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Let him have it traducir español

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Now is the time, let him have it. Don't give him an inch.
Ahora es el momento, golpéalo con todo lo que tienes.
Let him have it quick.
Golpéalo rápido.
Tear in. Let him have it from both sides.
Golpéalo de ambos lados.
- lce him! - Let him have it!
¡ Aplástenlo!
- Let him have it!
- ¡ Entréguennos el asesino!
Anybody come near the boss, let him have it.
Cualquiera que se acerque al jefe, garrotazo y tentetieso.
Anybody comes near the boss, let him have it.
Cualquiera que se acerque al jefe, garrotazo y tentetieso.
I'd let him have it right between the eyes.
- Le daría un puñetazo.
Let him have it right on the chin. But pull your punch, don't hurt him.
Dále directo al mentón.
If McCaskey doesn't come across with that 10th Street building, let him have it.
Si McCaskey rechaza pagar, muéstrale de qué madera estas hecho.
And when we became rivals. He wanted to fight some more. So I let him have it!
Cuando fuimos rivales, continuamos la lucha.
Well, let him have it, boys.
Bien, dadle lo suyo, muchachos.
He knows we'll have to let him have it, too.
Y él sabe que tendremos que dárselas.
Let him have it.
- No. Déselo a él.
Well, I let him have it with one of the heaters.
Le di con un calentador.
And the minute he comes through that door, let him have it, boys!
Si alguien atraviesa la puerta, disparad.
Let him have it!
¡ Denle duro!
"There's nothing to be afraid of." And you, you'd stick a gun you got from Farrow in Ames'side and you'd let him have it.
"No hay nada que temer." Y tú... le pusiste la pistola que te dio Farrow en el costado y le disparaste.
Let him have it.
Dale su merecido.
Whatever the reason, I hope you won't let him have it, monsieur.
No importa la razón. Espero que no le dé nada.
You let him have it.
Lo mata.
Get away, or I'll let him have it!
¡ Aléjense o lo mato!
If it's going to be a fight, we'll take off the gloves and let him have it.
Si quiere pelear se lo permitiremos. Publica lo de la quema de libros.
Let him have it, Joe.
- ¡ Deja que entre, Joe!
But if he takes a sock at ya, let him have it.
Y si te echa la bronca o te echa, lo dejas que lo haga.
Let him have it.
Let him have it.
- Dispárale.
If he makes a pass at the light, let him have it.
Si hace un movimiento hacia el foco, dale lo suyo.
"Hiya, Charlie," before I let him have it.
"Hola, Charlie", antes de matarlo.
- Let him have it.
- Deja que la reciba. - No.
Let him have it.
Deje que la tienen.
When he gets too close, let him have it and then finish him with a hatchet.
Si se aproxima demasiado, dispara y lo rematas con el hacha. Simple, ¿ no?
- Let him have it.
- Dáselo.
- Let him have it.
- ¡ Basta, Leo!
- Come on, let him have it.
- Vamos, la cintura.
Come on, we might as well let him have it.
Vamos, le haremos caso.
You've gotta get on top of your enemy. Pick your time, close in, let him have it.
Es necesario elegir el momento para sacudir al enemigo.
Be careful of Ellen, but if he starts to blast, let him have it.
Cuidado con Ellen, pero si dispara, acaba con él.
Let him have it, it doesn't matter.
- No importa. Déjelo.
Let him have it, lad.
Dale lo que se merece.
Let him have it.
Let him have it, and make it a bull's-eye.
Lo descubrirá. ¡ Arrójaselo a la cara!
If you'd let him kiss you, you'd probably have read about it in tomorrow's paper.
Si hubiera dejado que la besara, mañana saldría en el periódico.
we're having such a cake if the birthday child permits it, with pleasure but I think Sir John isn't interested in a family tea you can let him have a piece of your birthday cake alright since he's been so nice to Mummy
¡ Tenemos una tarta así! ¡ Si la niña del cumpleaños lo permite, con mucho gusto! Creo que a Sir John no le interesa un té familiar.
In that event, it would be good manners on the part of the other man to let him have her.
En ese caso sería de buena educación que el otro hombre... le dejara quedarse con ella.
Tell the warden I want to talk to him. To come to the truck gate or I'll let the doctor have it.
Digan que iré a la puerta de mercancías... y, si no la abre, le volaré la cabeza al doctor.
I caught up with him in his apartment, and he let me have it when my back was turned. - Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Lo encontré en su apartamento, y me golpeó cuando le di la espalda.
Did you let him have it!
- ¿ Le diste su merecido?
When she tried to run out on him, he let her have it.
Cuando quiso dejarlo, él la mató.
I think it was sweet of Paul to let us have his tickets after you turned him down.
Me pareció muy dulce de Paul el darnos sus boletos después que lo rechazaste.
Let him have it!
Dale duro, muchacho.

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