He was young traducir español
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brinkley : you've gotta go back to louisville, kentucky, to understand him. his father died when he was young.
Tienes que regresar a Louisville, Kentucky, para entenderlo. Su padre murió cuando él era muy chico.
When he was young, he used to follow his father around the streets because his father was a street minister.
Cuando era joven, él seguía a su padre por las calles porque su padre era pastor en las calles.
When he was young he used to follow his father around the streets because his father was a street minister.
Cuando era joven, él solía seguir a su padre por las calles porque su padre era pastor en las calles.
Your mom named him that when he was young.
Tu mamá lo nombró así cuando era joven.
He was young. 62.
Aún en la flor de la vida.
When he was young. he was so funny.
Cuando era joven era tan alegre.
He was young and handsome And just plain more fun Than any man that I'd ever met
El era joven y apuesto, sencillo y más divertido que cualquier hombre que jamás había conocido.
She was young and infatuated and he's a politician.
Ella era joven y lo amaba ciegamente y él es un político.
He thinks back to when he was young.
Él piensa de nuevo en cuando era joven.
He was young and... apocalyptic. And I loved him so much, I didn't even realize I had a meth problem.
Era joven apocalíptico y lo amaba tanto que ni siquiera vi que tenía problemas con las metanfetaminas.
Right. What was he like when he was young?
Sí, claro, ¿ cómo fue cuando era niño?
37- - he was young.
37 años, era joven.
He was just a young'un.
Era sólo un chico.
He was so young when his mother died.
Era tan joven cuando murió su madre.
No gospel tells us what he was doing when he was a young man.
Ningún evangelio nos dice lo que hacía cuando era un joven.
When the police arrived on the scene this evening he was holding a young lady at gunpoint, - a young lady who had double initials in her name.
Cuando la policía llegó esta noche al lugar de los hechos le estaba apuntando a una jovencita. Una jovencita cuyas iniciales de nombre y apellido eran coincidentes.
I was too young to be any trouble, so he just smiled at me
Yo era muy joven para causar problemas, así que simplemente me sonrió
He was a very troubled young man.
Era joven muy afligido.
He was a deeply troubled young man.
Era un joven muy atormentado.
Well, according to Sir Roderick, he wanted some photographs of the family because he was about to execute a portrait of M. Andrew Restarick as a young man, oui?
Bien, según el Sr. Roderick, quería fotografías de la familia para realizar un retrato de monsieur Andrew Restarick de... joven, ¿ oui?
He used to write for the Jornal de Letras and since he was so gallant he called himself "Venus'Young Squire".
Solía escribir en el Jornal de Letras y como era tan galante se hacía llamar "Joven escudero de Venus".
He'd understand from a young age that I was weak and he tried to keep me from the evil in the world.
Entendía que al ser joven yo era débil e intentaba alejarme de la maldad del mundo
Y él estaba con un joven empleado llamado Jason Wetherington.
He was so young!
¡ Era tan joven!
Bobby was a good young man but he was lost.
Bobby era un buen chico, pero estaba perdido.
He was an amazing young man.
Él era un chico maravilloso.
Mr. Yamamuri say he think if Muhammad Ali was still young man no one ever defeat him.
El Sr. Yamamuri dice que cree que si Muhammad Ali aún fuera joven, nadie lo derrotaría.
He kind of died when I was young.
Murió cuando era chico.
Not as young as he was. Don't worry about Galvin. He doesn't exactly knock himself out.
No te preocupes por Galvin, no da un palo al agua.
Neighbor of mine, when I was a kid, his name was Lou, he was the ticket taker there when I was young.
Un vecino mío, de cuando era pequeño. Se llamaba Lou. Era el de la boletería cuando yo era joven.
He was trading e-mails, planning the theft with a young lady.
Intercambió correos electrónicos, planeando el robo con una dama
Today I rediscovered what I knew when I was young. "
Hoy he redescubierto lo que sabía cuando era joven.
And after this last incident in which he struck a young boy in the face, he was brought to my office where he expressed some disturbing thoughts.
Y después de este último incidente... en el que él golpeó a un niño en la cara... él fue llevado a mi oficina... donde expresó algunos pensamientos perturbadores.
I was young and dumb and in love, Mom. I believed everything he said.
Ahora vuelvo.
He was a sensitive young man.
Era un joven muy sensible.
For a while when we were young... Daniel kept forgetting who he was.
Durante un tiempo, cuando éramos chicos Daniel se olvidaba de quién era.
Well... He, he left the family when... when I was young.
Bueno él... dejó la familia cuando cuando yo era joven.
He was a young man... he was so young when he got cancer and his life was stolen from him.
Él era joven eran tan joven cuando contrajo cáncer y le robaron la vida.
Just talked to Moe.Qualified young men he was ranting about?
Hable con Moe.Los jovenes aptos el que discutia era él?
Before the barracks became the asylum center He was Major - - And drove with the young boys in the village.
Antes que el cuartel se convirtiera en el asilo, el era mayor y manejaba con los muchachos por la villa.
He was one of the young Members of Parliament speaking out against appeasing Herr Hitler.
Era uno de los más jóvenes miembros del Parlamento que hablaba sobre aplacar a Hitler.
He was a young hero
Fue un joven héroe.
Sir, I have struggled with the guilt of my mistake since I was a young man.
He luchado con la culpa de mis errores desde que era un joven.
It was the very day that young Hamlet was born, he that is mad, and sent into England.
Fue el mismo día en que nació el joven Hamlet, el que está loco y enviaron a Inglaterra.
My father drove like an old man even when he was a young man.
Mi padre conducía como mayor incluso cuando era joven.
I was young and stupid, and when he said he had it all planned, I just went along with it.
Era joven y estúpida, cuando dijo que lo tenía planeado, solo dije que sí.
But I was distracted from my work on nerves by a new patient, a young woman suffering another form of pain.
Me he distraído de mi trabajo sobre los nervios por una nueva paciente una joven que sufre otro tipo de dolor.
Yes, yes, he was... young.
SI, lo era... - joven.
He was too young to remember his mother but he always knew something was missing.
Eso era entendible... Era demasiado joven para recordar a su madre, pero El sabía que algo faltaba.
Because he grew up as a young copper in a culture that said it was OK to overstep the mark.
Porque creció como policía joven en una cultura que dijo que estaba bien pasarse de los límites.
We think he was one of the young men we saw at the mosque.
Pensamos que es uno de los jóvenes que vimos en la mezquita.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he was arrested 41
he wasn't there 132
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he was arrested 41
he wasn't there 132
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was afraid 36
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a hero 41
he was a wonderful man 18
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a hero 41
he was a wonderful man 18
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was dead 174
he was here 335
he was drunk 101
he was a 123
he was angry 46
he was just a kid 30
he was alone 51
he was my best friend 70
he was just 83
he was nice 64
he was here 335
he was drunk 101
he was a 123
he was angry 46
he was just a kid 30
he was alone 51
he was my best friend 70
he was just 83
he was nice 64