In his room traducir español
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They've agreed to let us in his room.
Accedieron a que entremos a su habitación.
Um, so, okay, I've been watching as though it's Mission Impossible 7, it's pulled out, there's a guy in his room, in his...
Vale, entonces, he estado viendo como si Misión Imposible 7, se estrenara, hay un tipo en su habitación, en su...
He'd hang around, sitting in his room by himself.
Se quedaba... sentado en su habitación solo.
I just want to set a little something up for Kelly in his room.
Solo quiero preparar algo para Kelly en su cuarto.
He and Jacob are gonna live in his room together?
¿ Él y Jacob van a compartir habitación?
Because I notice how cold it is in his room.
Porque me he dado cuenta de lo fría que es su habitación.
He's sleeping in his room!
Por supuesto. Está durmiendo en el cuarto.
Yes! He must be in his room.
Debe estar en la habitación.
He's in his room. He's eaten already.
Está en el cuarto, él ya comió.
I saw this in his room the last time.
Lo vi en su habitación la última vez.
I-I went in his room.
Fui a su habitación.
I planted the explosive charge in his room myself.
Yo misma puse la carga explosiva en su habitación.
Oh, I came to see Duke, and I couldn't find him. I... He wasn't in his room.
He venido a ver a Duke y no lo encuentro.
Belongings are still in his room.
Sus pertenencias todavía están en la habitación.
Do you mind if I look up in his room?
¿ Les importaría si miro en su habitación?
Stone : Alone in his room on the 16th floor,
Sólo en su habitación en el piso 16
In the interrogation room, you said you wanted him to leave his wife and run away with you?
En la sala de interrogatorios, ¿ le dijiste que querías que dejara a su mujer y se fugara contigo?
We holed up in his hotel room.
Nos hemos encerrado en su hotel.
You were there... he and his wife had a public fight in the squad room.
Tú estabas allí... él y su esposa tuvieron una pelea pública en la comisaría.
His computer is in the back room in the end.
El ordenador es Aquí en la habitación en la parte trasera.
We also found this rental-car map of l.A.X. in his hotel room.
Hallamos este mapa de coche de alquiler del aeropuerto de L.A. en su habitación.
Johnny was working in the living room on a list for a casting call, and his mother was alone in the den.
Johnny estaba trabajando en la sala en una lista para un casting y su madre estaba sola en el estudio.
He listened for a while longer and then hurried guiltily back to his work in the living room.
Él escuchó un poco más y luego se apuró culpablemente a su trabajo en la sala.
I'm not ready to force him to sleep in his own room yet.
Todavía no estoy listo para obligarlo a dormir en su propia habitación.
But if you do that in a hospital waiting room, it will be the little div that's going in with a pan on his head, who's screaming and saying his head's throbbing.
Pero si haces eso en la sala de espera de un hospital, pasará el gilipollas que tiene una cacerola en la cabeza, gritando y diciendo que le va a explotar la cabeza.
His dad thinks he's in the boys'room dry heaving.
Su padre piensa que está en el vestuario con dolor de estómago.
We made love in a tent in his dorm room.
Hicimos el amor en una tienda en su dormitorio.
Dmitry would like to celebrate his success in the vodka room by sharing a toast.
Dimitry quiere celebrar su triunfo con la sala de vodka compartiendo un brindis. Si no te importa.
I slept in his dorm room on top of a pile of collapsed Chinese food boxes, like, a semester's worth.
Dormí en su habitación de la residencia en lo alto de una pila de cajas de comida china durante un semestre.
As long as his auditors are in my count room, I can't get the skim back home.
Mientras sus auditores estén en mi cuarto de cuentas, no puedo llevar las ganancias libres de impuesto a casa.
Oh, wait, we can't, because you're a serial killer who keeps his victims'bodies immersed in tanks of formaldehyde in the living room.
Espera, no podemos porque eres un asesino en serie que mantiene los cuerpos de sus víctimas inmersos en tanques de formaldehido en el comedor.
But everyone in this room knows his business is anything but legitimate.
Pero todo el mundo en esta habitación sabe que sus negocios son todo menos legítimos.
His uncle, whom Bill had not even noticed in the room, had taken a lot of time off work to fly in all the way from Tulsa.
Su tío, cuya presencia Bill no había notado, había tomado mucho tiempo del trabajo para venir desde Tulsa.
