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It didn't help traducir español

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You tried everywhere else, it didn't work, so you've come here, pretending to be nice, asking me to help you, right?
Fuiste a todas partes pero nada funcionó.
"I didn't do it, so help me God, I didn't do it"
"Yo no lo hice, que Dios me ayude, yo no lo hice"
Well didn't you ever get hot and bothered and couldn't help it?
- ¿ No ha estado alguna vez enfadada sin poder evitarlo?
No, pero ahora que te vuelvo a ver, no puedo dejar de hablar de ella.
It was simply that I didn't think I'd be much help to him in Rome.
Simplemente pensé que no le sería de mucha ayuda en Roma.
I didn't leave the world because it was hard, but because there were no challenges. I came to fight misery, to help people.
No abandoné el mundo por creerlo duro, al contrario, sino porque no podía levantar montañas, combatir con mi sola alegría la maldición humana.
Those liver pills didn't help, eh? Well, as the brainy half of this sister act it's up to me to pull you through the crisis.
Mientras tu hermana sea quien tiene cerebro, depende de mí que salgas de la crisis.
Oh I didn't happen I just couldn't help hearing it.
No fue casualidad, es que no pude evitar oírlo.
Lo intenté.
I can't help it. You must know I didn't do it deliberately.
No lo hice deliberadamente.
I didn't know what it meant when Mr. Joppe came to see me and asked me to help him prove that Jarnac had been killed.
No lo comprendí cuando el señor Jarnac vino a pedirme que le ayudara a probar que habían matado a Jarnac.
It did help you, didn't it?
- Te ha ayudado, ¿ no?
Everything, but it didn't help.
Todo, pero fue inútil.
I know you didn't, it's the only thing that seems to help.
Sé que no quisiste, es lo único que parece ayudar.
Didn't help very much, did it?
No sirvió de mucho, ¿ verdad?
- Well I'm sure I didn't help it.
- Seguro que no he ayudado.
Why, I didn't ask for the judge's job, but I got it, and now I need help.
Yo no he pedido el cargo, pero me lo han dado y necesito ayuda.
Yes. It didn't help me much.
- Sí, no es muy ingenioso.
Believe it or not, I'd like to help. I told you I didn't love Claude.
Lo creas o no, quisiera ayudarte.
he can invent it. Justice is slow, he said, but he didn't tell you that she's often blind and misses the target, when we don't come and help her.
La justicia es lenta, ha dicho, mas no ha dicho que a veces es ciega y da pasos en falso, cuando no se va en su ayuda.
Didn't it ever occur to you that once we started we could never ask anybody for help, even if we were dying, the rest of our lives that we're all alone and always will be?
¿ Que una vez que empezáramos no podríamos pedir ayuda aunque nos estuviéramos muriendo y que estamos solos y siempre lo estaremos?
It didn't help them to run, Joe
El huir no les ayudó, Joe.
It didn't help matters any, did it?
Eso no ayudó en nada, ¿ verdad?
It didn't help much.
Eso no ayudó mucho.
It might help if you didn't try to pin it onto ME every time someone breaks into Menzies or somewhere.
Ayudaría en algo que usted no me intentara acusar cada vez que roban en Menzies o donde sea.
It didn't help.
No sirvió de nada.
You always say that it didn't help you when you got older.
Siempre me dices que de mayor no te ha servido nada.
Yes, they laid him out on the lawn and worked and worked, but it didn't help.
Vi cuando lo sacaron del agua y trataron de revivirlo.
Can I help it if it didn't take any brains to fix it?
No había que pensar mucho en la solución.
So help me, I didn't mean it.
Ayúdame, no quise decir eso.
It didn't cost much. Let me help you.
- No me ha costado mucho.
We burned Tabanga with a mighty fire, but it didn't help.
Sí, señor. - ¿ Qué queréis?
That's a help. Least we know who didn't carry it. Funny man!
Pues sí que nos vale de mucho saber quién no la tiene.
You didn't do it alone. You had help.
Tuvo ayuda de otro lado.
But it didn't help, did it?
Pero no sirvió de mucho, ¿ verdad?
But it didn't help much.
¡ Pero no sirvió de nada!
I couldn't help it, I didn't want to do it.
No pude evitarlo, no quería hacerlo.
But it didn't help. Yeah.
Pero eso no ayudo
It didn't help.
Eso no le cambió.
- I guess I didn't help you much with it.
- Creo que no le ayudé mucho.
Squealed about Noge and me, but it didn't help, eh?
No me adules. Nos delataste ante los rusos pero no sirvió.
You took it to Ambrose d'Arcy for help in getting it published, didn't you?
Se la llevó a Ambrose d'Arcy para que lo ayudara a publicarla, ¿ verdad?
It's not my fault, it was that delinquent over there who didn't lift a finger to help me.
No es culpa mía, sino de aquel delincuente que no movió un dedo por ayudarme.
Maybe I didn't explain it well, but I need your help for a loan, not to be on the police blotter!
Tú no me has entendido o no me he explicado bien, necesito un préstamo, no terminar en la cárcel.
I didn't want to say it, but I couldn't help myself.
No quería decirlo, pero no he podido callarme.
"My nausea for it didn't help." "It was the other way round."
Pero esta náusea no me ayudaba a apartarlo de mi mente.
I didn't mean to but couldn't help it. We're chained to each other!
No he podido evitarlo, ¡ estamos encadenados!
It didn't help Ilona.
Eso no le ayudó a Ilona.
It didn't help you very much, did it?
No le ayudó demasiado, ¿ verdad?
Didn't you help plan it with him?
¿ No lo ayudó a planearlo?
Didn't you help carry it out with him?
¿ No lo ayudó a llevarlo a cabo?

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