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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ L ] / Let him do it

Let him do it traducir español

687 traducción paralela
If the King wants to chase me away, let him do it himself!
¡ Si el Rey desea expulsarme, que venga él mismo a hacerlo!
- Oh, please don't let him do it.
- Por favor, no deje que lo haga.
What did you let him do it for?
Lo prometiste.
And you two nincompoops sat there and let him do it.
Y vosotros, idiotas, lo permitisteis.
The man means to kill me, I'm asking Mr. Charles not to let him do it.
Ese hombre quiere matarme. Quiero que el Sr. Charles lo impida.
Don't let him do it
Vamos, Lennie.
Don't let him do it.
No permitas que lo intente.
Let him do it.
Déjalo que lo haga.
We can't let him do it, Peewee.
No podemos dejar que lo haga, Peewee.
You know, it would be nice if we could give him fifty cents and let him do it.
¡ Qué bueno sería si él lo hiciera por 50 centavos!
- Och, away, Ted. Let him do it if he wants to.
Ted, déjalo en paz.
Let him do it, Kathy.
- Deja que Io haga.
Don't let him do it, I'm not insane.
No permitas que lo haga, no estoy loca.
Don't let him do it.
No dejes que lo haga.
Don't let him do it!
No dejes que lo haga!
I'll make it. Let him do it.
Deja que él lo haga.
I said, let him do it.
Deja que él lo haga!
Why'd you let him do it? - Why'd you let him do it?
¿ Por qué te has dejado golpear?
Let him do it twice more, and I'll not say a word if his love was a Barbary ape.
Que lo haga dos veces más y no diré nada aunque él ame a un mono.
Don't let him do it.
Que no lo haga.
Let him do it.
Deja que lo haga.
I love him. I can't let him do it.
Le quiero y no se lo puedo consentir.
- Let him do it.
- Deja que lo haga.
- Don't let him do it, Frank.
- No se lo permitas, Frank.
Let him do it if he wants to.
Déjalo hacer, se hace responsable.
And you're gonna stand there and let him do it.
- ¿ Y no vas a hacer nada?
Let's see him do it.
A ver cómo lo hace.
Forget it! Don't let him do the chicken sound.
- Que no siga cacareando.
What did you let him do it for?
¿ Por qué permitieron que lo hiciera?
It won't do to let him get really afraid of your interference.
No sería bueno que él temiera demasiado su interferencia.
Now, gentlemen, i'm not asking you to believe... a single thing Joseph Smith said... but i do ask you- - let him believe it. Let me believe it if we want to.
Señores, no les pido que crean nada de lo que dijo Joseph Smith... pero les pido... que nos permitan a él y a mí creer en ello si así lo queremos.
If it was me I'd get a little sleep once in a while myself and let him do some driving.
Yo que tú dormiría un poco y le dejaría conducir a él.
- Shall we do it now or let him linger?
- ¿ Lo hacemos ahora, o dejamos que siga?
I let him drown, and I'd do it again.
Deje que se ahogara, y lo volvería a hacer.
Clive, you can't let him do this. It's the same as murder!
Clive, usted no puede dejarlo hacer esto. ¡ Es lo mismo que un asesinato!
- Let me do it, if I'll talk with him, it'll cost less. Don't movr.
- Déjamelo, así saldrá más barato.
It's a scandal, the police won't do anything! Let's go and take care of him.
¡ Vamos a darle una lección!
Please let him alone. Can't you see he didn't do it?
Déjenlo en paz. ¿ No perciben que no fue él?
¿ Qué hacemos?
Don't let him know I had anything to do with it.
No le digas que he tenido algo que ver con esto.
Don't do anything rash. We'll talk it over. Here, let me talk to him.
No, no, no haga nada sin pensarlo, charlemos antes.
Well, we can tell him what the situation is now, but I think you'd better let me do it.
Bueno, ahora podemos explicarle la situación, pero creo que será mejor que lo haga yo.
- I asked him to let me do it, Captain.
Yo le pedí que me dejara hacerlo.
Do not be in a hurry to let him light upon it To look at it
" no te apresures a analizarlo.
Let but the commons hear this testament, which, pardon me, I do not mean to read, and they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, and dip their napkins in his sacred blood, yea, beg a hair of him for memory, and, dying, mention it within their wills,
Al oír este testamento, los hombres comunes... que, perdonadme, no voy a leer... irían a besar las heridas de César... y mojarían sus pañuelos en su sangre sagrada... pedirían un cabello suyo para recordarlo, al morir lo mencionarían en el testamento.
The thing to do is to let him make it, and then we can take appropriate measures.
Lo que hay que hacer es dejar que lo cometa y luego tomar las medidas apropiadas.
Don't let him do it.
¡ No se lo permita, profesor!
- I'm not gonna let him do it to you.
- No voy a dejar que te haga eso.
I could of put him away for something he didn't do. I let it pass.
Lo culparon de algo que no había hecho y lo dejé ir.
Still, they do let him say it on the radio, don't they?
Aún así, le dejan decirlo por la radio, ¿ No es cierto?
Do you mind if I let him take it?
¿ Le importa que lo lleve él?

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