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It isn't fair traducir español

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Oh, Jan, that isn't fair, and you know it isn't.
No es muy elegante, lo sabes.
That's fair enough, isn't it?
Es justo.
But it isn't fair to you.
- Pero no es justo para ti.
It isn't even fair to him this way. I...
Ni siquiera es justo para él de esta forma.
It isn't fair to the rest of the baboons.
Es injusto insultar de esa forma a los mandriles.
Cariño, no es que no quiera es que no sería justo para ti casarte ahora.
Well, it isn't fair, but fairer than marrying for money.
Bueno, no estará bien, pero es mejor que casarse por dinero.
Isn't it only fair that if you forbid me to speak with you as I fear and I accept your orders, as I must that I should be allowed a little forbidding as well?
¿ No es justo que si me prohibe hablarle de lo que siento y lo acepto, debo poder prohibir tambien?
But it isn't fair to you, I couldn't...
- Pero no es justo para ti. No podría...
Well I guess that's fair enough, isn't it?
- Bueno, supongo que es bastante justo, ¿ verdad?
But, Jerry, you can't do a thing like that. It isn't fair.
No puedes hacer eso, Jerry.
It isn't fair to yourself.
No se trata bien.
It isn't fair.
No es justo.
It isn't fair to ask you to wait.
No seria justo pedirte que esperes.
It isn't fair, Oliver.
No es justo, Oliver.
Isn't it fair for me to have a little of what she's had all these years?
¿ No es justo que yo tenga un poco de lo que ella ha tenido todos estos años?
The show is closing, you're gonna be left high and dry and you came to me for a loan. That's fair enough, isn't it?
Se va a quedar sin trabajo y necesita un préstamo, ¿ no?
- I'm sorry, Father, but it isn't fair to me.
- Lo siento, padre, pero no es justo para mí.
It isn't fair on the poor girl.
No es justo para la pobre chica.
It isn't fair. It isn't fair to her, it isn't fair to me. This way we both lose our jobs.
El tiempo vuela, otro hito en el viaje que conduce desconcertantemente, ¿ adónde?
Whatever you do will be of your own free will but it isn't fair to bring up that child alone and you know it.
Haz lo que tu conciencia te diga pero no es justo criar sola a una niña.
That isn't fair, and you know it!
Eso no es justo y lo sabes.
It isn't fair to condemn the whole sport because of one accident.
No es justo condenar todo eI deporte por un accidente.
- It isn't fair.
- No es justo.
Now, that's fair enough, isn't it?
Es bastante justo, ¿ No?
Now, that's fair enough, isn't it?
Es justo, ¿ no?
It isn't fair that a young boy should be brought up by an old woman who will leave him when he needs her most.
No es justo que un niño sea criado por una señora mayor... que lo dejará cuando él más la necesita.
It isn't fair that you should have to decide such a thing.
No es justo que debas decidir eso.
It isn't fair, not when things are just beginning to happen.
No hay derecho, justo cuando empezaban a pasar cosas.
It isn't fair for someone like you to be suffering. You should be so happy.
No es justo que una persona como usted esté sufriendo, debería ser feliz.
It isn't fair, is it.
No es justo, ¿ verdad?
It isn't fair to put all the blame on us.
No es justo echarnos toda la culpa.
It isn't fair for you to pay anything back.
No es justo que tenga que devolverlo.
But it isn't fair to hate a house because someone's died there.
Pero no es motivo para odiar una casa el que alguien haya muerto ahí.
- It isn't fair of you to bust in on us like this.
No es justo por tu parte sorprendernos de este modo.
It isn't fair to ask you to share it.
No es justo pedirte que la compartas.
Divorce? Yes. This way it isn't fair to any of us.
Sino, sería muy injusto.
That's fair enough, isn't it?
Es justo, ¿ no?
It isn't fair to ask me.
No es justo que me lo pidas.
Never let it be said that an Englishman isn't fair, at least on occasions. Wait a minute.
Un momento.
It isn't fair for you to come in and take charge.
No es justo que tú vengas y te hagas cargo.
It isn't fair, Mama.
No es justo, mamá.
It isn't fair. Yes.
No es justo.
You know, Doctor, it really isn't fair.
¿ Sabe, doctor? Realmente no es justo.
It isn't fair...
No es justo que...
- It isn't fair to raise her hopes again. - Raise her hopes?
- No es justo elevar esperanzas nuevamente. - ¿ Elevar sus esperanzas?
- It isn't fair to the other girls.
- No sería justo para las demás.
You have no right to look like this, you know. It isn't fair to the bride.
No tienes derecho a estar tan guapa, es una faena para la novia.
It isn't fair to the boys either.
No es justo para tus amigos.
That's fair enough, isn't it?
¿ Está la cosa clara?
The child suspects her father isn't being fair with you She's very upset about it
Lamento decir esto, pero por favor no venga otra vez.

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