It just hit me traducir español
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Hey, Lee, it just hit me.
Eh, acaba de ocurrírseme.
It just hit me.
- Se me acaba de ocurrir.
Now, it just hit me how much you must love these flowers.
Ahora me doy cuenta de cuánto le gustan estas flores.
Well, I guess it just hit me.
Bueno, supongo que me golpeaste.
It just hit me that I'm free.
De pronto me di cuenta que soy libre.
You know, it just hit me.
Sabéis, ahora caigo.
And tonight, when I saw the Walshes together... I don't know, it just hit me.
Y esta noche, cuando vi a los Walsh juntos... No sé, pensé que quizá no es el hombre para mí.
It's just all of a sudden, it just hit me.
Fue que me dio de repente.
You know, it just hit me.
Sabes, acabo de captarlo.
It just hit me.
Me di cuenta.
And it just hit me.
Eso me golpeó.
Son of a gun. It just hit me like a bolt of lightning.
Hijo de... golpeaste como un rayo.
It just hit me.
Me acaba de caer.
Lt... it just hit me.
- Acabo de recordar algo.
It just hit me.
Simplemente me golpeó.
"For a piece of it, just hit me on the head."
"El cielo se cae... pues un pedazo de él me golpeó en la cabeza".
It don't surprise me none A cowhand that goes in for breaking horses, he's been hit in the seat of the pants so many times, he ain't got any brains any more, just oatmeal in his head
No me sorprende para nada, te lo puedo decir. Un vaquero que decide domar caballos, sobre todo si es de tu tamaño ha sido golpeado tantas veces en el trasero que no le queda nada de cerebro. Sólo una especie de avena en la cabeza.
Every time I hit Las Vegas, I take a good look at it just to make sure it's still there.
Un motel. Siempre que voy a las Vegas me acerco a comprobar que sigue allí.
When you came to the door just now, it suddenly hit me.
Cuando abriste la puerta, me entraron ganas de hacerlo.
So I think it a bit excessive for you to think that you have muffed your whole life just because you couldn't hit it, paddle or no paddle.
Así que me parece una exageración que usted piense ha arruinado su vida sólo porque no puede batearla, con o sin una paleta.
I'm not a troublemaker but I'm right It was yesterday they hit the window of my shed Jumped off my bed, pulled my knife and said "get out of here kid" leave some happiness to me My lady on the window says she's just kidding damn lady, you're as ugly as a monkey...
No soy de peleas, pero tengo razón ayer entraron por la ventana de mi cobertizo saltaron a mi cama, me sacaron el cuchillo y dijeron "fuera de aquí" deja la alegría a mi lado Mi niña en la ventana dice que está bromeando niña, eres tan fea que pareces un mono...
It was just before somebody hit me.
Fue justo antes de que me golpearan.
They may just have been joking, but it hit me hard.
Quizás sólo estuvieran bromeando, pero de todas maneras me afectó.
It's just that I keep getting hit harder, it seems.
Es que cada vez me golpean más fuerte.
One day while looking at some vistas in Dad's stereopticon it hit me that I'm just a girl...
Un día, mientras miraba por el estereoscopio de papá... -... me di cuenta que era una niña...
I'd like to hit him again just for the hell of it.
Me gustaría volver a darle sólo por gusto.
When Reavis hit me with that first installment of $ 10,000 to keep quiet about a murder I had absolutely nothing to do with tried to implicate me in it well, let's just say I was not unhappy when he met with that most unfortunate accident.
Cuando Reavis vino a mí con ese primer pago de 10000 dólares para callar sobre un homicidio con el que yo no tenía nada que ver y trató de implicarme en él bueno, digamos que no me desagradó que él hubiera sufrido ese desafortunado accidente.
No, it's just that when I talk to him, I cross my fingers he won't hit me.
En realidad sólo lo he tratado. Cruzo mis dedos para que quiera escucharme.
I was listening to the program, sir, and I was wondering, it's just a trivial question, sir, but it suddenly hit me.
