I should've told you traducir español
887 traducción paralela
You should've seen his expression when I told him I still had his letters.
Su cara cuando supiera que he guardado sus cartas.
I should've told you two months ago.
Debería habértelo dicho hace dos meses.
I told you we should've wired.
Te dije que deberíamos haber avisado.
Michele, perhaps I should've told you, but please, try to understand.
Michele, quizá debí decírtelo, pero intenta comprender.
I've told you before that you should forget me. So you go on your trip around the world and put me out of your mind.
Y ya te dije que tú procures olvidarme así que inicia tu viaje alrededor del mundo y procura olvidarme.
I suppose I should be flattered that you've told me you love me, a man of your great knowledge and importance.
Supongo que debería sentirme halagada por tu declaración de amor, ya que eres un hombre que sabe tanto.
I should've told you it's quite common here to live to a very ripe old age.
Debería de haberle dicho que aquí es normal vivir hasta una edad avanzada.
- From what you've told me... I should say that this woman's in a desperate position... and is therefore forced to use desperate means.
- Por lo que me dijo... diría que esta mujer está desesperada... y toma medidas en la desesperación.
I should've told you this before.
- Pues no. Debí decírtelo.
I should've told you last night. But you were so happy. You were laughing.
Pude decírtelo ayer a la noche, te vi tan contenta, reías,
I know I should've told you, I wanted to every Sunday, I didn't dare.
Ya sé que os lo tenía que haber dicho, cada domingo pensaba decírselo...
It's something I probably should've told you some time ago.
Es algo que probablemente te debería haber dicho hace tiempo.
There was something I should've told you first. Oh, that's all right.
- Debí decirle otra cosa antes.
I should've told you first that I love ya.
- Debí decirle antes que la quiero.
Why should they? - I've told you why!
- Ya te lo dije.
I told you, you never should've trusted that guy.
No deberías haberte fiado de ese tipo.
I've told you who I am and where I come from and what my father's business is here, and that, in an emergency should be introduction enough.
Ya le he dicho quién soy, de dónde vengo y a qué ha venido mi padre, y eso, en una emergencia debería bastar como presentación.
I should've told you.
Debí decírtelo.
I should've told you to follow your own law.
Tendría que haberte dicho que siguieses tu propia ley.
From all you've told me these last weeks, I should say it could mean... any one of a number of quite unpleasant things.
Por lo que me ha contado usted estas semanas, creo que puede significar... cualquiera de varias cosas desagradables.
I told you, you should've killed him when you had the chance.
Le dije que debió matarlo cuando tuvo la oportunidad.
You should've seen his face when I told him about the trust.
Deberíais haber visto su cara cuando le dije lo del fideicomiso.
I told you we should've stayed at the church.
Ya Ies decía yo que nos debíamos de haber refugiado en Ia iglesia.
I suppose I should've told you when I got the news but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
Supongo que te lo tendria que haber dicho cuando me entere no fui capaz de hacerlo.
I should've told you before, but I didn't realize how...
- Debí decírselo antes pero no creí...
I should've told you before but you happened along so sudden-like I didn't have the chance.
Debí decirte antes pero pasó tan rápido que no tuve oportunidad.
I've been told that I should absolutely meet you in.
Me dijeron que tenía que verla en Okayama.
I should've told you, I'm an awful good wrestler.
Debí decirle que soy muy buena luchadora.
Goodbye. I'm sorry. I should've told you.
Lo lamento, debí habértelo dicho.
I should've told you guys before.
Debería habéroslo contado antes.
I've always told you my sister's nuts! How should I explain to you? She's crazy!
Siempre he dicho mi hermana esta loca!
Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard...
Ah, claro. Me dijiste que era una tonta por hablar de eso, pero... Si nuestro hijo naciera aquí, donde has trabajado tan duro...
- I should've told you about this sooner.
- Debería habérselo dicho antes.
If you didn't approve of him, you should've told me. I'd find another.
Si no me apruebas, deberías decirmelo, encontraré otro
I should feel better after I've told you everything.
Me sentiré mejor después de haberlo dicho todo.
Maybe I should've told you that first night, but I thought to myself, " Sam is a soldier.
Quizás debí habèrtelo dicho la primera noche, pero pensè : " Sam es soldado.
I should've done like you told me, stuck to the track.
Debí hacer como me dijo, estar pegado al camión.
But your friend should've told you I was a thief,..
Pero tu amigo no debió decirte que yo era un ladrón,
Then he should've told you that the last two years I slept alone!
Sabes que hace más de dos años que no he estado con él.
Here, now, I've told you more than I should be telling you.
Ya te he dicho más de lo que debiera.
I should've told you long before this but I hoped I could make them change their minds.
Creí que podría convencerles.
You know what they call those kinds of men? Yeah, I get it! But you should've told me.
Claro que lo sé, pero podías haberlo dicho antes para saber a que atenerme.
But I should've told you this earlier.
No te engañes, afronta la verdad... y todo irá bien. Tenía que habértelo dicho antes.
But there was something I should've told you about him.
Pero había algo que debería haberle dicho sobre él.
Oh, my! You should've told me about this. I'd have gone into training.
¡ Debería haberme entrenado!
I told you not to listen to Huntley and Brinkley today. You should've just listened to Huntley.
Te dije que no escucharas a Huntley y Brinkley, sino solamente a Huntley.
I told you I should've opened with a joke.
Le dije que debía abrir con una broma.
And I told you, you never should've offered him the money.
Y yo te dije que no debías haberle ofrecido ese dinero.
No, sir. And after I've told you that I should have implicated you in a crime.
Además ya te he dicho que podría implicarte en el crimen.
I should've told Tom and let him kill you!
Debí contárselo a Tom para que lo matara.
Wife says to her husband... you should've told me that the boy was born when we met and not hide him in your pants all the time like I'm his mother.
Una mujer le dice a su marido... me tenías que haber dicho que el chico nació cuando nos conocimos y no esconderlo en los pantalones como si yo fuera su madre.
i should've listened to you 31
i should've 99
i should've called 31
i should've known 138
i should've seen it coming 18
i should've been there 32
i should've known better 40
i should've said something 19
i should've seen this coming 19
told you 610
i should've 99
i should've called 31
i should've known 138
i should've seen it coming 18
i should've been there 32
i should've known better 40
i should've said something 19
i should've seen this coming 19
told you 610
told you so 46
told you what 26
i shouldn't have said that 115
i should have seen it coming 28
i should have known 261
i should have known better 55
i should go 978
i shouldn't have told you 34
i shouldn't have asked 40
i should have said 28
told you what 26
i shouldn't have said that 115
i should have seen it coming 28
i should have known 261
i should have known better 55
i should go 978
i shouldn't have told you 34
i shouldn't have asked 40
i should have said 28