Life is great traducir español
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My old friend, life is great
Viejo amigo, la vida es estupenda
- Life is great, isn't it?
Así es la vida, ¿ eh?
Life is great lt could be great, instead you only live once and life is short and not always good
Sería hermosa, pero solo se vive una vez, bastante poco y bastante mal.
It's just that, every year, my sister comes to town, and rubs my face into how great her life is.
Es sólo que, todos los años, mi hermana llega a la ciudad, y se frota la cara en cuán grande es su vida.
Your life is in great danger.
" Su vida corre un gran peligro.
My life is consecrated to a great experiment.
Mi vida está consagrada... a un gran experimento.
Even with her great appeal, the life of a traveling entertainer is never easy.
"A pesar de lo que se cree, la vida de los artistas ambulantes..." "... no es nada sencilla. "
The life of our dear Gaby Doriot is full of all those elements and signs of good luck, and great joy and beauty.
La vida de nuestra querida Gaby Doriot, si se me permite decirlo, está rodeada de todos los elementos y presagios de la fortuna, de una gran felicidad, belleza y gloria.
You don't know it, but this is a great moment in my life.
No lo sabes, pero éste es un gran momento de mi vida.
Well, I might say that there is someone at the wrong door or the great romance of my life.
Puede decirse que es alguien que se equivocó de puerta. O el gran romance de mi vida.
I have great hope for my beautiful life, Goddess, and that my father is sending me to Persia where I shall be a queen.
Tengo mucha esperanza para mi hermosa vida, Diosa... y que mi padre me envíe a Persia... donde seré reina.
I'm sure the committee wish you and Mrs. manson that is to be a great success with your new life. Thank you very much.
El comité le desea a Ud. y a la futura Sra. Manson un gran éxito en su nueva vida.
Ahh, you bet your life, this is a great place.
Apuesta lo que quieras, es un muy buen lugar.
And our great genius is awakened to another 60 years of useful life.
Y nuestro gran genio despertará a otros 60 años de vida útil.
This is a dangerous and illegal operation, but a chance to make a great scientific discovery, and perhaps save my friend's life.
Se trata de un procedimiento peligroso e ilegal... pero también constituye un gran desafío científico... y quizá salve la vida de mi amigo.
It's useless, having experience in life is a great thing!
Es inútil. Es bueno tener experiencia de la vida, créame.
So you've spent your life telling the other 47 states what a great country it is.
Así que se pasó su vida contándole al resto de los estados qué gran país es.
We germans don't mind a few discomforts now, because we know what's in store for us is a great future life.
Los alamanes podemos sufrir un poco, porque sabemos qué nos espera en la gran vida futura.
- This is a great moment of my life, and I'm not going to let it go by without taking advantage of it.
Es un momento importante para mí, y no lo desaprovecharé.
Further, it is at the desire of the present possessor of the property that he shall be immediately removed from his present sphere of life and from this place and brought up as befits a young gentleman of great expectations.
Y que es deseo del propietario de esos bienes que abandone de inmediato su vida actual y este lugar y sea educado como un joven caballero con grandes expectativas.
I wish I could make you understand that your life is in great danger.
Ojalá pudiera hacerle entender que su vida corre peligro.
Now, as is our custom in Barovia, whoever draws the long straw will have the great good fortune... of putting an end to the life of Michael Valentine.
Como es nuestra costumbre en Barovia... el que saque la paja más larga tendrá la suerte... de acabar con Michael Valentine.
It is a great wonder to me that Morris has come into my life.
Es maravilloso para mí que Morris halla entrado en mi vida.
The countess's life is in great danger.
La vida de la condesa está en serio peligro.
[Man # 2] Although no actual figures have been released... it is believed that the damage to the Fleet has been very great... and that the loss of life is staggering.
Aunque aún no sabemos cifras exactas... se cree que los daños sufridos por la flota son muy considerables... y el número de víctimas mortales es terrible.
In the life of every woman there is only one great love.
En la vida de cada mujer hay solamente un gran amor.
This life is one great distraction :
La vida es una distracción.
The homely, rustic scene is brought to life here with great sensitivity.
La escena acogedora y rústica cobra vida aquí con gran sensibilidad.
If you look at the context in which this statement appears... you will see that James is speaking to those... who make great assumptions as to the future... with never a thought of the contingency of life itself.
Si miran el contexto en que aparece esta afirmación... verán que Santiago se dirige a aquéllos... que especulan grandemente sobre el futuro... sin detenerse a pensar sobre la contingencia de la vida misma.
This is a great life. Was very successful...
