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He'll kill her traducir español

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If he does, I just know he'll kill her.
¿ Comprendes, Jean? Si lo hace, sé que él la matará.
He'll kill her if we don't get to her. We must not be too late.
- La matará si no la ayudamos.
He ´ ll kill her when he comes home.
La matará cuando vuelva a casa.
But he'll kill her.
Pero la matará.
When her father finds out, he'll kill her.
Cuando su padre se entere, la mata.
He'd say, "Give me the money, you can have her, then I'll kill you."
Diría "Dame los 300 millones ahora y mi mujer es tuya"...
Perhaps they'll kill the King before he kills her.
Puede que maten al rey antes de que la mate a ella.
When Hoplin finds out what's happened here - He'll kill her.
Si Paul Hoplin averigua lo ocurrido, la matará.
He'll kill her!
La matará.
If Paul reads this, he'll kill her.
Si Paul lee esto... La matará.
Some day I'll kill him for what he does to her.
Un día, lo mataré por lo que le hace a ella.
If he touched her, I swear I'll kill the swine.
Si la ha tocado,... juro que mataré a ese cerdo.
Egan will know immediately and he'll kill her.
Egan lo sabrá de inmediato y la matará.
If you don't do exactly as that man said, he'll kill her.
Si no haces exactamente lo que dice, la matará.
Mr. Macbeth loves Mrs. Macbeth so much that he'll do anything to please her, even kill.
Macbeth quiere tanto a su señora que haría lo que fuese por complacerla, incluso matar.
He'll kill her, Max.
La matará, Max.
Chief's voice : He'll kill her, Max.
La matará, Max.
If he takes her home, I'll kill them both!
Se la porta a casa sua li ammazzo tutti due!
Shoot, I tell you. He'll kill her!
Les digo que disparen. ¡ La matará!
He'll kill her.
La matará.
That he'll kill her if she tries to escape.
Dijo que la mataría si intentaba escapar.
- l'll kill her He wants to kill my child!
- ¡ Quiere matar a mi hijo!
Some day he'll kill her.
Algún día la va a matar.
He'll kill her.
Omega está loco, la matará.
If he sees me or I lose him, he'll kill her.
Si me ve o lo pierdo, la matarán.
The bad news is he'll probably kill her cos he thinks she's me. - What?
La mala noticia es que quizá la mate porque piensa que ella es Susan.
- If it gets back to Turek, he'll kill her.
Si Turek se entera va a matarla.
If I didn't take her home, he'll kill me
Si no la llevo a casa, su padre me matara
You said yourself that he'll kill her as soon as he doesn't need her.
Como dijiste, la matara cuando no la necesite.
He brought her back to life to avenge her death. strangers to Hellgate Where they'll kill them.
Para vengar su muerte y alejar a los extraños de Puerta Infernal, asesinándolos.
He'll kill her the same way he killed his boss at the gas station.
La matará del mismo modo que mató a su patrón en la gasolinera.
- He'll kill her!
- La matará.
He'll kill her!
¡ La matará!
Then why send Castellani? He'll kill her.
¿ Entonces por qué envías a Castellani?
But, I'm telling you, if I'm not married by the time I'm 40, I'll have to kill her.
Pero si llego a los 40 años y no me he casado, tendré que matarla.
If her father catches us, he'll kill her.
Si su padre nos encuentra, la matará.
Shouting things like,'I'll kill you', before he took her to that party tonight.
Antes de llevarla a la fiesta de esta noche, le gritaba "te voy a matar".
- I'll kill him if he hurts her.
- Si le hace daño, lo mataré.
Forget the mute-o, Helen. lf he brings her back, they'll kill us all!
Olvídate del mutante. Si la trae para acá, nos matan a todos.
He's a killer. He'll kill you, her, whoever gets in his way.
Es un asesino, te matará y a ella, y a cualquiera que se interponga en su camino.
He ´ ll kill her! Who, Michael?
¿ Qué sucede, Michael?
If he touches her, I'll kill him!
Si la toca lo mato.
He killed her, Ronnie, and he'll kill again.
Él la mató, Ronnie, y va a matar de nuevo.
- He'll kill her.
- La matará.
He'll try to kill her, too.
También tratará de matarla.
- He'll kill her.
- Él la matará.
If he can't turn her, he'll kill her.
Si no puede cambiarla, la matará.
He'll kill her.
La mataría.
Drags her to the laundry room, says he'll kill her.
La bajó a la lavandería y dijo que la mataría.
If he starts dating her again, I'll kill myself.
Si él comienza a salir con ella otra vez, me suicido.
If we call the cops, he'll kill her.
- No, si llamamos a la policía, la mata.

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