well, and point is, why I called, Aram, uh, his perfect date- - what would that be?
Por lo que me han dicho, le conoces muy bien, y el asunto por el que te llamo, Aram, su cita perfecta...
Well, that's good because I'm not an agent or a spook, and SVR did not ask me to find out whether or not you're compromised, which we both know you're not.
Bueno, me parece bien porque no soy un agente ni un espía y el SVR no me pidió que averiguara si estabas o no comprometido, cosa que ambos sabemos que no.
You know my dad sent me to a shrink to try and fix the problem?
¿ Sabes que mi padre me envió a un psiquiatra para intentar solucionarlo?
You know? And I just don't feel like you're meeting me halfway on things.
Y no siento que estés encontrándote conmigo a medio camino.
You know, I don't frequent pavilions, not as much as I should, and I know that I'm missing out, but I...
Sabes, no frecuento pabellones, no tanto como debería, y sé que me estoy perdiendo cosas,
Only-only'cause I know you're not a deceitful person, so, logically... you lied, then something's bothering you and... that bothers me.
Sólo porque yo sé Usted no es una persona engañosa, Así que, lógicamente... usted mintió, Entonces algo es Molestándote y
I know she was once a part of you, but she was the worst part, and I am so happy that you ripped her out and threw her away.
Sé que formó parte de ti, pero era la peor parte... y me alegra mucho que pudieras librarte de ella.
OK, Hammond and May, can you just let me know what your lighting situation is now?
Bien, Hammond y May... ¿ Me dirían cuál es su situación de iluminación ahora?
You should celebrate Thanksgiving with me and my family, if you, you know, if you want.
Podrías celebrar Acción de Gracias conmigo y con mi familia, si quieres.
You know, maybe I've had an artistic side in me all along and nobody knew to empower it.
Sabes, quizás he tenido un lado artístico en mí todo este tiempo y nadie supo potenciarlo.
and you 7643
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and your daughter 42
and you're welcome 67
and you too 176
and you're here 49
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and you're next 17
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and your daughter 42
and you're welcome 67
and you too 176
and you're here 49
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and you're next 17
and your father 132
and yours 281
and your brother 50
and you didn't tell me 78
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your friend 42
and your mother 135
and your husband 51
and your children 18
and yours 281
and your brother 50
and you didn't tell me 78
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your friend 42
and your mother 135
and your husband 51
and your children 18