Go to him traducir español
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We have to go to him, colleagues.
Hemos de acudir a su llamada, compañeros.
Bunker and I will go talk to him.
Bunker y yo iremos a hablar con él.
- Someone'll have to go out and talk to him.
Habrá que salir a hablar con él. - Voy.
You want him back alive, we need to go now.
Si lo queréis vivo, tenemos que salir ya mismo.
He wanted to go after Declan with a tire iron, but my mother convinced him to call the police instead.
Quiso ir en busca de Declan con una barra de hierro, pero mi madre lo convenció de que mejor era llamar a la policía.
I'm gonna let that little idiot get nice and liquored up and then I'm gonna go grab his ass and take him to my camp.
Voy dejar que el idiota se emborrache y luego lo sacaré y lo llevaré a mi territorio.
Now, the first graduate I want to bring up today, he used to be big, big loser, and we would see him go outside, we would laugh at him, and he's almost a man now.
Ahora, el primer graduado que quiero traer hoy aquí, solía ser un gran gran perdedor, del que todos se reían cuando salía de una habitación, y ahora es casi un hombre.
I told Dad that I've been hurt because of him now I need to go and recover!
Le dije a papá que estoy herida a causa de él... ¡ Ahora tengo me que ir y recuperarme!
and he wants me to go with him.
y quiere que vaya con él.
He wants you to go see him.
Quiere que vaya a verlo.
The plan wasn't to go with him and tip him off.
No era plan de acompañarlo y levantar sospechas.
Why you'd go to the trouble of bugging him if he was so damn peripheral.
¿ Por qué molestarse en pincharlo si era tan jodidamente periférico?
I got to go and tell him.
Tendré que ir y decirle.
I got to go tell him before she gets there.
Tendré que ir y decirle antes de que ella llegue.
The normal thing to do would be to go with him and not ask questions.
Lo normal sería ir con él y no hacer preguntas.
You didn't want to go anywhere near him.
Usted no quería ir a cerca de él.
- We have to go get him.
- Tenemos que ir por él. - ¿ Qué?
One day, he told us to go to Albany and meet him there.
Un día, nos dijo que fuéramos a Albany Para verlo.
He feels it will go some way to replacing the daughter you took from him.
Siente que, de algún modo, reemplazará a la hija que le quitaste.
Go to big brother's home mountain and bring him back
Ir a la montaña del hermano mayor y traerlo.
- It's fun to go with him sometimes.
- A veces es divertido ir con él.
Listen... I think you should go to the morgue tomorrow and see him for yourself.
Escucha, creo que mañana deberías ir a la morgue y verlo por ti misma.
After approximately three months of working there, he asked me to go out socially with him.
Aproximadamente a los tres meses de estar trabajando ahí, me pidió salir socialmente con él.
When Judge Thomas was made chair of the EEOC, I needed to face the question of whether to go with him.
Cuando el Juez Thomas se volvió Presidente de la E.E.O.C., tuve que hacerme la pregunta de si debía ir con él.
No, he never asked me to have sex. He did continually pressure me to go out with him.
No, él nunca me pidió tener sexo, pero aun así continuamente me presionaba para salir con él.
I was afraid you ran away to go see him.
Tenía miedo de que huyeras a verlo.
You go down to complain but end up making out with him?
¿ Vas allá a quejarte, pero terminas haciéndolo con él?
I never took him for the kind of guy that would let fame go to his head.
Nunca lo tomé por el tipo de persona que permitiría que la fama se le subiera a la cabeza.
Bullet dodged. Seems like you really don't want me to go out with him.
Parece que no quieres que salga con él.
Well, if you're gonna go to all that trouble, you could've at least given him a steadier hand.
Bueno, si te vas a tomar todas esas molestias, podrías haberles dado al menos una mano más firme.
He was too scared to let go and I was too scared to let him.
Estaba demasiado asustado como para soltarme y yo estaba demasiado asustado para soltarle.
You're not going to let him go.
No vas a dejarlo ir.
Seems like you really don't want me to go out with him.
Parece que no quieres que salga con él.
Please go talk to him.
Lo siento, no puedo.
I just need him to go over a contract for me.
Necesito que revise un contrato.
I barely got out of here to go pick him up.
Apenas he podido dejar el trabajo para ir a recogerlo.
You still want to go see him?
¿ Aún quieres ir a verlo?
I had to let him go'cause I found out he was havin'parties in the rooms.
Le eché porque me enteré de que montaba fiestas en las habitaciones.
Leave him alone, he just wants to go for a ride.
Déjalo en paz, quiere ir de paseo, nomás.
I mean, in theory, I'm not really into the butt thing, but I would let him go to town back there.
En teoría, porque no me gusta el sexo anal pero a él lo dejaría.
You can't go in to him. So.
No puedes entrar.
He asked me to go to coffee with him after the shoot.
Me invitó a tomar un café después de la sesión.
All right, take him to the car, get it started, be ready to go.
Llévalo al auto, enciéndelo, prepárate para irnos.
You... you go tell him to let me out!
Tú... ¡ Vé y dile que me deje salir!
So I went to go look for Taylor, and when I found him he was messed up.
Así que me fui a buscar a Taylor, y cuando le encontré... estaba hecho un desastre.
You can go back to Hrafn and tell him the answer is still no The land will not be sold, while I'm alive
Vuelve a ver a tu amigo Hrafn y dile... que la respuesta siempre es no.
Want me to go after him?
¿ Quieres que lo siga?
He's like a prophet that actually wants to go out and go to as many cities as possible and have as many people see him as possible.
Es como un profeta que quiere ir a la mayor cantidad de ciudades posible y que lo vea la mayor cantidad de gente.
[Dan] Steve definitely, at that time, made it a point to go and see his dad and spend more time with him.
En ese momento, Steve decidió ir a ver a su papá y pasar más tiempo con él.
I go to Steve's concerts and, as his little sister, I... I'm so proud of him.
Voy a los conciertos de Steve y, como su hermanita, estoy muy orgullosa de él.
We can't force him to go.
No podemos obligarle a irse.
go to sleep 664
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to the car 39
go to the bathroom 48
go to new york 16
go to work 115
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the police 50
go to the bathroom 48
go to new york 16
go to work 115
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the police 50
go to the movies 20
go to the right 20
go to the back 19
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to it 51
go to them 17
go to 136
go to the right 20
go to the back 19
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to it 51
go to them 17
go to 136