Knock at door traducir español
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And you'll be lucky if you don't go down for a long stretch while your boyfriend's sitting it out on the hot seat. ( KNOCK AT DOOR )
Y tendrás suerte si no acabas preso mientras fríen a tu amiguito en la silla.
[Knock At Door] I don't want to hear or think about him, or have any more silly ideas about myself or anybody else.
No quiero saber nada de él, pensar más en él... ni tener más ideas tontas sobre mí ni nadie más...
I'm sorry, dear, but I forgot to ask him. ( KNOCK AT DOOR )
Lo lamento, cariño, pero olvidé preguntarle.
But someone must think the world of you. ( KNOCK AT DOOR )
Pero hay alguien que la adora.
Una granada. - Lindley, Perrot.
- Margaret says the daffodils are good this year. ( Knock at door )
Margaret dice que los narcisos están preciosos.
- ( knock at door ) - ( woman ) Is that girl in there?
¿ Está ahí la chica esa?
( Knock at door ) Excuse me, Mrs. Milagros!
( Llaman a la puerta ) ¡ Permiso, señora Milagros!
( knock at door ) It's open.
Está abierta.
- ( knock at door ) - Oh, that must be the Chief.
Debe ser el jefe.
- ( knock at door ) - Oh, excuse me. Who is it?
Disculpe. ¿ Quién es?
KNOCK AT DOOR Open up the door, Chapman!
GOLPES EN LA PUERTA abre la puerta, Chapman!
- ( knock at door ) - Woman : Mr. Smart?
¿ Señor Smart?
- ( Knock at door )
¿ Sí?
( Knock at door ) - Yes?
¿ Sí?
( Knock at door ) - Excuse me, sir.
- You're telling me. ( Knock at door )
No me diga.
I'm sick of jumping every time there's a knock at the door.
Estoy harta de sobresaltarme cada vez que llaman a la puerta.
- There was a knock at the door. I woke up.
- Han llamado a la puerta.
You can't simply knock at these gentlemen's door in the middle of the night.
¡ No puedes llamar a media noche a esos señores!
- Knock at the door and say, "A Locksley." - "A Locksley."
Llame y diga : "Un Locksley". - "Un Locksley".
When you knock at a lady's door as if it were a tavern, you deserve to wait.
Quien llama a la puerta de una dama como a la de una taberna, debe esperar.
[Knock At Door]
Eso ya lo averiguarás.
If you wanted to come in, why in blazes didn't you knock at the door?
Si querías entrar, ¿ por qué no golpeaste la puerta?
It's a knock at the door.
Llaman a la puerta.
Just knock at the door.
Bastará con que llaméis a la puerta.
Right now would be a good time for somebody to knock at that door.
Este sería el mejor momento para que alguien llamara a la puerta.
By what right do you knock at my door?
¿ Con qué derecho golpeas mi puerta?
[knock at the door] Yes?
¿ Sí?
There was a knock at the door and I thought it was you.
Alguien llamó a la puerta pensé que eras tú.
" but soon, there will be a knock at my door,
" pero pronto, se que habrá una llamada en mi puerta,
Before we could take any notice of it, there was a knock at the door.
Antes de que pudiéramos reaccionar, hubo un golpe en la puerta.
KNOCK AT DOOR Lieutenant? Sorry, but I thought I spotted it.
Siento molestarle, pero vengo a buscar esto.
[Laughs] Don't laugh. One night there'll be a knock at your door.
Una noche cualquiera llamarán a su puerta y será Buttons.
We knew that. But when they knock at the door and ask for George, George is not there.
Pero cuando han llamado a la puerta de Georges, Georges ya no estaba...
- [Knock At Door ] - [ Maxim] Come in.
- [Knock At Door] - Come in.
When it's over, I'll knock at the door and wait here.
Voy al pueblo. ¿ Estás seguro de que no quieres entrar?
( Knock at door ) - Come in.
One night, there was a knock at the door.
Una noche, golpearon a la puerta.
Easier said than done. If sleep had a house, I'd knock at his door.
Es como decir : si supiese donde mora el sueño, iría a acostarme frente a su puerta.
Did you expect that I'd look for you? And knock at your door?
¿ Esperabas que fuera yo a buscarte, que llamase a tu puerta y dijese :
"Knock at my door and I shall take you in."
"Llamad a mi puerta y os abriré"
There's a knock at the door.
Llaman, llaman a la puerta.
Last friday, you promised me to knock at my door before to go.
El Viernes pasado, me prometiste que antes de irte llamarías a mi puerta.
When you'll be back, give a small knock at my door.
Cuando vuelva, de unos golpecitos en la puerta de mi habitación...
( Knock at door ) Yes?
¡ Sí!
[Knock at the door]
'Knock twice Jack, at the door of my grave, and ask for Rosie.'
Toca dos veces, Jack, en la puerta de mi tumba y pregunta por Rosie.
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
doorbell rings 420
door open 23
door slams 187
door was open 50
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
doorbell rings 420
door open 23
door slams 187
door was open 50
doors closing 23
door closed 19
doors open 18
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
doorbell ringing 46
doors opening 23
door neighbour 16
door opening 118
door closed 19
doors open 18
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
doorbell ringing 46
doors opening 23
door neighbour 16
door opening 118