Like them traducir español
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So, instead of using my ugly cow fans as pawns in a cynical ploy to bolster my popularity on social media, by making it seem like I actually like them, I am gonna use this Chanel-O-Ween to send my throngs of homely, rural well-wishers gifts that are so shocking and vile, there's no way they'll miss the fact that I actively hate them and spend every day of my life
Así que, en lugar de utilizar a las vacas feas fanáticas para reforzar mi popularidad en las redes sociales, haciendo parecer como si realmente me agradaran, usaré este Chanel-O-Ween para enviar a la multitud de acogedores y rurales bienquerientes regalos, que son tan impactantes y viles,
Yeah, but we like them.
Sí, pero nos gustan.
Wynonna is what we made her... if we do that, then well, yeah, we'll be just like them.
Si matamos a uno de los nuestros... y no tengan ninguna duda al respecto... nosotros creamos a Wynonna. Si hacemos eso, entonces... bueno, pues seremos como ellos.
Yeah, we like them coming in completely blind.
Sí, nos gusta venir en completamente ciego.
I know you don't like them, but they're there to protect people like Courtney's mother.
Sé que no te gustan pero están para proteger personas la Sra. Courtney. Lo arruiné, está bien, pero... al menos tenemos comenzado un poco el proceso. Lo sé.
Like, they gotta forget this election, stop Trump and then that'll save them, because it's like, even if you don't like them, you'd have to admire them for that. - That's not the point, guys.
Como, que tienen que olvidarse de esta elección, pararlo a Trump y después ellos se salvarán, porque es como que, incluso si no me gustan, tendría que admirarlos por ello.
A suspected Triad front. Does she know that we like them for two attempts on Alan's life?
Es de la Triada. ¿ Sabe que sospechamos que intentaron matar a Alan?
Documents that look like them are displayed in D.C.
Los documentos que se parecen a ellos se muestran en DC
You like them? Oh. Why are we hiding them in the bedroom?
¿ Te gustan? ¿ Por qué las escondemos en el dormitorio?
I'd like them to join us.
Me gustaría que se nos unieran.
I think you're really gonna like them.
Creo que te van a gustar de verdad.
Which made us wonder if someone was trying to make them look like drunks who couldn't notice oncoming vehicles.
Lo cual nos hizo preguntarnos si alguien estaba intentando hacer que ellos parecieran borrachos, así no se darían cuenta de que estaban en los vehículos.
trying to avoid becoming... just like them.
que no hay manera de que no vean el hecho que les odio activamente y paso todos los días de mi vida tratando de evitar convertirme en...
And doesn't she like to share them?
¿ Y vaya si no le gusta compartirlas?
Paul's invited so many, I don't want to call them big deals, but they're all, like, 4.7 or above.
Paul ha invitado a un montón de, no quiero decir peces gordos, pero todos están por encima del 4,7.
It's not like you could get them on your own. Let's not kid ourselves.
No puedes conseguirlos por tu cuenta, no nos engañemos.
When you see them with the kerchief on their head, you're like, oh, God, that looks bad.
Cuando los ves con el pañuelo en la cabeza, es como que, oh, Dios, se ve mal.
The guy at the store said these taste just like much more expensive wines, and a few hundred dollars could buy a lot of them.
El tipo en la tienda dijo que estos saben igual que muchos vinos caros, y unos cientos de dólares podrían comprar bastante.
I'd like to give them a call. Look at her teeth.
De hecho, si encuentran quien le hizo el relleno de labios, me gustaría llamarlo.
So maybe you'd like to make a call and offer them all some words of comfort.
Así que quizás le gustaría hacer unas llamada y ofrecerles unas palabras de consuelo.
Yeah, except what if my mom, like, wakes up one morning and decides that she wants to take off with this little girl, and then Jim and Linda don't have the parental rights that they need to go after them?
Sí, excepto que ¿ Sí mi mamá se despierta una mañana y decide que quiere irse con la pequeña y entonces, Jim y Linda no tienen la patria protestad que necesitan para ir tras ellas?
Where would you like me to put them?
¿ Dónde le gustaría que las ponga?
And maybe putting our efforts into making the world easier for blind people to navigate and be independent in is at least as valid as trying to fix them and be like us.
Quizás esforzarnos en hacer el mundo más fácil e independizar a los ciegos, es tan válido como intentar hacerlos como nosotros.
We told them the answer because, honestly, every team here, we're really friends with and we haven't really been in that, like, do-or-die situation, so I think we are just giving, like, little clues just to kind of keep us all in the front.
