In his hands traducir español
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He's got the whole world in his hands.
Él tiene el mundo entero en sus manos. Él tiene el mundo entero en sus manos. Él tiene el mundo entero en sus manos.
You'd be torn asunder! But so great is my confidence in Agent Smith... that I am putting my reputation, and your life, in his hands.
Pero tengo tanta confianza en el agente Smith... que pondré en sus manos mi reputación y la vida de usted.
I'd put mown life in his hands.
Yo pondría mi vida en sus manos.
He had that shell in his hands on the day he died.
Tenía esa concha en sus manos el día que murió.
And the man who sends our husbands out into the storm, the man who decides which of them goes on what missions. Guy's got all our lives in his hands, and you're sleeping with him.
Y el hombre que manda a nuestros esposos a la tormenta... el hombre que decide cuál de ellos va y a cuáles misiones... el tipo que tiene nuestras vidas en sus manos, con ese te acuestas.
Elkins died with it in his hands.
- Elkins murió con él en sus manos.
God knows the answer and I would rather leave it in his hands than yours.
Dios sabe la respuesta. Y preferiría dejarlo en sus manos que en las de ustedes.
He just put his hands... His head in his hands, and he just wept.
El colocó su cabeza entre las manos y lloró.
The gun is in his hands!
¡ El tiene un arma en la mano!
And the guy was holding a shovel in his hands.
Y al tipo sujetando una pala en sus manos.
Everything is in His hands.
Todo está en Sus manos.
If everything is in His hands then let Him decide. Why must you?
Si todo está en SUS manos entonces, deja que Él decida. ¿ Por qué deberías?
The sooner I do this surgery, the sooner he can begin developing the coordination and function in his hands.
Mientras más rápido lo opere, más rápido podrá empezar a desarrollar la coordinación y la función de sus manos.
Well, the.38 wasn't mine... and Sergeant Doakes had his niner in his hands.
Bueno, la.38 no era mía. Y el sargento Doakes tenía la 9mm en sus manos.
In his hands I saw a large golden spear.
En sus manos vi una lanza dorada.
- You wonder how a photo from a Byz Lat banger winds up in his hands?
- ¿ Cruz? - ¿ Te preguntas de dónde sacó la foto de un Byz Lat?
I don't know. The doctor has something in his hands.
No sé, el médico tiene algo en las manos.
And where he's even holding this dove because he just wants to have something that's alive in his hands, right?
Agarra una paloma porque quiere tener algo vivo entre las manos.
Neil Watkins had rheumatoid arthritis in his hands.
Neal Watkins padecía de artritis reumatoide en sus manos.
When the source of immortality is in his hands,
Cuando la fuente de la inmortalidad esté en mis manos,
20 years I have pretended he doesn't exist, and now Tom's life is in his hands.
En 20 años he aparentado que no existía, y ahora la vida de Tom está en sus manos.
Yeah, he wants liberal reform. The heart of the people in his hands.
Sí, busca una reforma liberal... tiene el corazón de la gente en sus manos.
Snatch the newspaper out of his hands and in Uncle Bhagat's words..
Toma el periódico y como dice el tío Bhagat...
Then Tom Thumb whispered in his ear, they shook hands on it, and since that moment Tom Thumb became the royal emissary.
Luego Pulgarcito susurró en su oído, se dieron la mano... y desde ese momento Pulgarcito se convirtió en el emisario real.
Soon as his wife's heart's in our hands, you can tell him about the gonorrhea.
Tan pronto tengamos el corazón de su esposa en nuestras manos, le diremos acerca de la gonorrea.
- He did wash his hands in Marathon man.
- Él se lavó sus manos en Marathon Man.
His hands, nervous tic, dead give away, and he won't look at the reporter in the eyes.
Sus manos, tics nerviosos, lo delatan. Y no mira al reportero a los ojos.
Like right now, I know his hands are just dripping with sweat, and you are so completely grossed out. But you're hanging in, and I dig that.
Como ahora mismo, sé que sus manos están goteando sudor y tú estás muerta de asco pero lo aguantas y eso me encanta.
