Hail them traducir español
145 traducción paralela
Why do you want to hail them?
¿ Por qué quieres aclamarlos?
shall we hail them with a salve, Commander?
¿ Les saludamos con una salva, comandante?
No, the Coast Guard would hail them down.
No, la Guardia Costera los detendría.
Hail them, Mr. Worf.
Llámelos, Sr. Worf.
- Hail them!
- ¡ Adviértales!
Try and hail them, Mr. Worf.
Establezca contacto, Sr. Worf.
- Hail them on other frequencies.
- Lance frecuencias altas y bajas.
Hail them, Mr. Worf.
Contacte, Worf.
Hail them again, Mr. Worf.
- Llame otra vez.
Hail them.
- Hail them.
- Llámenles.
Hail them.
- Did you hail them?
- ¿ Contactaron?
- Hail them.
- Llámelos.
Hail them - No response
- No responden.
- Hail them, Mr. Worf.
- Llámeles, Sr. Worf.
Hail them.
Hail them, Lieutenant.
Llámelos, teniente.
Hail them.
Try to hail them, Lieutenant.
- Intente Ilamarlos.
Hail them- - let them know we're on a rescue mission.
Salúdelos. Hágales saber que estamos en una misión de rescate.
Hail them, Mr. Kim.
- Llámelos, Sr. Kim.
- Hail them, Mr. Kim.
- Llámelos, Sr. Kim.
Hail them.
- Llámelos.
Maybe they hit the other Voyager. Hail them.
- Habrán alcanzado a la otra Voyager.
Hail them.
Hail them again.
Llámelo de nuevo.
Our targeting scanners cannot penetrate it. Hail them.
- Los escáneres no lo penetran.
Try to hail them. No response.
Intente llamarles.
Hail them.
Hail them again.
Give them a hail, if you please.
Envíeles un saludo, haga el favor.
You might give them a hail, Mr. Scott.
Podría enviar un saludo, Sr. Scott.
I will say 100 "Our Fathers" and 100 "Hail Marys." But I cannot say them now.
Rezaré cien padrenuestros y cien avemarías pero no puedo rezarlos ahora.
- Hail my legionaries, did you find them?
- Ave, ave, mis pequeños. ¿ Qué, traéis las fresas?
Hail the Egyptian ship and ask them for permission to come aboard.
Saluden al barco egipcio y pídanle permiso para subir abordo.
these persons will unfortunately hail you, given their excessive passion for sciences which I will never fail to rebuke them for.
quiénes lamentablemente llamarán vuestra atención, dada su pasión excesiva por las ciencias, por lo que yo nunca dejaré de reprenderles.
All the troubles come from them, mermaids - hail, hunger, pestilence, Saracens!
Todos los problemas vienen de ellas, sirenas - el granizo, el hambre, la peste, sarracenos!
We should "hail" them, Mara.
Tendremos que acudir, Mara.
There is a way of saying boat, rock, mist, frog, crow, hail, heron, chrysanthemum, that includes them all.
Hay una forma de decir barca, roca, bruma, rana, cuervo, granizo, garza, crisantemo, que incluye todo.
# You can bet you're going to hear them when they hail us... #
# Ya verás cómo los oyes cuando nos llamen... #
# You can bet you're going to hear them when they hail us
# Ya verás cómo los oyes cuando nos llamen...
# Bet you're going to hear them when they hail us
# Ya verás cómo los oyes cuando nos llamen.
# You can bet you're going to hear them when they hail us # l stake everything on propinquity, Jeeves.
# Oirás algo atronador cuando nos den una voz # Todo depende de la proximidad, Jeeves.
The choir, I'm told, has elected a new director, Sister Mary Clarence, who will lead them in "Hail, Holy Queen."
El coro ha elegido una nueva directora : Sor María Clarencia. Escucharemos el himno " "Salve, Regina" ".
Hail them.
- Parece un carguero.
We'd better hail the Rio Grande and get them back this way.
Será mejor que llame a la Rio Grande para que regresen.
I'm going to hail them, see what they want.
Voy a ver qué quieren.
Hail them, Mr. Tuvok.
Llámelos, Sr. Tuvok.
Hail them.
I made up words to "Hail to the Chief." I sing them to myself when I hear it.
Le puse letra a "Viva el jefe." Y la cantaba cada vez que la oia.
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16