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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He's coming now

He's coming now traducir español

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Her dad says he's coming now.
¿ Qué? Su padre dijo que vendría pronto.
He's coming now, Mammy.
Está llegando, Mammy.
So now he's got what was coming to him.
Ahora tiene lo que se merecía.
He's coming to now.
Ya viene en sí.
- He's coming around now.
- Se está despejando.
Now my life's coming to a close. I want this business and this money that I leave behind to mean something.
He llegado al ocaso de mi vida, quiero que mi negocio y mi dinero signifiquen algo.
He's coming now.
Ya viene.
Now he's coming along.
Ya vuelve en sí.
I know we both try to be loyal to Geoffrey by hiding our real feelings but now he's coming back and we can't go on pretending.
se que nosotros lo intentamos ser leales a Geoffrey al ocultar nuestros sentimientos pero ahora ya no podemos seguir en esta situación.
There's the Tiger. There, he's coming down the aisle now.
El Tigre se acerca al cuadrilátero.
He's coming now.
Ahora viene.
And now he's coming to get Mr. Hale.
Y ahora viene por eI Sr. HaIe.
And they're coming to the first fence now, and Skee Ball takes it but Hi Hat refuses. He's turning back.
Llegan a la primera valla y Skee Ball salta pero Chistera se niega.
You've known this was coming for a long time. You've taken everything he's offered you. Now you've got to pay for it.
Verás nunca te he preguntado si me dejas ponerte un anillo en este dedo.
Now it's busted loose, he's coming back.
Ahora que se ha desencadenado, el regresa
- He's coming down the stairs now.
- Está bajando las escaleras.
Hank! Shaw, he's coming in now!
- Shaw está entrando.
The storm brought me, remember? Now he's coming to get me.
Recuerda que me trajo la tormenta, y ahora vuelve a buscarme gritando :
He's coming now, I can hear his footsteps.
Ya viene. Oigo sus pasos.
- He's coming to now.
Está volviendo en sí.
- You mean he's coming out now?
- ¿ Saldrá ahora?
He's coming around now.
Está volviendo en sí.
He's coming into position now, sir.
Se pone en posición, señor.
And now he's coming home... home to a new mother many years younger than he.
- ¿ Y qué? - Y ahora vuelve a casa - Encontrará a una nueva madre, unos años más joven que él.
If Roy Stuart thinks I'm coming after him now, he's right.
Si Roy Stuart cree que voy a por él, tiene razón.
Yes, he's just coming in now, way over there.
Sí, acaba de venir.
He's coming now, darling.
Ya viene, cariño.
There was this other man, this George McCassin, but he's gone now forever, and he's not coming back as long as we have each other.
Había otro hombre, el tal George McCassin, pero se ha ido para siempre, y no volverá si estamos juntos.
He's coming off now.
Ahora nos toca salir.
Judge for yourself, he's coming in the door now.
Júzgalo por tí mismo, está entrando por la puerta ahora.
He's coming in now.
Ahora está llegando.
He's coming right now.
Ahora mismo baja.
- He's coming to now.
- Está volviendo en sí.
He's coming over this way now.
Ahora viene hacia aquí.
It seems he's coming now.
Parece que viene ahora.
But now that he is coming home, well, it's every man for himself.
Pero ahora que regresa a casa, bueno, es el sálvese quien pueda.
He's coming out now.
Parece que va a salir.
He's coming here, now. Texas style.
Viene hacia aquí, al estilo tejano.
He's coming into the courtyard now.
Está entrando en el patio.
He's coming back right now.
Está regresando ahora.
I think he's coming now.
Creo que ya viene.
He's coming in now, Tuck!
¡ Está entrando ya, Tuck!
Ah, look, you're lucky, he's coming out now.
Ah, mire, ha tenido suerte, es el que sale ahora.
- He's coming on now.
- Ahora se pondrá.
And he's been all over Europe, looked at every Princess and turned down every one of them, and now he's coming here to you.
Ha recorrido Europa para conocer a todas las princesas y ninguna le ha gustado. Ahora viene aquí por ti.
He's coming out of it now, sir, heading about 080 degrees.
Está saliendo de ello, con rumbo 080 grados.
- He's coming in from the city now.
- Vendrá desde la ciudad pronto.
I mean, now that Waldren's coming. Well, I mean, he might think it looks out of place.
Ya que viene WaIdron... pensará que está fuera de lugar.
There's a lady coming in now with a watch. she puts it down, he picks it up, takes it to the safe.
Ahora una mujer con un reloj. Lo lleva a la caja fuerte.
He's coming now, don't hang up.
Acaba de entrar, no cuelgues.
- He's coming now.
- Ahora vendrá.

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