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He likes her traducir español

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Yes, he likes her Very much.
Sí, le gusta mucho.
He likes her.
Ella le gusta.
Oh. What's wrong with that? He likes her.
¿ Qué hay de malo con eso?
He thinks she's really nice, he likes her a lot...
Dice que ella es muy simpática, le gusta mucho...
He likes her!
A él le gusta.
I don't think he likes her so hot.
No creo que le gusten.
He likes her.
Le gusta ella.
Now, that ain't'cause he likes her.
Ahora, no hay motivo para que le guste a ella.
Now, that ain't'cause he likes her.
No es porque le guste.
- Perhaps he likes her.
Tal vez le guste.
Then maybe he likes her perfume
# Puede que le guste su perfume #
Well, darling... it's when a man is attracted to a woman... he likes her. Understand?
Bueno, cariño... es cuando a un hombre le atrae una mujer... le gusta. ¿ Entiendes?
Well, he likes her in a certain way.
Bueno, le gusta de un modo especial.
He likes her.
Le gusta.
He likes her better than me.
Te quiere más a tí.
I don't know if he likes her as much as he likes it.
No sé si le gusta ella o le gusta lo que hacen.
I tried to stop her but she likes it better home.
Le he insistido que se quedara,... pero prefiere su pueblo.
She likes Andy. Anything he tells her will be OK.
Andy le simpatiza, aceptará lo que él le diga.
I have a hen sitting under the bed and he likes to peck at her.
- Sal de aquí.
I told her about it a dozen times, but it seems Diana likes them waxed.
Se lo he dicho una docena de veces, pero parece que a Diana le gusta así.
But if a woman truly loves her husband, she'd rather do as he likes.
Sigues siendo tan mema como antes.
I think he really likes her.
Creo que realmente le gusta.
- If he likes the way Jewel goes, he'll train her. - He will?
- Si le gusta Jewel, la entrenará.
Maybe he likes the way she combs her hair.
Quizá le gusta cómo mueve el pelo.
She's a real lady, Georgia, only she married some guy who likes spending other people's dough, so he got her to write out a bunch of bouncers.
Georgia es una verdadera dama... pero se casó con un tipo al que le gusta gastar el dinero ajeno... hizo que firmara un montón de cheques sin fondos.
I heard her say she likes you better than Carl.
Le he oído decir que tú le gustas más que Carl.
Your father likes her very much, doesn't he?
A tu padre le gusta mucho, ¿ verdad?
My son has married a woman he likes, and it ´ s alright if he makes love to her whenever he likes.
Mi hijo se ha casado con una mujer que le gusta, y hace bien amándola si le apetece.
If he likes, I'll take a look at her.
Si quiere, la puedo ver.
He's arranged an apartment for a girl he likes. Her name is Constance.
Ha puesto un piso a su chica, se llama Constance.
He likes her a lot.
Le gusta mucho.
- I think he likes to keep her for himself.
- Creo que la quiere para él solo.
He likes that girl in Hadleyberg so much, let him get rich with her.
Le gusta mucho la chica de Hadleyberg, déjenlo sacarse las ganas.
He likes to give her a look.
A él le gusta mirarla.
He brings her morphine and uses her as he likes.
Le trae morfina y usa a mi madre como quiere.
Maybe he gets up too late, or maybe he just likes to pester her for the hell of it.
Tal vez se levantó tarde, o tal vez sólo le gusta molestar.
I suppose he may do what he likes with her.
Supongo que el puede hacer lo que quiera con ella.
He likes me, I like her
# A él le caigo bien, y a mí ella #
Not only that, she likes it. And she tells me when her boss, the jeweler is shipping stones to Holland where he keeps his stash in a drawer in the safe. Everything.
No sólo eso, a ella le gusta, y me chismea cuándo el joyero va a enviar las piedras a Holanda y cómo las esconde en un cajoncito en la caja fuerte.
She knοws he likes tο see her lοοking wοnderful at breakfast, sο she makes sure he dοes.
Ella sabe que a él le gusta verla radiante en el desayuno. Y se asegura de que así sea.
Well I heard him say that he kind of likes her.
Bueno yo le oí decir que tipo le gusta de ella.
But he likes her.
Pero a él le gusta.
- You mean he likes her?
- ¿ A él le cae bien?
You know, I've been watching her and she really likes you.
La he estado vigilando... A ella le gustas ¡ Jesse!
he likes them tomatoes preacher Dixon made in her garden this year.
le gustan los tomates predicador Dixon hizo en su jardín este año.
I've been studying her since the sixth grade... plotting, planning, cataloging her likes and dislikes.
La he estudiado desde el sexto grado... Trazando, planificando, Catalogando que le gusta y disgustos.
And whether he likes it or not, he's her responsibility.
Y aunque a él no le guste, ella es responsable por él.
You know, Iike when a guy who likes a girl asks her out... and they go somewhere... and he still acts nice to her when they get there?
Ya sabes, like cuando un chico que gustas a una chica la invita a salir... y se van en alguna parte... y still actúa amable con ella cuando lleguen allí?
He likes to go a few rounds with her.
Le gusta tener algunos cuerpo a cuerpo con ella.
If he likes Rosa Let him marry her
Si le gusta Rosa déjalo casarse con ella.
It's about this guy, he's crazy about this girl, but he likes to wear dresses. Should he tell her?
Sobre un tipo que ama a una chica, pero le gusta ponerse vestidos.

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