Estaba escuchando el programa, Señor, y estaba pensando, es solo una pregunta trivial, Señor, pero de repente se me ocurrió.
I'm just hoping that I can hit it off with him.
Espero que me caiga bien.
When he decided to run for supervisor, he did call me... and I went in to meet with him... and we just hit it off instantly.
Cuando decidió lanzarse para supervisor, él me llamó... y fui a reunirme con él... y nos caímos bien de inmediato.
It's just that nobody ever hit me before.
Es que nadie me habia pegado nunca.
Now, would all those out there who are stupid enough to go out on the streets and hit Hugh, just because they've seen me do it on television, would they now kindly watch very carefully as I now smile at Hugh,
Ahora, podrían todos los de ahí fuera que son lo suficientemente estúpidos para salir a las calles y golpear a Hugh, solo porque me vieron hacerlo a mí en televisión, podrían ahora amablemente ver muy cuidadosamente como ahora sonrio a Hugh,
Without a doubt, it'll just, bam, hit me, like lightning.
Estoy seguro de que... me impactará... como un rayo.
I saw you was in here cleaning up, and it just sorta hit me -
Te vi aquí limpiando, y se me ocurrió.
It just came loose, sprung off it, nearly hit me on the way down.
Sólo se soltó, saltó fuera de él, casi me golpeó en el camino hacia abajo.
Well, it just suddenly hit me, you know.
Bueno, de pronto... se me ocurrió, ya saben.
Seems to me I heard about a guy just your age that got hit so hard in the guts it almost killed him.
Me hablaron de un tío de tu edad al que le macharon el estómago y casi le matan.
It hit me and it just disappeared.
- Me encontré uno... choco conmigo y desapareció.
As best I can remember, I turned the corner... and there was this miniature collie in the middle of the road... and it looked up at me, and it had the strangest expression on its little face... and it was just frozen there, and l-I... turned the steering wheel and I hit my brake.
Es lo mejor que yo recuerdo, yo doble la esquina... y alli habia este perro pequeño en el medio de la carretera... y me estaba viendo, y vi la fuerte expresion en su pequño rostro... y me quede congelado, y yo... yo gire el volante y yo me estrelle.
It's like I hit an oil patch at thirty-five and now I'm just skidding towards the grave.
Resbalé sobre aceite a los 35 y ahora me precipito hacia la tumba.
Well, it just sort of hit me.
Bueno, fue de repente.
It just hasn't hit me yet.
Ni siquiera me ha afectado todavía.
No, I just don't think it has hit me yet.
No, no creo que me haya afectado todavía.
Thirty seconds ago, I was lost, just in a total fog... and then it hit me like a bolt of lightning.
Hace 30 segundos, estaba perdido, en una neblina absoluta... y ahora, me iluminé.
I reckon that didn't quite satisfy me. So I hit him again with it in the neck with the sharp edge and just plumb near cut his head off, killed him.
Supongo que eso no me satisfizo, así que Io golpeé otra vez en el cuello con el lado filoso.
It just sort of hit me in the face and went this way and took my hair out.
Me golpeó en la cara y me pasó por aquí y me arranco el cabello.
There was a lot of trees, as I said. There was a... an enormous tree in front of me and just before I hit it I kicked full right rudder.
Tenía un árbol enorme delante y moví el timón justo antes de darle.
Maybe you can point me in the right direction. You just take Elm Street, which is this street right here and you take it a few miles until you hit the highway. Sure.
Tal vez puedas orientarme correctamente.
It never ceases to amuse me how these idiots only learn to appreciate the freedom of life just when they're taking it, and just before they hit pay dirt.
Nunca me deja de divertir la forma en que estos idiotas Sólo aprenden a apreciar la libertad de la vida Justo cuando se la quitan, Y justo antes de que mueran.
Listen, my mom was just here and we were talking... and it hit me.
Escucha, mi mamá vino y estuvimos hablando y si me pegó.
it just happens 49
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just is 92
it just goes to show 17
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just is 92
it just goes to show 17
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21