In his heart traducir español
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In his heart, he doubts... if he handled the accident... properly or not.
En el fondo, duda si actuó correctamente en el accidente.
Yeah, well, he's brave enough to let us stick a needle in his heart.
es lo suficientemente valiente para dejarnos meter una aguja en su corazón.
- you know, in his heart Of hearts, he knows.
Sabes que dentro de su corazón él lo sabe.
Everybody who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Cualquiera que mire a una mujer de forma lujuriosa ya ha cometido adulterio con ella en su corazón.
has in his heart.
tiene en su corazón.
Is already in his heart.
Está ya en el corazón.
I think that left him with a deep pain in his heart.
Creo que eso le dejó un profundo pesar en su corazón.
If that regulator caused a tear in his heart and we move him, the regulator could move.
Si ese regulador ha rasgado su corazón y le movemos, el regulador podría moverse.
The condition of the grieved cannot be narrated.. .. whose tears are concealed in his heart forever.
La condición de los apenados no puede ser narrada... pues las lágrimas permanecen en su corazón para siempre.
I put two in his heart, one in his computer.
Le puse dos en el corazón y una en la cabeza.
He was born with an electrical problem in his heart.
Significa que nació con un problema eléctrico en el corazón.
We know the infection is in his heart. We do a biopsy.
La infección está en el corazón, hagamos una biopsia.
Throws off a clot, blocks an artery in his heart, causes the arrest.
La masa principal puede estar en otro lado, se desprende un coágulo que bloquea una arteria de su corazón y causa el paro.
He has a midline anomaly on his head, makes sense he'd have a midline anomaly in his heart, too.
Tiene una anomalía de la línea media en su cabeza. Tiene sentido que tenga lo mismo en su corazón.
The charming House, who happens to be a film buff with a soft spot in his heart for children told us how he got his start.
Este encantador House, que resultó ser un cinéfilo con una debilidad en su corazón por los niños nos dijo cómo comenzó.
If he has another woman in his heart, you can never marry him.
Mis ojos no ven que estás sufriendo ahora mismo. Mi Ha-Na...
I believe he still holds you in his heart.
Yo creo que todavía la tiene en su corazón.
- Well, I know what's in his heart.
- Bueno, conozco sus sentimientos.
I'm talking about in his heart, in his heart.
Me refiero a su corazón, en su corazón.
Maybe the secret that Mr. Houdini had locked away in his heart... was going to be a way out for all of us.
Quizás el secreto que Houdini ocultaba en su corazón hubiera sido una salida para todos nosotros.
There is a lot of love in his heart.
Hay mucho amor en su corazón.
I'm asking, did you, at any time in the three days that you cared for Mr. Ames recognize his heart murmur?
Le pregunto si en algún momento durante los tres días que el señor Ames estuvo a su cargo detectó el soplo de su corazón.
My medical team was able to keep his heart beating. But the injuries from his accident have left him in a permanent vegetative state.
Mi equipo médico logró que su corazón siguiera latiendo pero las heridas del accidente lo dejaron en un estado vegetativo permanente.
Grant jordan had a significant difference in iron concentration between the two ventricles of his heart.
Grant Jordan tenía una diferencia significativa en la cantidad de hierro... entre los 2 ventrículos del corazón...
Only if the devil's a man and his name's Filipe. Because Filipe, yes, Filipe is here in my heart.
Sólo si ese diablo fuese hombre y de nombre Felipe... sí, Felipe, el que traigo dentro del corazón.
And here, in my hands... his heart.
RESTOS HUMANOS Y aquí, en mis manos : su corazón.
I don't understand why they're operating on his heart when the cancer is in his gut?
No entiendo por qué lo operan del corazón cuando tiene cáncer de intestino.
In his heart, he doesn't want to hurt anyone.
En su corazón, no quiere dañar a nadie.
We just put a man's daughter's heart in his chest.
Acabamos de ponerle a un hombre el corazón de su hija en el pecho.
And rodriguez, he's got the cellphone up in his hand, just like that, and that's when it struck... right in the chest, into his heart.
Y Rodriguez, el tiene el movil en su mano, como ese, y ahi fue cuando le dieron... Derecho en el pecho, en su corazón.
Congressman John Murtha, the first Vietnam Vet to serve in Congress, a man awarded a bronze star and two purple hearts, choking back tears as he talked about his change of heart.
John Murtha, el primer veterano de Vietnam en llegar a ser congresista condecorado con la Estrella de Bronce y los Corazones Púrpuras, se deshacía en lágrimas al hablar de su cambio de parecer.
