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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't hurt her

Don't hurt her traducir español

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If you let her comfort me for the time I have left, If you don't hurt me again, I'll give up my life right now.
Si me das el consuelo de pasar el tiempo que me queda junto a esa mujer detendré todo ahora mismo.
Mack, don't let her hurt my feelings... you're going up in that nursery if I have to drag you by the hair.
Mack, no dejes que me haga daño. Vendrá conmigo, aunque tenga que arrastrala de la cabellera.
- Well... - I don't mean hurt her or anything like that.
Sin hacerle daño, naturalmente.
I'm afraid of being tough with her, I don't want to hurt her
Me da miedo ser bruto y hacerle daño.
Don't let her get hurt!
¡ Tráemela intacta!
Don "t. Don" t let her hurt me.
No dejen que ella me lastime.
Don " t let her hurt me!
¡ Que ella no me lastime!
Don " t let her hurt me.
No la dejen.
But I warn you, Shinza, don't hurt her!
Pero te lo advierto, Shinza, ¡ no le hagas daño!
We don't want to hurt her feelings.
No queremos herirla.
- I don't want to hurt her.
- Y no quiero herirla.
No le hagas daño, Paul.
I don't want her hurt.
No quiero que salga herida.
- You don't mean I've hurt her?
- No querrás decir que la he herido...
I don't aim to hurt her.
No quiero hacerle daño.
What she don't know don't hurt her none.
Lo que no sabe no le hace daño.
- I don't want her to be hurt.
- No quiero que sufra.
I don't love her enough and well why hurt ourselves?
Me di cuenta a tiempo que no la quería bastante y pos pa'qué hacer el daño, ¿ no cree,'amá?
We'll pretend to be what we're not, we'll live in a palace, we'll introduce her to children that don't exist, just so that we won't hurt her with what matters most to her, the love of the family.
Fingiremos Io que no somos, viviremos en un palacio, le presentaremos unos hermanos que no existen, sólo para no herirla en Io que ella más estima, el amor de la familia.
Don't hurt her.
No le hace daño.
I don't intend to hurt or embarrass her either.
Tampoco quiero herirla o avergonzarla.
What Lucy don't know won't hurt her.
Lo que Lucy no sepa, no la lastimará.
Don't let them hurt her.
No permitas que le hagan daño.
And i don't intend to hurt her.
Y no pretendo herirla.
I don't like to see her get hurt.
No me gusta ver que le hacen daño.
Yvonne, don't you hurt her!
¡ Yvonne, no te atrevas a lastimarla!
Because I'll rub your nose in them, and I don't want her to get hurt.
Porque haré que se arrepienta. No quiero que a ella le ocurra nada.
Don't hurt the child... unless you're prepared to stay and heal her.
No hiera a la chica... a no ser que esté dispuesto a ayudarla.
Gentle, gentle now, don't hurt her.
Con suavidad, no la lastime.
I don't want her hurt badly.
Ni quiero que le hagan daño.
I don't want her hurt at all
No quiero que la hieran en absoluto
- I don't want her to get hurt.
- No quiero que le hagan daño.
- We don't want to hurt her feelings.
- No queremos herirla.
I was deeply hurt when I learned you wanted to marry her... but now I don't think I have to worry.
Estuve profundamente herida cuando me entere de que querias casarte con ella... pero ahora, no creo que tenga que preocuparme.
- Don't you hurt her.
- No le haga daño.
If you don't want the kid hurt, you tell her... to drop the gun, and I mean it.
Si no quieres que salga herida, dile que tire el arma. Lo digo en serio.
- Please don't hurt her.
- Por favor, no le hagas daño.
You don't want to hurt her feelings, do you?
No querrás herir sus sentimientos, ¿ verdad?
I don't want to hurt her, I just want her gone.
Sin dolor, ¡ Pero que se vaya de una vez!
Don't hurt her.
No la lastimes.
I don't want to hurt her.
No quiero hacerle daño.
Don't hurt her, Joe. Don't ever hurt her.
No le hagas daño, Joe.
Don't you hurt her again.
No le haga más daño.
Don't you hurt her.
No le haga daño.
Don't worry, for now no one will hurt her.
No te preocupes, nadie le hará daño por ahora.
Don't hurt her!
¡ No le hagas daño!
- Don't hurt her!
- ¡ No le hagas daño!
I just hope I don't hurt her feelings.
Espero no herir sus sentimientos.
Well, i wouldn't advise it, not that it would hurt her, but i... i don't think she'd even recognize you.
No lo aconsejo. No es que vaya a hacerle daño...
Don't hurt her.
No le hagas daño.
I don't intend to hurt her. What makes you think I would? .
No pretendo herirla... ¿ Que la hace pensar eso?

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