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His hand traducir español

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So, why would you be holding his hand?
Entonces, ¿ por qué os cogéis de las manos?
You just take his hand, look in his eyes, and say, "I don't want to be with you anymore."
Tú solo tomarás su mano, lo mirarás a los ojos y le dirás, no quiero seguir estando contigo.
So, the staff went from wanting to kill Monsieur Longchamp to eating out of his hand.
Así que el personal esperaba matar al señor Longchamp y ahora come de su mano.
♪ Just to stand with his hand holding mine ♪
* Sólo quedarme con su mano sosteniendo la mía *
And, yes, witness puts a gun in his hand with a shot fired, but it's a miss.
Sí, un testigo vio cómo disparaba un arma, pero erró.
And he extended his hand, and it was an awesome moment.
Él me extendió la mano y fue un momento increíble.
I'm just shakin'his hand and lookin'him in the eyes. To hear them say, " It's good to have you home.
No sólo estrecharle la mano, sino mirarlo a los ojos... y oírlo decir :
- For his hand?
- ¿ Por su mano?
Shake his hand, man.
Dale la mano, tío.
By wife, he means his hand.
Por mujer quiere decir su mano.
And when I woke up, Mr. Beaumont had his hand up my skirt.
Y cuando me desperté, el Sr. Beaumont tenía su mano encima de mi falda.
So he had his hand out.
Así que él quito su mano.
Get the fucking box cutter out of his hand!
¡ Quítale la puta navaja de la mano!
It served him right he broke his hand.
Le sirvió derecha se rompió la mano.
Let him show his hand and then we strike.
Deja que muestre su juego y luego asestamos el golpe.
We write in his hand asking Vargas for help.
Enviaremos una carta a mano, pidiendo ayuda a Vargas.
He had it in his hand.
La tenía en su mano.
They can't put a gun in his hand.
No pueden poner una pistola en su mano.
Just put a gun in his hand, and we'll do you a solid. "
Pon un arma en su mano, y te haremos un favor ".
- They can't put a gun in his hand.
- No pueden poner un arma en sus manos.
He's got a nasty burn on his hand thanks to you.
Él tiene una quemadura desagradable en sus manos gracias a ti.
The calibration of his hand touch receptors must be off.
La calibración sensorial de su mano debe estar apagada.
You forced his hand.
Forzaste su mano.
You tell him, and that child dies by his hand.
Se se lo dices, él mismo matará a ese niño.
The moment in the field in the night where the dying man reaches his hand to you and you take it and comfort him...
El momento en que en el campo, por la noche, el hombre moribundo alarga su mano hacia ti, y se la estrechas, y le consuelas...
Then we will have forced his hand.
Entonces le habremos forzado ;
Why would you cut his hand free?
¿ Por que le liberaste la mano?
Join us, Oracle of Gaia, take his hand, and help light the soul of Man.
Uniéndonos, Oráculo de Gaia, toma su mano, y ayuda a iluminar el alma del Hombre.
You're still his right-hand man, whatever title his son has.
Aún eres su mano derecha, sin importar el título que tenga el hijo.
If he thinks I'm taking his son in hand... he's got another think coming.
Si cree que voy a ir de mano de su hijo... tiene otra cosa que considerar.
♪ I took hold of his sleeve with my hand ♪
* Tomé su manga con mi mano *
But I'm not shakin'his hand.
Pero no voy a darle la mano.
And he's on his way to the portland area now. The liberty pipeline inspires such passion. On one hand, it's the freedom of energy independence,
El gaseoducto Libertad inspira tantas... pasiones, por un lado, es la libertad de la independencia energética, y entonces...
He hasn't lifted a hand for me one day in his life. Except for hitting.
Él no ha levantado una mano por mí un día en su vida, excepto para golpearme.
When a man stands up to urinate, his center of gravity is high but the lifeline to the sailboat deck is low, so without a hand to steady himself...
Cuando un hombre está de pie orinando, su centro de gravedad es alto pero la cuerda de la cubierta del barco es baja, así que sin una mano para sujetarse...
You ain't got nothing to worry about, Mrs Thornhill, so long as your husband keeps his gun at hand.
No tiene de qué preocuparse, señora Thornhill... mientras su marido tenga el arma en la mano.
You ain't got nothing to worry about so long as your husband keeps his gun at hand.
No tiene de qué preocuparse mientras su marido tenga el arma en la mano. Cinco años.
It's the attorney general with his fucking hand out.
Es el fiscal general metiendo su maldita mano.
Had three broken metacarpals in his right hand.
Tenía tres metacarpianos rotos en su mano derecha.
Sebastian broke his own hand by punching me in the head when he was high.
Sebastián rompió su propia mano por pegarme en la cabeza cuando él era alto.
And it could be argued that Gerry just used his left hand.
Y se puede argumentar que Gerry usó su mano izquierda.
He won't just hand himself in. He might come if he feels his entire scheme is about to be exposed.
Pero podría venir si pensara que todo su plan estaba a punto de ser descubierto.
Vargas must know his hand.
Vargas debe conocer su letra.
Hannibal has no intention of seeing me dead by any other hand than his own, and only then if he can eat me.
Hannibal no tiene intención de verme muerta a manos de otro que no sea él, y solo entonces si es capaz de comerme.
I put my hand on his shoulder for authenticity.
Puse mi mano sobre su hombro para darle autenticidad.
He's no personal possessions, the labels have been cut out of his clothes, which are second -, third-hand at best.
No hay posesiones personales, las etiquetas se cortaron de su ropa, los cuales son de segunda, tercera mano en el mejor.
His ass, on the other hand, has recently made my bubble baths a bit easier to finish.
Sin embargo, su culo, ha mejorado mucho la calidad de mis baños de espuma.
His left hand holds my right hand.
Mi mano derecha en su mano izquierda.
It's his little hand preserved forever.
Es su manita preservada para siempre.
Don Falcone runs Gotham, and you're about to murder his right-hand man.
Don Falcone dirige Gotham, y está por asesinar a su mano derecha.
- Treating his hand!
- ¡ Atendiendo su mano!

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