Es una hermosa vida.
Johnny, I think you're a great book is your own life
Johnny, creo que tu gran libro es tu propia vida.
Rome has said she is ready to join your life to hers in a great future.
Roma quiere unir tu vida a la suya hacia un gran futuro.
It is necessary, in order to obtain what one wants in life, to show a little audacity, sometimes even great audacity, when one possesses neither beauty nor intelligence, nor the power which heaven has lavished upon you, my Lord.
Es necesario para obtener lo que uno quiere de la vida,... tener audacia e incluso mucha audacia,... cuando uno no posee ni hermosura ni inteligencia,... ni el poder con que el Cielo os ha dispensado, señor.
You can see them only when you're dead... or when your life is in great danger.
No. Se pueden ver sólo después de muerto... o cuando se está en peligro de muerte.
Everyone, what you are hearing, is one of the great wonders of life.
Lo que escuchan es una de las grandes maravillas de la naturaleza.
It means that the thief and the murderer are almost certainly the same and that he or she is in that house and that your life may be in great danger.
Significa que el ladrón y el asesino son casi seguramente el mismo que él o ella está en esa casa y que su vida puede correr un gran peligro.
He says peace is the great dream of his life.
Pero él dice que la paz es el gran sueño de su vida.
We all know it is a great ambition of your life to win the Gold Cup.
Todos sabemos que la gran ambición de su vida es ganar la Copa de Oro.
En primer lugar, debes impresionarla con el hecho que hasta que declare, su vida está en grave peligro.
Darling's life is a great big steaming mess.
La vida es un enorme y humeante desastre.
Life, which is a great lesson dispenser taught me that only work pays.
La vida, que le da a uno grandes lecciones, me enseñó que sólo el trabajo paga.
Why do I have to love a riverboat singer whose life is one great big roulette wheel?
¿ Por qué tengo que amar a un cantante de un barco cuya vida es una gran ruleta?
your life is in great danger.
Su vida está en grave peligro.
We live in a period which makes great demands upon us. Consequently, there is little time for what is commonly known as private life.
En esta época no hay tiempo para lo que se Ilama vida privada.
Master Yan has saved my life and this is a great opportunity to repay him
El maestro Yan me salvó la vida, esto es una gran oportunidad para recompensarle.
All Moscow's music life is under his domination, and Pyotr Ilyich and he are great friends.
Toda la vida musical de Moscú está bajo su dominio, y Pyotr Ilyich y él son muy amigos.
Your great error, my dear friend, is to consider life... reality as a limitation.
Tu gran error, mi querido amigo, es considerar la vida la realidad, una limitación.
The life of Chen Yi is of great concern to me.
La vida de Chen Yi me preocupa mucho.
Henry? In the great mouth of life, Henry Blake is but a temporary filling.
En la gran boca de la vida, Henry Blake es sólo un empaste temporal.
It sure is a great way to start a life.
QUé buena forma de empezar una vida.
If a yakuza commits a very great offense, or breaks his word to his oyabun, his boss an offense so great that it demands his life be taken then the only way that he can atone for his crime is by offering his finger as a symbol of repentance.
Si un yakuza comete una ofensa grave o rompe su palabra a su oyabun, su jefe una ofensa tan grave que exija que se quite la vida la única manera de reparar su crimen es ofrecer su dedo como símbolo de arrepentimiento.
life is but a dream 17
life is good 62
life is beautiful 34
life is short 124
life isn't fair 26
life is too short 32
life is full of surprises 25
life is complicated 17
life is hard 20
life is 34
life is good 62
life is beautiful 34
life is short 124
life isn't fair 26
life is too short 32
life is full of surprises 25
life is complicated 17
life is hard 20
life is 34
is great 27
great 25235
great minds think alike 42
great job 528
great stuff 65
great to see you again 26
great to meet you 111
great to see you 248
great scott 63
great work 234
great 25235
great minds think alike 42
great job 528
great stuff 65
great to see you again 26
great to meet you 111
great to see you 248
great scott 63
great work 234
great shot 34
great idea 483
great news 351
great party 136
great meeting you 24
great song 31
great guy 76
great minds 35
great seeing you 38
great place 25
great idea 483
great news 351
great party 136
great meeting you 24
great song 31
great guy 76
great minds 35
great seeing you 38
great place 25
great day 31
great job today 19
great man 24
great game 51
great speech 37
great show 88
great khan 37
great king 30
great talk 24
great plan 56
great job today 19
great man 24
great game 51
great speech 37
great show 88
great khan 37
great king 30
great talk 24
great plan 56