With the shape his heart was in. The stress would have killed him.
En la condición en que estaba su corazón, el estrés pudo matarlo.
A real ass when he puts his mind to it, in fact, but... under all that I can tell you he's got a really good heart.
Un verdadero idiota cuando se lo propone, pero puedo decirte que tiene realmente un corazón enorme.
In the end, his heart just quit.
Y al final su corazón se rindió.
If he knows I dance in front of other men, it will break his heart, and he will call off the wedding.
Si sabe que bailo frente a otros hombres rompería su corazón, y cancelaría la boda.
And even if he sucks at it, which he does, and even if he's completely incapable, his heart's in the right place.
e incluso si da asco, que lo hace, e incluso si es completamente incapaz, su corazón está en el lugar correcto.
This poor guy, he--he came out, and he got his heart broken and his ass kicked all in one day.
Este pobre chico, él.. él llegó, y tenía el corazón roto y el culo pateado, todo en un día.
Chuck's heart went out to the m with the plane in his living room, despite the pie Maker wanting her heart for himself.
El corazón de Chuck salió hacia el hombre con el avión en su salón, a pesar de que el pastelero quería su corazón sólo para él.
In his throat, his heart caught.
En su garganta, estaba atrapado su corazón.
Another one is when you heard about Harold and his plan, you put an injunction in the blood flow to his heart.
Otra teoría es que... cuando supiste lo de Harold y su plan, pusiste un impedimento en su circulación sanguínea.
That lump in his jacket ain't a heart full of love.
Ese bulto en su chaqueta no era un corazón lleno de amor.
OK, maybe don't pass that message along, but just know in your heart, his behaviour is unacceptable.
Bueno, no le digas exactamente eso, pero que te quede claro que este comportamiento es inaceptable.
My husband's on his third tour in Iraq. And he's okay and all. But we have a 3-year-old with heart disease.
Mi marido está en su tercer viaje a Irak y está bien y todo, pero tenemos una hija de tres años con una enfermedad cardíaca, y bueno ella necesita una cirugía muy cara.
His heart stopped while he was hanging upside down in a water tank.
Su corazón se detuvo mientras colgaba de los pies en un tanque de agua.
The second one was aimed at his heart but it hit his lighter in his inside pocket.
La segunda iba al corazón, pero dio en el encendedor del bolsillo interior.
I don't know, a rich man in his 80s with a dodgy heart and no-one to leave his money to.
No lo sé, un hombre rico en sus 80 con el corazón chungo y que no tenga a nadie a quién dejarle su dinero.
Yeah, he wants liberal reform. The heart of the people in his hands.
Sí, busca una reforma liberal... tiene el corazón de la gente en sus manos.
Springsteen wore his heart on his sleeve, but also tapped into the common experiences of a generation coming of age in America in the 1970s.
Springsteen expresaba sus sentimientos abiertamente, pero también tocaba las experiencias comunes de una generación que estaba alcanzando la mayoría de edad en los EEUU de los 70.
General Malik, he's got his heart in the right place, but he is clearly not an investigator.
El general Malik no es una mala persona, pero no es un buen investigador.
He said once I got in his hands, he'd cut my heart out and eat it in strips like it was bacon.
Dijo que me sacaría el corazón y se lo comería en rebanadas, como tocino.
When he still carried in his head the sound of a made-up perfect voice, the voice that could speak its heart, the voice he used to wish he had, until the day he stopped wishing he sounded like anyone else
Cuando aún llevaba en su cabeza el sonido de una voz perfecta inventada, la voz que podía decir lo que pensaba, la voz que solía desear tener, hasta el día en que dejó de desear sonar como los demás
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his heart 57
his heart stopped 19
heart 404
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his heart 57
his heart stopped 19
heart 404
heartbeat 33
heartless 34
hearts 66
heartbreak 27
hearted 198
heartbreaker 20
heartburn 19
heartbreaking 30
heart beating 18
heart rate 87
heartless 34
hearts 66
heartbreak 27
hearted 198
heartbreaker 20
heartburn 19
heartbreaking 30
heart beating 18
heart rate 87
hearts and minds 20
heart attack 174
heart failure 23
heart surgery 35
heart disease 37
heartedly 17
heartbroken 26
heart rate's 34
heart attack 174
heart failure 23
heart surgery 35
heart disease 37
heartedly 17
heartbroken 26
heart rate's 34