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If something happened traducir español

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And I couldn't bear it if something happened to you.
Y no podria soportar que te ocurriera algo malo.
- But if something happened to you?
- Pero si algo te pasara- -
If something happened to her, it wouldn't take a doctor long to figure out she wasn't human.
Si le pasara algo un médico no tardaría mucho en averiguar que no es humana.
If something happened to Bishop while he was traveling through time, then he could be anywhere, or in any time.
Si a Bishop le sucedió algo mientras viajaba en el tiempo, podría estar en cualquier lugar, en cualquier época.
What if something happened to her and I lost her forever?
¿ Y si le pasa algo y la pierdo para siempre? Me volvería loco.
What if something happened to you?
¿ Y si algo te pasa a ti?
It's not as if something happened to Molly or the baby. Right, right.
Ni que le hubiera pasado algo a Molly o al bebé.
It's funny... if something happened to Tuvok, if Neelix were here, he'd be the first person to comfort me.
Qué curioso. Si algo le ocurriera a Tuvok, Neelix sería el primero en consolarme.
But if something happened to Mother, or Hercules, or you I might do just the same.
Pero si algo le pasa a mi madre, a Hércules, o a ti haría exactamente lo mismo.
I've been thinking about if something happened to me, he's got no one to look up to.
Pensaba que si algo me pasa, tenga a alguien que vele por él.
- What if something happened to me?
- ¿ Qué pasaría si me ocurriese algo?
If something happened to you, I wouldn't want to be alive.
Si te pasase algo no querría seguir vivo.
What if something happened to the Grünbaums?
¿ Que pasa si algo les sucede a los Grünberg?
If something happened to you guys...
Si algo les llegara a pasar...
I was afraid that if something happened to me, who would take care of her?
Tenía miedo de que si me pasaba algo, ¿ quién iba a cuidar de Louise?
I was asked to find you if something happened.
Me pidieron que los buscara si algo sucedía.
If something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do.
Si algo te sucediera, No sé lo que haría.
I know. You think if something happened, it happened here?
Lo sé. ¿ Crees que si ocurrió algo, ocurrió ahí?
He told us to hand you all of his assets if something happened to him...
todo su patrimonio pasaba a usted.
What if something happened to him?
¿ Qué si le pasó algo?
What if something happened?
¿ Y si te pasara algo?
If something happened, I'd blame myself.
Si le hubiese sucedido algo, me culparía a mí mismo.
I'd die if something happened to Neha!
¡ Si le pasa algo a Neha me muero!
Now that we're finally together, it would be such a shame if something happened to one of us.
Ahora que por fin estamos juntos sería una lástima que nos pasara algo a uno de los dos.
If something happened to you, future history could be changed forever, just like Grams said.
Si te pasa algo, el futuro podría cambiar para siempre...
What if something happened to her?
¿ Y si le sucede algo?
And he knew that, uh... if something happened to him... if he didn't come home... that wasn't something that anybody could make up for.
Sabía que si si algo le pasaba, si no llegaba a casa nadie iba a poder reparar ese daño.
If something happened, go to Gavroche.
Se me pasa algo, ve corriendo a casa de Gavroche.
If something happened to her, I couldn't live.
Si le pasara algo, me moriríía.
What if something happened to her?
¿ Y si le pasase algo?
I asked you if something good happened.
Te he preguntado si ha pasado algo bueno.
If God forbid something happened to me that's how you'd care for my wife?
Sí algo me pasará Dios no lo quiera. ¿ Así es como cuidarías a mi esposa?
But if something really horrible happened...
Pero si algo realmente horrible pasara...
I mean, if something ever happened to you... I'd never be able to get this ship home by myself.
Pues si te ocurriera algo no podría volver a casa yo solo.
I guess if something like that happened to the Colonel, you'd have to find a new partner.
Supongo que si el coronel sufriera una desgracia tendrías que buscarte un socio nuevo.
the faraway echo of something I don't know, your absence now which I wouldn't have known, but would have felt within me, as if my programmer foresaw it all, what happened, what might have happened.
el lejano eco de algo no conocía, tu ausencia ahora, la que yo no hubiera conocido sino que sentiría dentro de mi, como si mi programador hubiera previsto que todo lo que, ocurrió, debería haber ocurrido
If you don't desire me, something happened.
Si no me deseas, algo ha sucedido.
A few weeks ago, when Helen was abducted, something happened that made me wonder if Jordan has this thing that I have.
Hace unas semanas, cuando raptaron a Helen, algo sucedió y eso me hizo preguntarme si Jordan tenía lo mismo que yo.
He couldn't remember if it were something that actually happened.
Unos nueve meses, y entonces rompí ¿ Por qué?
- Oh, Frank... something happened. Something happened that shouldn't have happened if you and I were really...
Pasó algo que no hubiera pasado si tú y yo estuviéramos realmente...
But, something happened to me a couple weeks ago... and I'm still trying to figure out if I did the right thing or not.
Me ocurrió algo hace un dos semanas... y todavía estoy tratando de averiguar si hice lo correcto o no.
Let's quit acting as if nothing happened because something has happened, and it has embarrassed us throughout the world.
Dejen de actuar como si nada hubiese ocurrido porque algo sí ha ocurrido, y nos ha avergonzado ante el mundo. "
What if something really happened to him?
¿ Qué tal que sí le pasó algo?
If you did... and by some fluke... happened onto something classified... you would never go home again.
Si lo hicieras... y por alguna casualidad... entraras a algún archivo clasificado... nunca saldrías de aquí.
What if something bad happened to them?
¿ Qué tal si algo malo les pasó?
If something has happened to Vuk, we'll be very upset. And there are quite a few of us.
Si algo le ha pasado a Vuk, vamos a estar muy tristes Y somos muchos.
" If you know that something happened, then you tell me now because I'm not Hercules.
" si ustedes saben que sucedio algo, entonces diganmelo ahora..... por que no soy Hercules.
If Kathy and you are having the same nightmares, chances are something happened when you both met the demon.
Si Kathy y tú están teniendo las mismas pesadillas... es probable que les haya ocurrido algo cuando se encontraron con el demonio.
What if something's happened?
¿ Y si ha ocurrido algo?
I couldn't even imagine if something like that happened to either one of you.
No podría imaginar si algo así os pasara a una de las dos.
If something tragic or depraved happened to someone else.
Si algo trágico o depravado le ocurrió a otro, quiero oírlo.

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