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Breathe slowly traducir español

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Breathe slowly.
Respira suavemente.
Breathe slowly.
Respire lentamente.
Try and breathe slowly.
Inténtelo y respire despacio.
Gauze, and you're going to hold my tongue with it... and you want me to relax and breathe slowly in and out...
Sí, vas a sostenerme Ia lengua con Ia gasa y quieres que me relaje y aspire y respire lentamente...
breathe slowly, regularly...
Respire lentamente.
Breathe slowly, deeply, as if you were floating.
Respira lentamente, profundamente, como si estuvieras flotando.
- Breathe slowly.
- Respirá despacio.
Breathe slowly.
Respiren... lentamente.
Now, try and breathe slowly, Lord Marchmain quite gently, then you get the benefit. There
Intente respirar lentamente, lord Marchmain... con suavidad así le sacará más provecho.
When you breathe, you breathe slowly.
Cuando respiren, respiren despacio.
So just breathe slowly and through your nose... and out through your mouth.
Sólo respira lento a travez de tu nariz... y largalo por la boca.
Breathe slowly, and...
Respira lento y...
Yeah.Just breathe slowly and squeeze the- -
Respira lentamente y aprieta el...
- Listen. Breathe slowly.
- Escúchame, respira lentamente.
- Breathe slowly.
- Respira lentamente.
Look, feet apart, relax, breathe slowly.
Mira, pies separados, relájate, respira lentamente.
Breathe slowly.
Respira con calma.
- Breathe slowly.
- Respira despacio.
Come on, breathe slowly.
Vamos, respire pausadamente.
Thomas. Calm down. Breathe slowly.
Cálmate, respira despacio.
I breathe slowly.
Respiro despacio.
Keep your head up, come on now, breathe slowly, slowly.
Mantenga su cabeza arriba, ahora vamos respire despacio, despacio.
Breathe slowly. That's it, breathe. There you are.
Así, respira despacito, así, respira.
- Just try and breathe slowly.
- Respira despacio.
Breathe slowly.
Respira lentamente.
Breathe slowly.
Respiren lentamente.
Breathe slowly.
Respira lento.
( JOHN ) Breathe slowly and steadily, Zoë, Keep it steady.
Respira lentamente y de manera constante. Zoë, mantén el ritmo, pasos cortos, ahora.
Breathe slowly you'll feel better.
Respira lentamente, verás que te sentirás mejor.
OK, breathe slowly.
Bien, respira lentamente.
They breathe very slowly.
Respiran con mucha lentitud.
Now breathe out slowly.
Ahora expire despacio.
Breathe out slowly.
Respire lentamente.
Breathe out... slowly.
Exhala... lentamente.
Take a deep breath. Breathe in slowly.
Respire, lentamente.
Breathe out slowly.
- Respira lentamente.
I want everyone to breathe in and very slowly open your hands.
Quiero que todas tomeis aire y abrais muy despacio las manos.
When I count to 3, Breathe normally, And ease out slowly.
Cuando yo contar hasta tres, respire normalmente y abra.
Slowly breathe.
Lentamente respirar.
All right, now breathe in slowly.
De acuerdo, ahora respire lentamente.
Breathe in... slowly.
Respire... despacio.
Breathe in slowly. A little stretching maybe.
Breathe in and out slowly in three stages.
Inhale y exhale, despacio, en tres tiempos.
Breathe it in slowly.
Respíralo despacio.
Don't breathe in, exhale slowly.
No aspire, exhale lentamente.
And breathe... And slowly bring your back leg up into Half-Moon pose.
Y lentamente levanta tu pierna... hasta la posición media luna.
I felt how I started breathe more slowly.
Me percibí de pronto a mí misma respirando más lentamente.
Breathe quietly, slowly, okay?
Respire tranquilamente, despacio, ¿ está bien?
Breathe in through the nose. Slowly.
lnspira por la nariz muy despacio.
Breathe in very slowly.
Aspira muy despacio.
Breathe in slowly.
Aspira lentamente.

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