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His home traducir español

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Jeffrey Clarke, a man who dedicated his life to protecting you and yours, was taken from his home, taken from his wife, and brutally murdered.
Jeffrey Clarke, un hombre que dedicó su vida a protegerte a ti y a los tuyos, fue sacado de su casa, separado de su esposa, y fue asesinado brutalmente.
Marlon Brando was on the line to report a shooting at his home.
Marlon Brando estaba al teléfono para informar de un tiroteo en su casa.
MALE REPORTER : Marlon Brando was here at his home at the time of the shooting, but police who questioned the actor say he did not witness it.
Marlon Brando estaba en su casa en el momento del tiroteo pero la policía que lo interrogó dice que no vio nada.
Wagner to his home, Novo to his home away from home.
Wagner a su casa, Novo a su casa lejos de su casa.
- And his home?
- ¿ Y en su casa?
I'll, uh, I'll get you his home address.
Te... te daré la dirección de su casa.
It was never really his home run swing, but he brought a lot of enthusiasm to it.
Nunca ha sido su punto fuerte, pero le ponía mucho entusiasmo.
He's a stock broker that works out of his home.
Es un broker que trabaja fuera de su casa.
We had surveillance devices throughout his home.
Teníamos equipos de vigilancia por toda la casa.
He wanted to build a home, because his home and his family fell apart.
Él quería formar un hogar, porque su hogar y su familia se habían roto
He could have planted the device in his home, but instead he chose his truck because he wanted to ensure that Allen was the one who triggered it.
Podría haber puesto la bomba en su casa pero en lugar de eso eligió su camioneta porque quería asegurarse que Allen la hiciera estallar.
Remember when we were kids, and Joe would come home from work with that blank expression on his face?
¿ Recuerdas cuando éramos niños, y Joe vendría a casa del trabajo con esa expresión en blanco en su cara?
His 25-year-old daughter Cheyenne has committed suicide at her home in Tahiti.
Su hija Cheyenne de 25 años se ha suicidado en su casa de Tahití.
You know I'm really sorry that I couldn't make it home for his funeral.
Sabes que siento mucho que no pude llegar a casa para su funeral.
And that part of his plan to get home would mean that he'd have to preserve and protect your life.
Y esa parte de su plan para llegar a casa significaría que tendría para preservar y proteger su vida.
And his mama's home and the trunk of his blue Cadillac.
Y en casa de su mami y en el maletero de su Cadillac azul.
- And his home?
- ¿ En su casa?
- And his mama's home.
- Y en casa de su mami.
Left his niece at home.
Dejó a su sobrina en casa.
Then he went home and took a carbon monoxide nap in his garage.
Luego se fue a casa y tomó una siesta de monóxido de carbono.
I was about to pop down to the Mall, but maybe Mr Dalal could be prevailed upon on his way home?
Estaba a punto de aparecer en la feria, ¿ pero tal vez el Sr. Dalal podría haber sobresalido camino a su casa?
What transformed this ordinary man into someone who was capable of sending hundreds and thousands of children to their death while going home every evening and kissing his own children goodnight?
¿ Qué transformó a este hombre ordinario en alguien capaz de enviar cientos de miles de niños a la muerte mientras iba a casa cada tarde a dar un beso de buenas noches a sus hijos?
Why exactly are you expecting him to show up at his aunt's nursing home?
¿ Por qué esperas exactamente que aparezca... en el geriátrico donde está su tía?
Fiona : Part of me wants to just gather up my little baby and bring him back to his womb home immediately.
Parte de mí quiere recoger a mi pequeño y traerlo de vuelta a su útero materno inmediatamente.
Raven says Marcus should make his own way home.
El cuervo dice que Marcus debe hacer su propio camino a casa.
And off he goes home with his little kickback in his pocket.
Y se iba a casa con su pequeño soborno en el bolsillo.
Then I went home, cleaned myself up, and went out for an early run so I could be the one to discover his body.
Después fuí a casa, me limpié, y salí a correr temprano así podría ser el que descubriera el cuerpo.
Then one day, his mom came home from an operation at 4 : 00 A.M. And saw a light coming from his room.
Entonces un día, su madre vino a casa de una operación a las 4 : 00 AM y vio una luz saliendo de su cuarto.
- Madam, you do not call a man a fool on the transom of his own home.
- Señora, usted no llama a un hombre tonto en la puerta de su propia casa.
