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I never lied traducir español

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Yo nunca te mentí.
He knew absolutely everything. I never Lied to him.
Lo sabía absolutamente todo.
I never lied in my heart!
¡ Nunca he mentido con mi corazón!
No, it wasn't. But I never lied to him.
No, no lo era, pero jamás le mentí.
I never lied.
Nunca te he mentido.
I never lied about anything once upon a time.
Hubo una época en que nunca mentía.
I say you do and I never lied to you, Gladys.
Te digo que sí, Gladys.
Johnny, I never lied to you.
Johnny, nunca te he mentido.
I never lied in my life Armando.
Yo nunca mentí en mi vida Armando.
- I never lied to you.
- Nunca te menti.
I conned you, but I never lied to you.
Oculte algo, pero no menti.
You're the liar, I'm the crook. I never lied to you.
Nunca te he mentido en mi vida.
I'll do. I never lied in my life. If I lied, please God make me paralized.
lo hare.nunca menti en mi vida. si miento, hare que dios me mate.
I never lied to you'Jean.
Jamás te he mentido.
I used you, but I never lied to you.
Te he utilizado, pero jamás te he mentido.
Quizà no creas esto pero nunca te mentí.
I never lied to you.
Nunca te he mentido.
I've never lied to you yet, Michael.
Nunca te había mentido, Michael.
Well, I've never lied to you, so I'm not going to congratulate you or wish you happiness, just good luck.
Nunca te he mentido, así que no voy a felicitarte - o desearte felicidad, sólo buena suerte.
I never Lied to him.
Nunca le mentí.
He never lied, he never cheated... and I'm sure he never took an underhanded advantage of anyone.
Nunca miente, nunca hace trampa... y estoy seguro de que nunca se aprovechó de nadie.
Nicky, I've never lied to you and I'm not going to begin now.
Nicky, nunca te he mentido y no voy a empezar ahora.
I've known you all my life, jim, and you've never once lied to me.
Jim, te conozco de toda la vida y nunca me has mentido. Claro que no, ¿ adónde quieres llegar?
- I've never lied to you.
- Nunca te mentí.
Miss Roy, I ain't never lied to you or your daddy all my life.
Señorita Roy, nunca le he mentido, ni a usted ni a su padre.
I don't need time, Your Reverence... because I've never lied to you.
No necesito tiempo, Reverencia, porque nunca le he mentido.
I've never lied to myself.
Nunca me he mentido a mí misma.
I have never lied to him before.
Nunca le había mentido antes.
You know I've never lied to you.
Sabes bien que nunca te engañé.
Listen, dear, I've never lied to you, have I?
Escucha, querido, ¿ verdad que nunca te he mentido?
I've never lied to him.
Nunca le he mentido.
I never lied, mama, I never said anything.
Nunca te he mentido, mamá, me callaba.
I've lied to men who wear belts. I've lied to men who wear suspenders. But I'd never be so stupid as to lie to a man who wears both belt and suspenders.
He mentido a hombres con cinturón y a hombres con tirantes pero nunca lo he hecho a uno que llevara cinturón y tirantes.
- I've never lied to her.
- No le he mentido nunca, señor.
- I bel - My father's never lied to me.
- Mi padre nunca me ha mentido.
I lied to you about it lt.... it never happened
Te he mentido. Nunca... Nunca ocurrió.
Don't count on me, I cannot say this. Sister Simplice has never lied.
No cantéis, no os hace bien.
I've never lied to you, have I?
Nunca te he mentido, ¿ verdad?
I've heard that Ishwar never lied in his life.
Dicen que Ishwar no es de los que mienten.
I lied like I never did in my life because of you!
¡ He mentido como nunca por tu culpa!
Please believe me. I've never lied to one who owns me.
Nunca le mentí a ninguno de mis dueños.
I have never lied to you.
Nunca te he mentido.
I've never lied to you, and I don't like to hold things back from you.
Yo nunca te he mentido y no me gusta ocultarte cosas.
I lied to you a few times, but never to myself.
A veces te he mentido, pero nunca me he mentido a mí mismo.
Now, I have never lied to you never given you false hopes but I believe in you.
Nunca les he mentido ni les he dado falsas esperanzas pero creo en ustedes.
I ain't never lied to you.
Yo nunca te he mentido.
I've never lied to you, have I?
Nunca le he mentido, ¿ no?
I lied to you when I told you I'd never seen him again.
Le mentí cuando le dije que no lo había vuelto a ver.
In 23 years, I've never lied to you.
- ¡ Mientes! ¡ En 23 años de matrimonio jamás te he mentido!
♪ You know I've never lied to you
♪ Te sabe he nunca lied a ti
I've never lied in my life, it's too complicated, but now, I'm living with a liar, sleeping with a liar, making love with a liar
Y no he mentido nunca, sencillamente porque es complicado. Demasiado complicado. y ahora me doy cuanta de que vivo con una mentirosa duermo con una mentirosa que hago el amor con una mentirosa.

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