His uncle, whom Bill had not even noticed in the room, looks out the window and talks about Bill's mother.
Su tío, cuya presencia Bill no había notado, mira por la ventana y habla de la madre de Bill.
The TV in the room is always on mute, and behind his uncle's head,
La tv. del cuarto está siempre silenciada y tras la cabeza de su tío
A room full of windows. And he gives a name on a paper that's not in his handwriting to the front counter, and a frail old man is being wheeled to see him now, a man who's been here for over ten years but rarely had a visitor.
Entrega un papel no escrito por él en el mostrador, y ahora aparece un frágil anciano en silla de ruedas, un hombre que lleva aquí más de 10 años, pero que apenas ha sido visitado.
Did DC Blackstone leave the sitting room unaccompanied in order to continue his phone call?
¿ Salió el DC Blackstone de la sala de estar solo... Con el fin de continuar con su llamada?
Detective Constable Blackstone, whilst interviewing the Defendant in his sitting room, did you receive a phone call?
Detective Blackstone, Mientras entrevistaban al acusado en su sala de estar, ¿ Recibió una llamada telefónica?
Set him up in the room, put fake blood in his mouth and on the bed, and convince him that he ate the patient.
Le metemos en la habitación, ponemos sangre falsa en su boca y en la cama y le convencemos de que se ha comido a la paciente.
Don't forget, we've got an extra seminar this week on Aristotle also in this room, thereby neatly observing his Unity of Place. OK. Any other business?
No olvidéis que esta semana tenemos un seminario extra sobre Aristóteles también en esta aula, conservando por tanto la unidad de espacio.
I'd just like to point out, that Walden is not the first rich and handsome guy to snap his bean up in that room.
Solo me gustaría decir que Walden no es el primer sujeto rico y guapo que se deprime en ese cuarto
And I turned around, and he'd lined all the chairs up in the room, right, really straight, all the way across the room, which he did with everything ; his toys, video... he used to make a video... a line from the telly, all the way into the kitchen, with videos.
Y me di la vuelta, y había alineado todas las sillas en la sala, bien, realmente en una linea recta, de lado a lado de la habitación, lo que hizo con todo, sus juguetes, los videos, solia hacer una línea desde la tele, todo el camino hasta la cocina, con videos.
His son Skip started in the mail room, worked his way up to a corner office.
Su hijo Skip empezó en la sala de correo, trabajó hasta llegar a la dirección.
In the end he said that it didn't matter and then he went upstairs, to his room.
Al final me dijo que no importaba y luego se fue arriba, a su habitación.
He came in the afternoon to his room and went away the following morning.
Entró a su habitación por la tarde y se marchó a la mañana siguiente.
He was in his hotel room.
Reindhart estaba en la habitación del hotel.
Uh, as I was coming out of the back room to help this couple who had come in for some guidance, and this guy had his arms around this person, and they were kissing, and then they stopped,
Mientras salía de la pieza trasera para ayudar a esta pareja que había venido por orientación, y este tipo tenía sus brazos alrededor de esta otra persona, y se estaban besando, y entonces se detuvieron, y ella se dio vuelta, y miró directamente hacia mí,
Sforza commissioned Leonardo to paint Christ's last supper with his 12 disciples on the wall of the monks'dining room in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie.
Sforza encargó Leonardo para pintar la última cena de Cristo con sus 12 discípulos en la pared del comedor de los monjes en el monasterio de Santa Maria delle Grazie.
- I'm talking about... - He's lying in a hospital room, fighting for his life, and he had nothing to do with how he got elected.
- Está tirado en una habitación de hospital, luchando por su vida, y no tiene nada que ver con cómo fue elegido.
For meetings even with a few people in the room, Reagan would read his lines like an actor from 3x5 index cards.
Para las reuniones, incluso con unas pocas personas en la habitación, Reagan leería como un actor sus lineas de tarjetas de 3x5.
Or I can tie him up and lock him in the room. And tell Yuiko he went on his own.
O podría atarle y encerrarle en la habitación... y decirle a Yuiko que se ha ido por su cuenta.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
room 1000
rooms 83
roommate 60
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
room 1000
rooms 83
roommate 60
roomie 108
roomies 23
room for one more 22
roommates 31
room number 25
room service 204
room apartment 20
room clear 21
roomies 23
room for one more 22
roommates 31
room number 25
room service 204
room apartment 20
room clear 21