Look at these traducir español
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It's interesting as you look at these designs on the plains of Nazca, some of them have very, very interesting relationships to the skies overhead.
Es interesante que al mirar estos diseños en la planicie de Nazca, algunos de ellos tienen muy, muy interesantes relaciones con los cielos sobre nuestra cabeza.
Look at these cute kitties!
¡ Mira a estos lindos gatitos!
Look at these comments
Mira estos comentarios.
Look at these ladies
Miren a estas damitas.
Look at these bastards
Miren a estos bastardos.
Miren estas paredes.
Look at these white assholes.
Mira esos blancos de mierda.
"look at these young heroes who inaugurated a new era"
- "Mira a esos jóvenes héroes que inauguraron una nueva era"
I could have gone around to look at these places with you.
Yo podría haber estado aquí para ver estos apartamentos contigo.
And Mrs. Watson, you can't possibly deny that this is your child... because as you can see, he has a lot of Sands blood in him... look at these ears.
Y la señora Watson, no se puede, posiblemente, negar que este es su hijo... ya que como se puede ver, tiene una gran cantidad de Sands sangre en él... mirar a estos oídos.
I mean, look at these photos from the crime scene.
Es decir, mira estas fotos de la escena del crimen.
Look at these columns.
Fíjate en estas columnas.
Take a look at these.
Échale un vistazo a estos.
Look at these two.
Mira estos dos.
You be sure and tell Wilfred he can come over here any time he wants and take a look at these.
Asegúrate de decirle a Wilfred que puede venir aquí - cuando quiera para verlas.
- Holy Smurf, look at these berries.
- Santo Pitufo, mira estas bayas.
You look at these guys today, they're the same mindset of the guys that were flying the P-51 Mustangs and Corsairs. It's that seat-of-the-pants, "tell me how to start the thing and I'll figure out the rest."
Miras a estos tipos hoy, y ellos tienen la misma actitud que los que volaban los B51 Mustang en la guerra "dime como se arranca esta cosa y yo voy descubriendo el resto"
- Take a look at these pictures.
- Mira estas fotos.
Now, you want this case, you grow up, and you look at these pictures side by side.
Quiere este caso, madure, y mire estas fotos de lado a lado.
Look at these, these are data cards from eye witness video cameras.
Mira estas, son tarjetas de datos de las cámaras de video de los testigos oculares.
I want you to look at these women.
Quiero que mires a estas mujeres.
So, why don't you have a look at these... on your way out.
¿ Por qué no le echas un vistazo a esto... cuando te vayas?
Look at these.
Miren éstos.
Tewksbury, Haywards Heath, Doncaster, they've all been hit, and whenever we look at these pictures, you can always see lots of marooned cars.
Tewksbury, Haywards Heath, Doncaster, todos ellos han sido golpeados, y cada vez que nos fijamos en estas fotos, siempre se puede ver un montón de coches abandonados.
Look at these!
¡ Mira!
Look at these chemicals.
Mira todos esos químicos.
Take a look at these, Ally's tweets.
Echa un vistazo a estos, son tuits de Ally.
Look at these fat guys laughing.
Miren todos estos gordos riéndose.
Similar to Nazca, what we have with these earth mounds is that they're put into easily recognizable symbols, but unless you're looking at them from some altitude, they don't look like anything.
Similares a los de Nazca, lo que tenemos con estos montículos de tierra es que están colocados como símbolos fácilmente reconocibles, pero a menos que se vean desde cierta altura, no parecen nada.
Look at all these photos on the wall. You take a picture of the goddess?
Mira todas esas fotos de la pared. ¿ Hiciste una foto de la diosa?
Well, I probably won't, but I got into these colleges and I want to take a look at them.
Bueno, probablemente no lo haré, pero me han aceptado en esas universidades y quiero verlas.
I want to see him, but, frankly, I thought I'd look like a loser if I just was sitting at home, taking in whatever profit I got out of the furniture business, - which relies on Anne a lot these days. - Mmm.
Quiero verlo, pero, francamente, pensé que me vería como un perdedor si simplemente me quedara en casa, cogiendo los beneficios del negocio de muebles, el cual depende bastante de Anne últimamente.
One of these days, They'll be able to look back At "the voice"
Uno de estos días, serán capaces de mirar en retrospectiva a "La Voz"
Look at all these ugly shoes!
¡ Mira todos esos zapatos tan feos!
Carson : Let's look at how these artists got here.
Vamos a ver cómo estos artistas llegaron.
Mira a todos estos temas.
'These two are pulling away from the field, but look at this!
Estos dos se están alejando del pelotón, ¡ pero mira eso!
I wasn't sure at first, but these look pretty cool.
No estaba seguro al principio, pero parece bastante bueno.
At the orphanage, when I would go to fetch water, I would always look for these.
En el orfanato, cuando iba a buscar agua, siempre las buscaba.
At the orphanage, I would always look for these.
En el orfanato, siempre las buscaba.
We can look at their rules and components at any given critical moment but we can also see how these rules change through time
Podemos ver sus reglas y componentes en cualquier momento crítico dado... pero también podemos ver cómo esas reglas cambian a través del tiempo.
Okay, but that's usually, " look at all these people.
Vale, pero normalmente es " mira toda esa gente.
Look at all these out-of-state license plates.
Miren todas esas matrículas de otros estados
God, it must be tough to look at all these fresh, untouched stuffed animals now that your sex drive's gone.
Dios, debe de ser duro mirar estos animales nuevos e intactos ahora que ya no tienes deseo sexual.
Look at all these cards.
Mira todas estas tarjetas.
Look at all these old magazines.
Miren todas estas viejas revistas.
Look at all these old clothes.
Mira toda esta vieja ropa.
Look at all these maniacs.
Mira a todos estos chalados.
Wow, look at all these complaints about Judge Harper.
Guau, mira todas estas quejas sobre la Jueza Harper.
Look at'em. What you doing trying to accomplish what these guys tried to accomplish if you're not willing to endure the misery and pain these guys endured?
Míralos. ¿ De qué vale intentar lo que ellos intentaron si no estás dispuesto a soportar la miseria y el dolor que ellos soportaron?
Look at these linear abrasions on his wrists.
Mirad estas abrasiones lineales en sus muñecas.
look at these guys 41
look at these people 32
look at these two 20
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at these people 32
look at these two 20
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at yourself 268
look at your face 75
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at them 596
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at this picture 28
look at you go 18
look at this view 22
look at your face 75
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at them 596
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at this picture 28
look at you go 18
look at this view 22