A home that happens to be the world headquarters of a company keeping streaming video of a man who's about to drink his own urine online for tens of thousands of Filipinos.
Una casa que resulta ser la oficina central de una compañía transmitiendo el vídeo de un hombre que está por beber su propia orina en línea para decenas de miles de filipinos.
He, uh, came home after his freshman year.
Volvió... luego de su primer año.
No, actually most of the lacrosse team lives in Fisher, except for Dominick, who lives at home with his grandmother.
No, en realidad la mayoría del equipo de lacrosse vive en Fisher, excepto Dominick, que vive en casa con su abuela.
Came home with his load on and beat the crap out of my mother.
Llegó a casa bebido y le pegó una paliza a mi madre.
They're gonna go home and she is gonna rip his clothes off
Se van a ir a casa y ella le va a arrancar la ropa
Sources say he was being groomed for admiral when, on Christmas Eve, 1990, while on his way home to visit his wife and daughter, Reddington vanished.
Las fuentes indican que en aquel momento fue considerado para ser almirante cuando en la Nochebuena de 1990, en camino de regreso a su casa... Para visitar a su esposa e hija, Reddington desapareció.
Paul tried to start his own crew, holding up liquor stores, grand theft, home invasion.
Paul intentó formar su propio grupo... asaltando tiendas de licores, grandes robos... invasión de la propiedad.
At first, I thought Jeremy was just acting out... the way boys his age can get when there are changes at home.
Al principio pensé que Jeremy lo fingía... como hacen los chicos de su edad cuando hay cambios en casa.
When you're home with him, I want you to monitor his diet, his sleep, even his stool.
Cuando estés en casa con él, quiero que vigiles su dieta, su sueño, incluso sus heces.
No, he mentions surveying the ships from the Brooklyn Ferry on his way home.
No, menciona la prospección de los barcos desde del ferry de Brooklyn de camino a su casa.
Latif Malak was taken on his way home from school six months ago.
Latif Malak fue raptado de camino a la escuela hace seis meses.
This is Latif's backpack, the one that you found in the alleyway that he would cut through on his way home from school, right?
Esta es la mochila de Latif, la que encontraron en el callejón por el que atajaba para ir a la escuela, ¿ verdad?
Well, in addition to his work with the Hearth and Home Foundation, he funds a scholarship at a private school in the city.
- Bueno, además de su trabajo con la fundación Hearth and Home, financia una beca en una escuela privada de la ciudad.
To talk about what lies ahead, here is a man whose generosity with his money and his time truly embodies the spirit of Hearth and Home.
Para hablar de lo que nos espera, hay aquí un hombre cuya generosidad junto con su dinero y su tiempo encarna verdaderamente el espíritu de Hearth and Home.
You said the director of the Hearth and Home Foundation thanked Del Gruner for his six years of service this evening, did you not?
Dijiste que el director de la fundación Hearth and Home le agradeció esta noche a Del Gruner sus seis años de servicio,
His appointment at the Hearth and Home Foundation allowed him access and a means to, uh, influence Jesse's life.
Su nombramiento en la fundación Hearth and Home le dio acceso y medios para... influir en la vida de Jesse.
One time, Jimmy spilled a bowl of cereal when Edgar wasn't home, so he hid under his bed for two hours, until I finally cleaned it up.
Una vez, Jimmy derramó una taza de cereal Cuando Edgar no estaba en casa, así que escondió debajo de la cama Durante dos horas, hasta que finalmente limpiado.
I got an idea. How about at home in his bed?
Tengo una idea. ¿ Que te parece su casa en la cama?
The story begins when Willy Loman, a travelling salesman, returns to his family home in Brooklyn, New York City.
La historia empieza cuando Willy Loman, un vendedor ambulante, vuelve a su hogar familiar en Brooklyn, Nueva York.
Actually, I work at his retirement home, and he was a great man.
Yo trabajo en su hogar de ancianos, él era un gran hombre.
An unsub who set TNT in a high school boiler room and Nitroglycerin in the home of the man who stole his headlines.
Un sudes que puso TNT en la sala de calderas de una escuela y nitroglicerina en la casa de un hombre que le robó los titulares.
Definitely took his sweet time going down the coast, but booked it back from Jacksonville, and instead of coming here, home to his cabin, he stayed one night in Roanoke.
Está claro que se tomó su tiempo para recorrer la costa pero de vuelta de Jacksonville reservó una habitación y en lugar de volver aquí a su cabaña, pasó una noche en Roanoke.

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