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Let him traducir español

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Okay, I told him I wanted him to stop. They wouldn't let him.
- Vale, le dije que quería que lo dejara.
Please, God, just let him take the money.
Por favor, Dios, deja que coja el dinero.
That fucking psychopath Keith Dennison? You just let him walk?
¿ Has dejado libre a ese puto psicópata de Keith Dennison?
But it's my face on this trial, and I won't let him embarrass me again.
Pero es mi cara la que está en este juicio y no permitiré que me avergüence de nuevo.
And when it got to be too much, he tried to quit, but they wouldn't let him.
Y cuando fue demasiado, intentó dejarlo, pero no se lo permitieron.
Who wouldn't let him?
¿ Quién no se lo permitió?
He will if you just let Him.
Lo hará si se lo permite.
Don't let him suck you in.
No permitas que te engañe.
Let him go!
¡ Suéltelo!
Come on, Reda. Were you surprised the Feds let him go?
Venga, Reda. ¿ Le ha sorprendido que los federales le hayan dejado irse?
- and let him know I'm all right.
- y hacerle saber que estoy bien.
So I couldn't let him live on the street.
Así que no le podía dejar viviendo en la calle.
Let him finish.
Deje que acabe.
Let him go.
Just please, please, please, please, let him live.
Por favor, por favor, por favor, Por favor deja que viva
Let him take that fear to Kjartan.
Permita que lleve ese miedo a Kjartan.
Then let him be the King.
Entonces dejemos que sea el rey.
Okay, let him up.
Okay, let him up!
Basta. ¡ Subámoslo!
Let him up.
And you let him take me.
Y deja que me cojan.
Isaac, we can't let him do this.
Isaac, no podemos dejar que lo haga.
I'll let him go, too.
También le soltaré.
Let him through.
Déjale pasar.
Let him go, do it.
Dejad que pase.
We can't let him get away.
No podemos dejar que escape.
We can't let him get away. Where is he?
No podemos dejar que escape. ¿ Dónde está?
You're gonna let him go first.
Vas a soltarle primero.
You can understand why I didn't let him go.
Puedes comprender por qué no permití que se marchara.
You're either gonna have to concede and let him have his way... or you're gonna have to kill him.
O bien te das por vencido y dejas que lo haga a su manera... o vas a tener que matarlo.
Let me call him again.
Permita que le vuelva a llamar.
I won't let you betray him.
No voy a permitir que le traicione.
Let him go now!
¡ Suéltale ahora!
Let's fucking castrate him now, it's no fun when they're dead. Damn it! Let's just finish this!
¡ Acabemos con esto de una puta vez!
Let me go in and talk to him.
Déjeme entrar y hablar con él.
Let's get him off. Get him off!
¡ Saquémoslo!
When midnight comes, let no man mention his name lest that man become him.
Cuando llega la medianoche, ningún hombre menciona su nombre o se convierte en él.
- You told him you'd let me go.
- Le dijiste que me dejarías ir.
If I choose to side with him, trade the cache for the fort and his life, are you honestly suggesting you'd let it happen?
Si eligiera estar de su lado, cambiar el alijo por el fuerte y por su vida, ¿ de verdad quieres hacerme creer que me dejarías hacerlo?
Let's schedule him first up and, have a nice selection of pastries for him.
Pongámoslo primero. Y ten una selección de pastelillos.
Maybe I let a bad person back in my life, but he used to torture me. Now I'm torturing him.
Quizá dejé que volviera a mi vida, pero él solía torturarme, y ahora yo lo torturo a él.
All right, let me tend to him.
Muy bien, déjame atenderlo.
Okay, let's keep him on ice till this plays out.
Vale, mantengámoslo aislado hasta que esto se resuelva.
And if I bring him somebody to repair the list, then he'll let them go.
Y si le llevo a alguien que repare la lista, dejará que se vayan.
Let's just say I didn't give him a choice.
Digamos simplemente que no le he dejado elección.
- to let you torture him?
- de que te deje torturarle?
Let's move him before he starts stinking.
Vamos a moverlo antes de que empiece a apestar.
Not without fear, just unwilling to let it diminish him.
No sin miedo, solo reticente a permitir que le menospreciaran.
Nom? Let's give him a taste.
Nom, muéstrale un poco.
Before I go and have a nightcap with Bart Schooner and get his thoughts on who should replace him, let me speak to what's hanging over the table and this entire room.
Antes de que me vaya y tome la última ronda con Bart Schooner y conozca sus ideas sobre quién debería reemplazarlo, déjenme hablar de lo que pende sobre esta mesa y todo este salón.
They'll find him soon enough. We can't just let Francis Underwood turn us into a nation that's always looking over their shoulder.
No podemos permitir que Underwood nos convierta en un país con miedo permanente.

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