In his own way traducir español
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In his own way... silently.
Me quiere a su manera. Silenciosamente.
I think the court will commit no grave legal error... by allowing a minister of the gospel to tell his story in his own way.
Creo que el tribunal no cometerá error legal alguno... al dejar que un ministro de la palabra de Dios cuente... su historia a su modo.
You keep quiet and let my father tell his story in his own way!
¡ Cállate y deja que él lo explique con sus propias palabras!
Each serves his country in his own way :
Cada cual sirve a su nación a su modo...
An old age home. I just saw the admission letter. He arranges it in his own way.
Si, va con los viejos, vi la carta de admisión en su camarín
He's thinking about the family in his own way.
Piensa en la familia a su manera.
But my father wasn't like that. He was a hero, too. A hero in his own way.
Mi padre no era así y él también era un héroe.
He has taken the work upon him... and will do it in his own way.
Es su tarea y lo hará a su propia manera.
If we deny him his chance to work in his own way. Gentlemen, there's no need to raise our voices.
Si le negamos la oportunidad de trabajar a su manera... no hace falta que levantemos la voz.
In his own way, of course.
A su manera, por supuesto.
Gray, in his own way, can do the same thing because this is his second chance.
Y Gray, a su manera, puede hacer lo mismo, porque ésta es su segunda oportunidad.
Let him tell it in his own way.
Deja que se explique.
So let us each pray in his own way, to his own God.
Así que cada uno puede orar a su modo, para su Dios.
He'll win in his own way.
Él ganará a su manera.
Everybody is doing the best he can in his own way.
Todos hacen lo mejor que pueden a su manera.
Andy's OK... probably figures to square it in his own way.
¡ Cállate, es su problema!
In his own way, but he told me so.
A su modo me lo ha dicho.
Not as pretty as Miss Kellerman but in his own way, just as nice...
No es tan atractivo como la Srta. Kellerman Pero a su manera es tan -
Let him tell it in his own way.
Deje que lo cuente a su manera.
Floyd learned, too, in his own way, by marrying a rich woman.
Floyd aprendió también, a su manera, al casarse con una mujer rica...
He did it in his own way.
Lo hizo a su propia manera.
- The Marshal has fun in his own way.
- ¿ Y el mariscal qué hace? - El mariscal se divierte a su manera.
Each in his own way.
Cada uno a su manera.
We have the power, but if the Prosecutor, Master of Law, thinks he can interpret the procedure in his own way, he's welcome to it, let him call who he wants.
Tenemos la facultad, pero si el Fiscal, maestro del Derecho, cree poder interpretar a su modo el procedimiento, siéntense y que llame a quien quiera.
Rafe here is kind of an educated man, in his own way.
Rafe es un hombre instruido, a su manera.
In his own way, he wasn't a bud guy.
Era un buen tipo, en su estilo.
You would there see with your own eyes how Weltmann due to his tremendous suggestive powers, is able to compel people to act in a way diametrically opposite to their nature......
Si va, se convencerá por sus propios ojos de que, gracias a su inaudita habilidad para sugestionar, Weltmann es capaz de obligar a las personas a que actúen de un modo totalmente opuesto a su esencia natural...
A spoiled child who's grown up in ease and luxury, who's always had her own way, and whose misdirected energies are so childish... that they hardly deserve the comment even of a butler on his off Thursday.
Una niña mimada, de vida fácil y lujosa que siempre se ha salido con la suya. Cuyas reacciones son tan infantiles que ni siquiera merecen los comentarios de un mayordomo en su único día libre.
Is it right to tamper with the problem until the Creator himself has solved it in his own mysterious way?
¿ Es correcto manipular el problema hasta que el mismo Creador no lo resuelva de manera inescrutable?
Sherry's trying to break it up, in his own fiendish way.
Sherry intenta separarme a su manera.
- I don't deny that he's infatuated with you in some warped way of his own. - I don't think so.
Creo que no.
He paid me back in his own peculiar way.
Y él me pagó con su propia y peculiar manera.
That he ought to make His own way in the world.
O sea abriéndose camino por su propio esfuerzo.
Then to prepare roast duck his favorite way I rub salt and pepper inside, then brown the duck in its own fat... "
Después le preparé el pato como a él le gusta con sal y pimienta adentro. Después metí el pato... "
Well, yes, in his own peculiar way.
Bueno si, de una manera particular.
Except for someone who's been touched in the head... and wants to go his own way.
Excepto alguno que tiene trastocada la cabeza... y quiere seguir su propio camino.
I'm sure Nick's trying to help you in his own clumsy way.
Seguro que Nick está tratando de ayudarte a su torpe manera.
No. Mr. Royle is just here to wish me a merry Christmas in his own charming way.
No, el Sr. Royle sólo ha venido a felicitarme las navidades con su típica delicadeza.
He was telling me, you see, in his own little way, that he's happy.
Me decía, a su modo, que es feliz.
Yet, his own witness, in answer to a question put by one of you, ladies and gentlemen, clearly stated that anyone without any special technical skill could have rigged that car in a few minutes in the way the district attorney imagines it was rigged.
Pero su propio testigo, al responder a una pregunta de uno de ustedes, declaró que cualquiera, sin ninguna habilidad técnica especial, podría haber trucado ese coche en unos minutos, como el fiscal presupone.
Maybe back in the days of the pioneers a man could go his own way.
Quizá en tiempos de los pioneros un hombre pudiese serlo.
Let him go his own way in peace.
Déjenlo por su cuenta.
You're going after Arkadin's money in your own way... - through his daughter... - aren't you?
Vas tras su dinero usando a su hija, ¿ verdad?
Maybe Mily was becoming independent and going after his money in her own way.
Quizás se estuviera independizando y buscándose la vida a su manera.
that one always does his own way, you live in the open air!
haces siempre lo que quieres.
Mike, a guy's got to make his own way in this world, but a thing like that, I just...
Mike, hay que defenderse en este mundo. - Pero nunca...
He will shoot his own grandmother in the back and lay bets on which way she's falling.
Dispararía a su abuela por la espalda y organizaría apuestas para ver de qué lado cae.
The opinions expressed by our guest are his own and in no way reflect my own views or those of my sponsor.
Las opiniones expresadas por nuestros clientes son suyas y de ninguna de las maneras reflejan mis propios puntos de vista o las de mi patrocinador.
He was quite happy in his own little way, you know.
El fue feliz, a su manera, ¿ sabes?
Surely this is in no way to show gratitude, to the man who not only saved my life but risked his very own.
Esta no es forma de mostrar gratitud al hombre que... no solo salvó mi vida, sino que arriesgó la suya.
Now, Teresa, it's only natural he should want to make his own way in the world.
Teresa, es normal que quiera independizarse.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
in high school 193
in hindsight 63
in high 25
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
in high school 193
in hindsight 63
in high 25