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It didn't work traducir español

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It didn't work out.
No funcionó.
Oh, yeah, but it didn't work.
Sí, pero no funcionó.
I didn't expect for everything to work perfectly. But these connections are secure. It should power the basic system.
No espero que todo funcione perfectamente... pero estas conexiones están seguras, debería encender el sistema básico.
But it didn't affect his work as a cop.
Pero no afectaba su trabajo como policía.
Yeah, it didn't work that well for me, either.
Ya, a mí tampoco me funcionó.
Didn't work out so well for you, did it?
No funcionó tan bien para usted, ¿ verdad?
Even though it didn't work for me,
Aunque a mí no me sirvió,
It didn't work.
No funcionó.
Okay, I was worried, if... I tried a cure, and it didn't work out, you would think that I might be like this forever.
De acuerdo, estaba preocupado, si... probé una cura, y no funcionó, pensaría que esto podría ser para siempre.
You said that it didn't work out with her.
Usted dijo que no funcionaba con ella.
Whoever designed it probably didn't want the antiserum to work.
El que lo haya diseñado probablemente no quería que el suero funcionase.
It didn't work.
No ha funcionado.
I didn't think it would work, but I... I closed the veil, and you're still here.
No creí que fuera a funcionar, pero yo cerre el velo y sigues aqui.
All right, so maybe it didn't work.
Muy bien, así que tal vez no funcionó.
Too bad it didn't work.
Lástima que no funcionó.
It didn't work!
¡ No funcionó!
No, it didn't work. Get the hell out of here!
No, no ha funcionado. ¡ Fuera de aquí, maldita sea!
It didn't work because of...
- No funcionó porque...
I made them sing in an abducted children choir but it didn't work, too avant-garde.
Incluso intenté formar un coro con niños secuestrados. Un fiasco, la audiencia no lo entendió, demasiado vanguardista.
It's not like it didn't work out.
No es que no haya funcionado.
It's a shame Things didn't work out for you. [laughter]
Es una pena que no funcionó para ti.
It just didn't work out.
Pero no funcionó.
I tried to clean the rest of Mathias off, but it didn't work.
Intenté sacar lo que quedaba de Mathias... - pero no funcionó.
Well, it didn't work.
Bueno, no funcionó.
For months we planned escape, but it didn't work out.
Planeamos escapar durante meses, pero no salió bien.
You know, it didn't work out between gabi and I.
Tú sabes, las cosas entre Gabi y yo no funcionaron.
He was a playa, but with me, it didn't work like that.
Era un playa, pero con mí, no funciona así.
But it didn't work.
Pero no funciono.
I believed it was gonna work, and then when it didn't, I...
Pensaba que iba a funcionar, y cuando no lo hizo, yo...
Now it finally makes sense, why Virginia didn't want to work nights anymore.
Ahora tiene sentido por qué Virginia no quería trabajar durante la noche.
Well, I'm sorry it didn't work out, man.
Bueno, siento que no funcionara.
Yeah, it didn't work out, but it proves you're capable of having a deep, healthy relationship... as yourself.
Sí, no salió bien, pero prueba que eres capaz de tener una relación profunda y sana siendo tú mismo.
I-I was trying to make her feel better about why it didn't work out with you guys.
Intentaba hacerla sentir mejor sobre por qué lo vuestro no funcionaba.
I tried to get you the day off, but it didn't work out.
Traté de conseguirte el día libre, pero no pudo ser.
I'm sorry it didn't work out.
Siento que no haya funcionado.
You know, the one time I really did go after something... it didn't work out.
La única vez que de verdad fui a por algo... no funcionó.
I didn't expect it to work.
No esperaba que funcionara.
Because it didn't work out in the end
Porque la cena no se concretó.
Again, I'm really sorry that it didn't work out with the dogs.
Lamento que no haya funcionado con los perros.
I'm sorry that it didn't work out.
Lamento que no haya funcionado.
I would have gone to sign it, but I didn't want to miss work.
Habría ido yo también a firmar, pero por no dejar el trabajo.
The only way we could figure out how to stop it was to run it into my dad's work truck. So we didn't have it very long. He took that away.
La única manera que encontramos de parar fue contra la camioneta de mi padre así que no la tuvimos mucho tiempo... nos la sacaron.
But it didn't work.
Pero no funcionó.
Yeah, well, it didn't work so well here.
Sí, bueno, aquí tampoco funciona.
Don't let that go out just because it didn't work out with Danny.
No dejes que se vaya solo porque lo de Danny no haya salido bien.
It just didn't work out socially.
No funcionó socialmente.
When I agreed to marry, I didn't know I'd meet a girl like you. I saw Tara, thought it might work
Cuando accedí a casarme, No había conocido a una chica como tú. Vi a Tara, pensé que podría funcionar
No! No! It didn't fucking work!
¡ No, no funcionó!
But it didn't work?
¿ Pero no funcionó?
And it didn't work for me.
Y no me funcionó.
Before, when I had my businesses, it's just... didn't work out.
Antes, cuando tenía mis negocios... solamente... no funcionaron.

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