It's yours now traducir español
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Bueno, yo me voy, por lo tanto ahora es tuyo.
I've had my turn. Now it's yours.
Ya fue mi turno, ahora es el suyo.
Well, it's time we got this thing finished. - Now, is this belt yours or isn't it?
A ver si terminamos de una vez.
You just harm one hair of my lady's head and that ugly face of yours will walk about with no neck under it. Now, mind!
Tocad un solo cabello de mi señora y vuestra horrible cabeza caminará separada del cuello. ¡ Conque cuidado!
But it's healthy. But you're not sick, those gambs of yours are my bread and butter. Now remember we get breakfast free here with our roommates, so we eat plenty of that to lay off on the other meals.
Verá, después de la última guerra, decidieron que esas montañas debían ser arrebatadas a mi país, y yo me fui con ellas.
It's yours now.
Ahora es tuyo.
It's all yours now.
Vía libre.
It's yours if you'll sign it right now.
Es suyo si firma ahora mismo.
Now are we well resolved, and by God's help and yours, the noble sinews of our power, France being ours we'll bend it to our awe or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, tombless, with no remembrance over them.
Ahora estamos decididos, y con la ayuda de Dios y la vuestra, nobles tendones de nuestro poder, siendo nuestra Francia, la doblegaremos a nuestra voluntad... o depositaremos estos huesos en una urna indigna, sin sepulcro, para que no quede recuerdo de ellos.
Now it's yours and mine.
Ahora es tuyo y mío.
Now it's yours.
Ahora es la tuya.
Now I'm not so sure it's yours.
Pero no sé si de usted.
It's yours now, isn't it?
Ahora, sí, ¿ verdad?
It's because it touched yours, and is now uncertain as a young lover.
Es porque ha rozado la suya. Parezco un estudiante enamorado.
It's mine now and yours.
Ahora es mío y tuyo.
It's now legally yours, Mrs Sutton.
Ahora es legalmente suyo, Sra. Sutton.
Now it's yours, all of it - every mile, every foot, every inch.
Ahora es tuyo, todo : cada milla, cada pie, cada pulgada.
Now's the time to make your play, Colonel, with that fancy shooting'of yours... while they ain't expecting'it.
Es el momento de usar su puntería. Vamos, cuando no se lo esperan.
Yes, Henry, it's as much yours now as ever it was
- No digas eso. Sigue siendo tan tuya como siempre.
That district of yours, it's hot now!
¡ En tu distrito ya operamos!
He's in her care now, And I very much doubt he will find it as tender as yours.
Él está al cuidado de ella ahora... y dudo mucho que lo encuentre... tan tierno como el tuyo.
I've put up with it for a year and half, but the only novel thing that's happened was that you took five days off... and now this new hat of yours.
Lo he soportado durante un año y medio, pero lo único nuevo que ha sucedido ha sido que Ud. se ha tomado cinco días de asueto... y este nuevo sombrero que lleva hoy.
So now it's all yours?
¿ Todo esto es ahora tuyo?
- But it's yours now.
- Pero ahora es tuya.
Now it's yours.
I don't have it now, but I'll bring it to you tomorrow. Let me see yours. That's not it!
LLegaremos a Asia Menor, acamparemos en Efeso, y en el momento oportuno marcharemos hacia Grecia.
It's yours now.
Ahora es suyo.
Now it's yours.
Ahora es tuyo.
- And because now you can tell me that we're having a child, so... - Yes, because it's yours.
- Sí, porque es tuyo.
Now, let's have it, Steve. What about this monster story of yours?
¿ Qué está pasando Steve, qué pasa con esa historia del monstruo?
It's yours now.
Ahora le toca a usted.
In this boring town of yours I had never stopped for more than a day, and now, it's been two months I've been here.
En vuestra aburrida ciudad no me he quedado nunca más de un día, y ahora llevo ya dos meses aquí.
But now it's all yours, Captain Carruthers.
Bien, es todo suyo Capitán Caruthers.
It's yours now.
Es tuyo ahora.
No, it's yours now.
No, ahora es tuyo.
- Yours? To the director's good health My apologies, but I have to go now. No, it's mine.
- ¿ Tuya?
You know, Captain, it's my life as well as yours now.
¿ Sabe qué, Capitán? Ahora también arriesga mi vida.
It's yours now.
Es suyo.
- And now it's yours.
- Ahora es tuyo.
Just as I do now, I'd have to cut, carry and sell the wood. Besides, you cannot give me this forest, because it's not yours.
Igualmente tendría que cortar Ia leña y cargarla y venderla, y además tu no puedes darme este bosque porque no es tuyo.
Now it's yours.
Bueno, ahora es suyo.
- And now it's yours.
- Bueno, pues ahora es tuyo.
Now you say it's not for you, it's for a friend of yours.
Tú dices que es para un amigo.
Now, I know it's just as much my fault as it is yours.
Mira, sé que es tanto mi culpa como tuya.
No. It's no longer necessary, for now it is rightfully yours.
No, ahora ya no es necesario.
You see, this place used to be ours, and now it's yours.
Este rancho era nuestro antes y ahora es vuestro.
It's not much... but now they're yours.
No es mucho... pero ahora te harán falta.
It's all yours now.
Ahora es todo suyo.
This was Corbitt's, now it's yours.
He comprendido tu juego Talby.
It's been mine, and now it's yours.
Perteneció a Doc Holliday.
It's all yours now... the crown, the girl, the whole black business. Isn't that enough?
Ya lo tienes todo ; el trono, la chica, todo el negocio. ¿ No es suficiente?
it's yours 974
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now is the time 102
now you know 219
now that i think about it 142
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now is the time 102
now you know 219
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now's your chance 115
now i am 50
now then 570
now is not the time 119
now look 431
now you listen to me 140
now go 556
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now's your chance 115
now i am 50
now then 570
now is not the time 119
now look 431
now you listen to me 140
now go 556