Les dijimos la respuesta porque, sinceramente, con todos estos equipos, somos amigos y no estamos en una situación de vida o muerte, así que dándoles pequeñas pistas nos mantendrá al frente.
It's got, like, the country's flag there. And I was able to match up five or six of them.
Salen las banderas de los países y he podido encontrar 5 o 6 de ellas.
Like "boss lady" one of them.
Como "la chica jefa" de ellas.
I shall prove to them that, truly, Hell hath no fury like this woman scorned.
Debo demostrarles que, realmente, el Infierno no tiene la furia de esta mujer menospreciada.
But I'm getting a little sick and tired of people acting like Mike Ross screwed them over.
Pero me estoy cansando un poco de que la gente actúe como si Mike Ross los jodió.
They do whenever they stay with their mom, but, uh, when I have them, I like to drive them.
Sí, cuando están con su mamá. Cuando están conmigo me gusta traerlos, nos da un rato muy bueno en la mañana.
You know, like... oh! We could collect all our old kitchen sponges, so don't throw them away.
Podemos reunir las viejas esponjas de cocina.
But it's great and we have so much fun and the camaraderie of the cast feels a lot like the camaraderie we had over on the other show, and both of them were very lovely experiences.
Pero es genial y nos divertimos mucho y la familiaridad del cast se siente mucho como la familiaridad que teníamos en otras series, y ambas fueron experiencias muy bonitas.
They did literally just get married, so let's try to be happy for them for like five minutes.
Se acaban de casar, literalmente, así que intentemos ser felices por ellos durante cinco minutos.
Like, what are they doing down there? I mean, if one of them was carrying the bomb that exploded, that would mean...
Digo, si uno de ellos llevaba... la bomba que explotó, eso significaría...
First, please don't turn us into the authorities like you promised. I mean, all that will do is make them ask questions about where Denise Hemphill is.
En primer lugar, por favor no nos entregue a las autoridades... todo lo que va a lograr es que hagan preguntas sobre donde está Denise Hemphill.
Win them one by one... just like we did in Pittsburgh in 2010.
Ganarlos uno por uno... como lo hicimos en Pittsburgh el 2010.
It's how he hung them like marionettes.
Es la forma en que las colgó como marionetas.
But i don't want them to start like that.
Pero yo no los quiero para iniciar el estilo,
But that's my heart-dotted "I" and eyeballs on the S's to make them look like scary snakes.
Pero ese es mi corazón sobre la "i" y los ojos en las "s" para hacerlas parecer serpientes que dan miedo.
Looks like Peng had them clear everything out.
Parece que Peng hizo limpiar todo el lugar.
There's like 35 of them.
Hay como treinta y cinco.
Sounds like either one of them could be guilty... or innocent.
Parece que ninguno de ellos podría ser culpable... o inocente.
It's almost like their narcissism and stupidity create some kind of a force field around them.
Es casi como que su narcisismo y estupidez creo algún tipo de campo de fuerza alrededor de ellas.
Must have time-scattered himself like the rest of them.
Tal vez se dispersó a sí mismo por el tiempo, como el resto de ellos.
I like how it... it encourages the chickens to stay inside but doesn't force them.
Me gusta cómo anima a los pollos a permanecer dentro pero no los fuerza.
I have to treat every single clue like it's the one that's gonna lead us to them.
Tengo que tratar cada pista como si fuese la que nos va a llevar a ellos.
Oh, well, hey, élodie, if you're gonna be like that, maybe we need to look into your unpaid parking tickets, run them through the system...
Bueno, Élodie, si te pones así... quizás deba buscar tus multas impagas y enviarlas al sistema...
A gay couple does not have the force of law behind them like my parents did.
A una pareja gay no la respalda la ley como a mis padres.
You watch them like this often?
¿ Sueles vigilarlos así a menudo?
The one that parents have with their black sons to prepare them to be treated like criminals.
La que los padres tienen con sus hijos de color para prepararlos para ser tratados como delincuentes.
Plus next time i see them I'd like to address them by their first names.
Además, la próxima vez que los vea me gustaría llamarlos por su nombre.
Like all of them.
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like an angel 29
like your dad 19
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like i care 29
like always 190
like a cat 27
like you 1448
like an angel 29
like your dad 19
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like i care 29
like always 190
like a cat 27
like you 1448
like hell 158
like you said 759
like us 230
like yours 81
like father 112
like it or not 353
like your mother 32
like you used to 18
like the sun 18
like you do 64
like you said 759
like us 230
like yours 81
like father 112
like it or not 353
like your mother 32
like you used to 18
like the sun 18
like you do 64