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Keep running traducir español

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You can't keep running away from this, who they are, what they're planning to do.
No puedes seguir huyendo de esto, quienes son, lo que están planeando hacer.
Keep running, I'm gonna track you.
Guarde la ejecución, voy a estar al día con usted.
Well, we just keep running into each other, don't we?
Bien, seguimos encontrándonos ¿ verdad?
We keep running your guns up the coast, and you keep supplying us with the Russian stock.
Seguiremos transportando sus armas por la costa y Uds. nos seguirán suministrando armas rusas.
I can't keep running away.
No puedo seguir huyendo.
No puedo seguir huyendo de ti
Si dejamos que el culto al libre-mercado dirija el mundo no quedará mundo que arreglar.
You just keep running away.
Tan solo ha ido huyendo.
If you didn't have to keep running to the bathroom every two minutes... to fix your hair, it might still be there. Sorry.
Si no tuvieras que ir al baño cada dos minutos a arreglarte el cabello, tal vez estaría ahí.
So unless you're some kind of masochist, I'd keep running while you still have the chance.
Así que a menos que seas masoquista, deberías alejarte mientras estés a tiempo.
But Cap, I keep running into him.
Ella ya está actuando.
I shouldn't keep running away.
No voy a seguir huyendo.
We can't keep running our normal plays.
No podemos usar las jugadas normales.
Besides, how are you supposed to pay me back if you keep running away?
Además, ¿ Cómo se supone que vas a devolverme el dinero si sigues huyendo?
Keep running...
So we just keep running up the tab until we owe everything to everybody and suddenly think...
Seguimos acumulando pendientes hasta que le debemos todo a todos y de pronto pensamos...
¡ Sigue hablando así!
I know you're scared, but we cannot keep running like this.
Sé que tienes miedo, pero no podemos seguir corriendo así. Vale.
We can't keep running.
No podremos seguir huyendo
Just keep running.
Sólo sigue corriendo.
Go! Go, keep running!
¡ Vamos, vamos, no te detengas!
Keep running.
Aisling! We have to keep running, Brendan, and hope that we are fast enough.
¡ Aisling! y esperemos ser lo suficiente rápidos.
How long will you keep running from the world?
¿ durante cuanto tiempo vas a estar huyendo del mundo?
You keep running.
Sigue corriendo.
Keep running.
Sigue grabando.
Keep running!
¡ Sigan corriendo! - ¡ Vamos!
Now get in the car, keep the engine running and you'd better bug out should anyone come out of there, no matter how innocent he, she or they may look, okay?
Ahora entra en el coche, mantén el motor en marcha y será mejor que huyas si alguien sale de allí no importa lo inocente que él, ella o ellos parezcan, ¿ de acuerdo?
Keep your car running. The feds are after you.
Mantén el coche en marcha, los federales van a por ti.
you think you can keep this train running all on your own?
Crees que puedes mantener este tren corriendo tu solo?
Keep the meter running.
- Mantén el medidor funcionando.
We're running behind so do keep up.
Vamos con un poco de prisa... así que no perdamos el tiempo.
Keep it running.
Mantenlo encendido.
Keep the trains running through, just don't have them stop.
Mantenga los trenes pasando por ella, solo que no se detengan.
The best thing about all of that, since you'd be running the case, is you keep total control over the money.
Lo mejor de todo esto, ya que tú te ocuparías del caso, es que mantendrías total control sobre el dinero.
Just keep the motor running.
Sólo mantén el motor en marcha.
The kind of people that keep this place running. If it weren't for them, the VIPs wouldn't be able to tell the difference between East Hampton and East Newark.
Si no fuese por ellos, los VIP no podrían distinguir entre EastHampton y East Newark.
So that's the way it goes and, you know, I know, as a businesswoman you understand after years of working that there are certain systems that keep the trains running on time, that you wanna have...
Mira, sé que, eres una mujer de negocios, entiendes luego de años de trabajo que hay ciertos sistemas... que hacen que las cosas salgan bien...
Kind of, uh, keep everything running over there.
Me aseguro... de que todo funciona.
But to keep it running, they'll need fuel.
Pero para mantenerlo funcionando necesitaran combustible.
Keep the trains running on time. Nice meeting you all.
Las cirugías no deben retrasarse.
I keep chasing, and she keeps running away.
La sigo persiguiendo, y ella sigue corriendo.
I'll keep the ship running.
Mantendré la nave en marcha.
You know my favorite part about running is you don't have to plan your route, but you do have to keep on moving.
¿ Sabes la parte divertida de huir? No es necesario trazar ninguna ruta. Pero necesitas seguir moviéndote.
Keep the engine running.
Deja el motor encendido.
So how does he keep them from running out?
No las ataron. Entonces, ¿ cómo hace para evitar que salgan corriendo?
I don't know how you keep it running, but she sure is pretty.
No sé cómo la mantiene así, pero se ve genial.
- Keep on running and don't look back.
- Sigue corriendo y no mires atrás.
I could disappear for a week and you'd be able to keep everything running.
Si desapareciera una semana mantendrías todo funcionando.
All I was doing was studying and working and running on the treadmill to keep up with all the other fucked-up overachieving robots.
Todo lo que hice fue estudiar, trabajar y correr para mantenerse otros robots jodido.
Keep the office running smooth until the big guns get back.
Encárgate del negocio hasta que volvamos.

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