Well, did his hands ever come in contact with your bird?
¿ Sus manos entraron en contacto con tu pajarito?
Como todos los estudiantes de la Academia Cristiana Parsons, se le enseñó que su futuro estaba a salvo en manos de Dios.
When you suspend him in the air with a rope tied to his hands that are tied behind his back.
Lo suspendes en el aire con una soga atando sus manos a la espalda.
With David's blood on his hands, he has the audacity to eulogise him in front of the world.
Tiene la sangre de David en sus manos y tiene la audacia de lamentarlo frente al mundo entero.
They all spend five minutes in a room with him and suddenly they're qualified to take his life into their hands and I have to sit in the waiting room biting my nails.
Todos pasaron 5 minutos en un cuarto con él y de repente están calificados para tener su vida en sus manos. Y yo tengo que sentarme en la sala de espera, mordiéndome las uñas.
She turned around, took his head in both hands and gave him her breast.
Ella se dio vuelta, tomó su cabeza entre las manos y le dio su pecho.
- Ben put his life in the hands of them.
- Ben ha puesto su vida en sus manos.
And here, in my hands... his heart.
RESTOS HUMANOS Y aquí, en mis manos : su corazón.
Just those big, meaty hands stuck in his belt.
Sólo esas grandes y carnosas manos metidas en el cinturón.
In his nimble hands, it would flutter and stream, quiver and sweat.
En sus ágiles manos, el mármol se agitaba y ondeaba, temblaba y sudaba.
The baby walks around, crawls around, puts its hands in its mouth, it gets in his bloodstream.
El bebé camina, gatea, lleva sus manos a la boca y pasa al torrente sanguíneo.
If Mr. Tomforde has taken matters into his own hands. This company will do all in its power to see he's held accountable.
Si el Sr. Tomforde actuó por su cuenta esta compañía hará todo lo posible para que rinda cuentas de sus actos.
I am kind of booked till Walsh hands in his script.
Estoy reservado hasta que Walsh entregue su guión.
I don't want Glenn with his hands in my wife's ice box.
No quiero las manos de Glenn cerca de la máquina de hielo de mi esposa.
He lost his leg in iraq only to die at the hands of some lunatic on the subway.
Perdió una pierna en Irak, sólo para morir en el metro a manos de algún lunático.
How he walked down the street, his hands in his pocket, like he didn't have a care in the world.
Como caminaba por la calle, con sus manos en los bolsillos, coo si no le importara nada en el mundo.
His hands were in his pockets?
¿ Tenía sus manos en los bolsillos?
Andre's smart, brutal as hell, has his hands in everything from insurance fraud to bogus pharmaceutical drugs.
Andre es inteligente, brutal, está metido en todo desde fraudes de seguros a falsos medicamentos.
So he just wrenched it out of my hands, put it over his head this time, and wrapped himself in a ball, and then just started making this weird growling sound, just growling, you know, like... well, growling like a dog.
El me la arrancó de las manos. Esta vez se la puso alrededor de la cabeza y se envolvió en una bola. Y luego comenzó a hacer un sonido extraño, como a gruñir.
Unless you count that time I was eating my sandwich on the can... and he came in to wash his hands.
A menos que cuentes esa vez que me estaba comiendo mi sandwich en el baño y el entró a lavarse las manos.
He'd rather sit in a dark room with his 70-year-oId jazz mate swapping hands
Él prefiere sentarse en un cuarto oscuro con su compañero de Jazz de 70 años, tomados de las manos
Having an undemanding job meant that young Einstein had plenty of time on his hands both at work and here in this tiny apartment to think deep thoughts.
Teniendo un trabajo muy poco exigente, el joven Einstein se veía con mucho tiempo en sus manos tanto en el trabajo como en su pequeño departamento como para pensar en cuestiones muy profundas.
He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the heat!
¡ Puedo tomar el ardiente Sol con estas manos...! ¡ Y soportar su intenso calor...!
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his hands 34
handsome 790
hands 577
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his hands 34
handsome 790
hands 577